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Hi Interpidangel,

Good question. Yes - we will be showing not just masks, but everything.....BCDs, Fins, Books, Courses etc

And we will show the cheapest to the most expensive - with reviews

You dont get the full effect as we only have data from ONE retailer up at the minute (hence nothing to compare against) but by time we have finished we hope to have hundreds of retailers - with products listed from cheapest to most expensive....

i.e. if you searched for Typhoon Fins you would see a list ordered by cheapest Typhoon fins to the most expensive - you then choose which retailer you want to purchase from, click visit store and you are taken directly to that item

Was looking for feedback on the concept and the look/feel for now

Hope this helps
Divespace | Scuba Price Comparison

Great. I would welcome a good listing of price comparisons.There are some already on the web but I found I could do better than the lowest quotes by a little more homework. Good luck on the project and I will be looking forward to it.
Are your prices in english pounds :confused:
If so they are pretty high.:14:
Are your prices in english pounds :confused:
If so they are pretty high.:14:

LOL!! prices WERE in dollars......we had an issue with how best to display different currencies from different countries (mostly UK and US) but have almost ironed this out products should now be displaying their appropriate currency....

We may split countries up (ie search UK or search US) but as most companies cna ship anywhere in the world these days we have decided to hold bak until we can come up with something better

We have also improved the search so its a lot more accurate when searching for generic items (like "fins" or, heaven forbid, "flippers" haha)

We now have just under 10,000 items from over 220 manufacturers so please feel free to check us out

Feedback welcome, good or bad


Divespace | Scuba Price Comparison | Scuba Equipment Search
You Sound Like A Commercial ...

I have a great idea ... just get all the retailers to sell for 10% over true cost only at your site ... Then everyone wins ... you with the money you make for the hook up ... them for moving ALOT of equipment ... the public for the savings ... Does that sound really cool? Of course it does!

Remember to say hi to Dorothy and the guys for us. We sure miss her in Kansas!
You Sound Like A Commercial ...

I have a great idea ... just get all the retailers to sell for 10% over true cost only at your site ... Then everyone wins ... you with the money you make for the hook up ... them for moving ALOT of equipment ... the public for the savings ... Does that sound really cool? Of course it does!

Remember to say hi to Dorothy and the guys for us. We sure miss her in Kansas!

No idea who Dorothy is?? Mistaken identity maybe....

Anyways - thanks for your thoughts - its an interesting point you make

All we do is help users quickly find products on 3rd party sites - like a search engine, and compare prices when a product is found on more than one of those sites

we are not responsible for pricing on 3rd party websites

nor do we sell our own products

I take on board what you say though and appreciate your comments and are constantly trying to improve what we do

The site doesnt cost our users anything to use - and if they can find things cheaper else where then great - we are all looking for good deals are we not??

even us

I really like the idea, I would, for lack of better terms, borrow a tip from amazon. you have the comparison of the different retailers with reviews(customer) if possible, since all supplier reviews will probably be biased to their shop/store etc. then you say, oh and BTW, you can get that same mask used for this price. click this link to review this mask used. I guess that is pretty much what paco said, but with an idea how to implement it. I would love a site to compare different retailers and online sites. since I am looking for gear right now, it would save a ton of time and effort.
Bob was making a "Wizard of Oz" reference. It might have been a bit clearer if he'd added, "And Toto, too!"

A price comparison site can be quite handy, particularly for those who do most of their buying online, either because of budget issues, or else the lack of a good dive shop in their local area.

Myself, if I have the choice of paying a bit more to buy from a local shop, versus saving a few bucks buying online, I'll throw my money towards the local folks. I've dealt with this on bicycle rides; sure, I can save money buying from the big discount supplier's webpage, but if it's the night before the "Big Ride" and I discover that I need a part for the bike BEFORE the ride, then I'm out of luck if my local shop went out of business because everyone bought from the discount supply house several states away.

I imagine I'll feel the same way once we start diving. If I discover the day before we leave for a dive trip that I need a new mask, for instance, then I want the LDS to still be in business so I can get one tonight, rather than ordering from an internet supply house and having to wait several days for it to be shipped.

I'm a staunch proponent of supporting your local businesses, so that they'll be around to support you when you need them.

You know, it's going to take me a little while to get used to typing "LDS" without thinking of my Mormon relatives...
You have to make money some way ...

Either by listing equipment manufactures on your site, the number of hits ... etc.
There are a few sights I've run across on the net that try the same thing ... I hope you do better than they have. To be a valuable site you need to have all brand names and the less know also. Keep in mind in America we are more brand loyal when it comes to dropping down money on products. Example we might have heard of let's say XS Scuba but never IDI. So I believe the money is going to who's ever selling the more know brand.

To make your site a really good one you have alot of work ahead. I offer you the best of luck!

Ohh, by the way Dorothy and friends Tin Man, The Lion, The Scare Crow and Toto! Wizard of Oz. Sarcastic, sorry but you didn't give enough info in your first post ... Remember, buyer beware? After looking at your pricing you set to look at your pricing was really high ... you have to do better to work here, and get your retailers to lower their prices.

I trained and met alot of already trained Assuies when they were employed by McDonald Douglas and joined their Scuba Club along with a few others from other countries. They all was amazed at how low our pricing was on Scuba Equipment. It was still a deal buying all new equipment for them and friends equipment here then shipping it home, and still saved a bunch. So that maybe that insight might help to put you in the know.

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