How does someone run out of air???

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"How does someone run out of air?"---uh---their tank goes empty?

I run out of air once on a drift in south Florida. My wife and I were teamed with some photog guy with a macro lens--gag! I had the stupid buoy and he kept stopping to photograph some kind of crap which meant I had to hang in the current with a buoy dragging against me constantly. We were at 90 to 110 feet or so, my wife was above me at about 80ish. One minute I had air, the next I had none. It was before all of the octo/secondary junk. I looked at my wife and she noticed I was out of air, she started toward me and I met her, took a few breaths as we continued up and then I parted with her and continued on to the surface in a free ascent, no big deal. She and the Captain raised a fuss, I was not impressed with the photog.

I run out of air once on a drift in south Florida. My wife and I were teamed with some photog guy with a macro lens--gag! I had the stupid buoy and he kept stopping to photograph some kind of crap which meant I had to hang in the current with a buoy dragging against me constantly. We were at 90 to 110 feet or so, my wife was above me at about 80ish. One minute I had air, the next I had none. It was before all of the octo/secondary junk. I looked at my wife and she noticed I was out of air, she started toward me and I met her, took a few breaths as we continued up and then I parted with her and continued on to the surface in a free ascent, no big deal. She and the Captain raised a fuss, I was not impressed with the photog.


I am confused... How was it the photographer's fault you ran out of air?
so, if they add an integrated air computer display to the camera LCD, we may prevent some of these OOAs? :)
The little LCD screen on the back of their camera is another thing they may be looking at that can be very distracting if not careful.

You might be on to something... a camera that will also receive and display the data from your wireless transmitter... it has potential.


I am confused... How was it the photographer's fault you ran out of air?

That is easy, he was told to move with the current and we were all told to stay in the groups we were assigned, I had the buoy for our group (lucky me, oh joy). He was unreasonable to expect me to be able to swim up current to hang with him against a RIPPING current while dragging a large buoy and some 200 feet of rope. My deliberate attempt, per my instructions from the captain, to stay together, resulted in my consuming copious amounts of air as I worked hard to hold with him while he dilly dallied. You see, that was way back when I was a good little boy and cared that he might be lost if I left him, now, trust me, I would have left him to his own devices after warning one. It is a big ocean on a drift, if you are not with the flag when you surface--oh well--adios sucker, you are a grown up and you were told.

Um ... don't believe everything you read on the Internet (especially in someone's profile). From the context of his posts, I suspect that ZKY has been diving for many years and has logged way more than 200 dives ... some in conditions that would make most of the folks reading this thread scream like a little girl ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

And why would an experienced diver pretend to not have any dives?? And further confuse the readers of his post by adding a glaringly clueless statement such as "a pinhole in the tank?" I'm sorry, but I find this confusing at best and trolling at worst, because I'm obviously wasting my time....

If I'm missing something or about to go senile, please tell me.
And why would an experienced diver pretend to not have any dives?? And further confuse the readers of his post by adding a glaringly clueless statement such as "a pinhole in the tank?" I'm sorry, but I find this confusing at best and trolling at worst, because I'm obviously wasting my time....

If I'm missing something or about to go senile, please tell me.

It's the internet. Most people don't care if you waste your time. Have a nice day.
so, if they add an integrated air computer display to the camera LCD, we may prevent some of these OOAs? :)

I think computers should come with a shock collar instead of a beeper. :D

There are loads of people here on SB that say "None - Not Certified" and are actually certified divers.....maybe not divers with thousands of dives bet even that would not be a stretch IMO.

Posted via Mobile Device

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