TSA Stupidity

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Nemrod, I'm just glad Richard Reed (The Shoe Bomber) hid his bomb in his shoe and not up his ass.

There are so man other bigger/better/larger places to hide explosives than your shoes.....

yet because of this one person, TSA is now "show paranoid" and makes everyone take off their shoes....

If someone really wanted to blow up a plane, they could easily sneak in enough explosives in a wheel chair or baby stroller to blow a nice hole in it. much more than a shoe. (but they don't make people get out of chairs/strollers and never search them hardly). But yet they focus on shoes like crazy.... :shakehead:
If everybody would write their congressman it might helps some. Frankly, I wish we could go back to pre-911. All of this security is a placebo. Nobody will ever hijack an airplane again because if they try it every guy on the airplane is going to open up a can of woop arse on the idiot. There is simply no way to beat technology, if we have to take our shoes off then what happens when some guy tries exploding eye glasses or makes his underwear waste band out of zipcord? What if he they swallow the device. There are chemicals which when swallowed could turn the human body into a fireball, take the pill before flight, have an acid reactive casing which will dissolve releasing the explosive agent into the stomach, kaboom! Some people actually went to college and have degrees in chemistry and physics and certainly can fabricate all manner of dangerous devices from common materials including the body. In a few more years expect genetic modified organisms and low end nuke stuff to become common technology much like flipping a light switch. We would do all of ourselves a favor if instead of making us strip down we would just profile the bad guys. I am sick of that Patriot Act BS also.

No Nimrod, I did not misunderstand "There are chemicals which when swallowed could turn the human body into a fireball, take the pill before flight, have an acid reactive casing which will dissolve releasing the explosive agent into the stomach, kaboom" This is BS - pure and simple. Have an intelligent discussion without embellishing it with made up BS!
No Nimrod, I did not misunderstand "There are chemicals which when swallowed could turn the human body into a fireball, take the pill before flight, have an acid reactive casing which will dissolve releasing the explosive agent into the stomach, kaboom" This is BS - pure and simple. Have an intelligent discussion without embellishing it with made up BS!

If someone makes a bomb out of poop... they'll lock all of the bathrooms on airplanes and we'll all have to hold it for the entire flight! :shocked2:
Deleted by me because such discussions are inappropriate and cannot be done without giving away to much.

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There are chemicals which when swallowed could turn the human body into a fireball, take the pill before flight, have an acid reactive casing which will dissolve releasing the explosive agent into the stomach, kaboom!

So that's where all those stories of spontaneous combustion came from!
Yeah, SHC, that is always fun, as seen on TV.

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Wow...bomb making tips on Scubaboard! Whoda thunk it:popcorn: :rofl3:

Anyway....Again...my problem with the TSA is that the people that are running the show at the airports are not the RIGHT people to be doing this job! Given the task at hand, and if this is SUCH an important precaution to prevent any more "incidents" they need people that are extensively trained in law enforcement and anti-terrorism prevention, not Joe off the street "Hey, you want a job? It pays $2.00 more than minimum wage" types! To me this looks like (as someone else said) "theater" to give people that don't have enough synapses running through their brain satisfaction that they are "doing something" about the war on terrorism and making our flights safer! BAH!

I KNOW that the person in question has 2 minutes to decide if the jerk with the weird crap in his carry-on is a terrorist or not, but I'd be more relieved to know that the call being made is an EDUCATED call and not a good ball park guess!

Keep wrestling little old ladies and little kids to the ground, adding a few extra days to my vacation to drive there is fine with me and better for MY peace of mind!

I avoid flying like the plague anymore!
If someone really wanted to blow up a plane, they could easily sneak in enough explosives in a wheel chair or baby stroller to blow a nice hole in it. much more than a shoe. (but they don't make people get out of chairs/strollers and never search them hardly). But yet they focus on shoes like crazy.... :shakehead:

Here's a clue -- people who are doing contract work on the tarmac and external areas of the airports do not go through extensive security checks, background checks, x-rays, etc. Neither do those making deliveries or performing services for the stores in the terminals.

Someone with the patience and desire to obtain access and exploit it will do so.
Am flying to Telluride tomorrow and you guys have my palms sweating already. Not looking forward to social claustrophobia and being treated like cattle for 12 hours. Will try to think about being under water when I am crammed into the aluminum tube.

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