PADI Master Scuba Diver requirements...can one of my specialties be SSI?

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I am not against training. I am against giving PADI unnecessary money for BS training and go about wave a card that has zero meaning.

I'd rather spend that money on a cool dive watch that would surely pick up chicks and impress dudes.:D Or learning how to safely do deco/multigas dives. Maybe a real wreck penetration dive class instead of what passes for PADI wreck diving training.

Ahhhh how disheartening to realize a beloved hobby and recreation has devolved into an 'industry'...
Since it's all about gaining knowledge and experience, I suggest you look into the NAUI master diver course or at least buy and read the book. The NAUI course is not like PADI where you show them the 5 specialty cards and they make you a master diver

The NAUI master diver course is similar to the knowledge of the divemaster course minus the Leadership skills necessary to become a divemaster

I already had my padi master diver card when I found out about the NAUI master diver course and found the training and gained to be very valuable, in fact it motivated me to become an instructor

The trick to enjoying diving is to continue your education an never allow yourself to think you know everything, I've been diving for over 20 years and still learn something from every dive I make

Enjoy and be safe, after all, diving should be Fun
Well I guess it's not a "goal" per say, but with the specialty classes I wanted to take I was approaching what would be close to a master diver rating. It does not mean ANYTHING to me, and I'm not doing it to impress "chicks" either. I only would take a specialty if I thought it would be of use to me in the future, like drysuit, wreck, photo, nitrox, etc. But if PADI won't see another cert that I spent time and money on to get and see it as a specialty, AND from what you all are telling me about how the master diver cert is a bit of a sham, I won't even worry about it.

I've always been a bit more of a vacation diver, I'd rather rake up memories from trips I've taken.

Thanks all!

T-minus 101 days until my depature for Papua New Guinea on the Peter Hughes Star Dancer! - (now how's that for having my priorities straight??)
The PADI Master Diver rating does not signify you having mastered anything but spending money on PADI classes, which some might consider unnecessary...

I will agree. PADI= Put Another Dollar In:popcorn:
PADI= Put Another Dollar In

This is old. This is tired. This is not clever. This adds nothing of value to the discussion. This is, in my opinion, bashing. This has no place in these forums. If you don't like something about PADI and want to talk about it, tell us what you don't like and why. Don't resort to name calling.
This is old. This is tired. This is not clever. This adds nothing of value to the discussion. This is, in my opinion, bashing. This has no place in these forums. If you don't like something about PADI and want to talk about it, tell us what you don't like and why. Don't resort to name calling.

I'm PADI-trained. I think that I can resort to name calling a bit.
I'm PADI-trained. I think that I can resort to name calling a bit.

And you're a better person for it, too. Right?

For me I started diving one day on a Caribbean Island after my friend said,' Wanna Try?'. I did about 20-30 under 40fsw dives with him over 2 years. Then I found out you need a 'card' to dive in other destinations. I am serious, you have no idea how ignorant I was about this sport just 7 years ago. I had never talked to anyone about diving prior. I had never even read anything about the sport as far a learning the sport was concerned. All I had ever done as far as knowing anything about diving was watch Jacque Cousteau.
When I got home from St Lucia Dec. 04 I read an add in the paper about 'Dive Certification', it was a special for Jan 05. I bought the deal. It was with SSI. I still had not heard of PADI. I did not know of PADI until the classes started. Well I sailed through the class with typical fears. I received a referral for getting my OW cert. done on Cozumel that spring. This is where the switch happened.
I set up my dives with a dive outfit that seemed great via the internet site they have. I did not even know there where dive forums then, let alone Scubaboard. What is funny is I read their clients remarks on their site and figured that was good enough. I love that.
Well when the instructor came to our condo to do the paperwork he was very surprised that I had been classed with SSI and not PADI. He said that's ok we will fix that tommorow. And he did. We went to Villa Blanca and he went throught the entire PADI lineup that he would have taught. I to this day am amazed he spent that much time with me. We have since dove alot together and he works for another dive outfit on the island. His skills that he imparted to me are something I cherish as a diver/student. His love for the craft and his love for the sea are far more valuable than any class time I have had.
Since my certification, my journey through PADI has been good for me. You see I had no friends that dove then. Where the heck was I going to learn how to dive in the middle of a desert except in a pool. So that's what I did. I did not know how to go about it any other way. As I gained one more card my zeal for diving grew also. As I received the plastic, my safety in diving gained also. Yes even during my underwater photograghy card training it helped me with my bouyancy and give me more understanding of reefs. What is wild for me is my friend list grew also. I entered a whole new ball game of people. I had never had discussion with people about items I was about to buy like the people I was meeting now. I started diving cold water also. With this more cards.
I never thought these cards where a badge of honor. I felt they where confidence marks for me. As my confidence grew I looked for ways to learn more. I found them. But you see unless you are surrounded by water it is difficult to grow in the sport. Usually there are few choices who you get to hang with. It's like going to an AA meeting, likely not to hang with these people outside the pool/lake. Then I found out several needed to be at AA. hahaha. I envy those that grew up near oceans and have been diving like I have been skiing. Forever.
So the journey that PADI provided has been great. As I have learned that there could have been other avenues I have not regretted my path with this organization. I am heading into the technical areas of diving and PADI could help there but I have chosen TDI/SDI for this phase of learning. I have been creeping all the tech sites on the net. (cause I know they're there now). I have been reading tons of magazines on tech stuff.
SOOOOOO, I'm getting out of wind, thanks to my friend Javier for switching me, thanks to PADI for having these sections of learning that are not overly hard to fit into my busy life. I look forward to diving for the rest of my healthy life. I dont care how PADI got to where they are. There are flaws in every one of the teaching organizations as I have come to see them. But because of very cool divers that help the students through the jitters of early diving, the sport grows. I hope I help the sport grow. kev
Notes that the PADI Wreck Speciality does include some light penetration at the option of the instructor. If you don't like what you get from a course blame your instructor not the agency.
Notes that the PADI Wreck Speciality does include some light penetration at the option of the instructor. If you don't like what you get from a course blame your instructor not the agency.

I always tell any instructor I'm thinking about taking a course from exactly what I hope to get out of the course. When I take the wreck diver course, I will tell the instructor exactly what I need to work on - buoyancy control through tight passage ways, reels and lines, working in limited to zero viz, etc.

Rescue diver is definitely a course I could learn something from, it seems to cement your place as a leader and someone the boat crew could turn to in the case of an emergency.

There are other certs I'd like to have but would never have a chance to use, like mixed gas deep diver, or ice diver. I have thought about going for my divemaster cert, but being a family man now I'd really rather use my yearly 1 week kitchen pass for a dive trip rather than make diving my job. I'm afraid I wouldn't like it as much.

Do any of you divemasters/instructors/dive shop owners or workers out there feel like when you made diving your job you didn't enjoy it as much???

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