How to embed youtube videos

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Raleigh, NC
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500 - 999
OK, I am stupid, I have tried copying and pasting the embed link. I have never had probs with pictures, but cannot seem to figure out the videos??

This is my youtube video (slide show) I have been trying to embed.

YouTube - Bonaire 2009a
Ok, it works on this site, but not another site I was one.
type in klwDkDajfIk between the [ yt ] [ /yt ] (without spaces) with everything after the = sign inbetween

OK, I am stupid, I have tried copying and pasting the embed link. I have never had probs with pictures, but cannot seem to figure out the videos??

This is my youtube video (slide show) I have been trying to embed.

YouTube - Bonaire 2009a

Your youtube URL is:

Take the part that is in bold above (everything after the "?v=" part), which is the video ID, and enclose it in {yt}{/yt} tags, but use square brackets instead of curly brackets.

So it should look like {yt}klwDkDajfIk{/yt}, and the result is:

You can make it bigger with {youtubehq}{/youtubehq} tags:


If you have high definition youtube videos, you use {youtubehd}{/youtubehd} instead.
Ok, it works on this site, but not another site I was one.

Unless a forum allows you to use straight HTML (very few do), youtube embedding must be supported on the server. So the other site has to implement it and expose the yt (or equivalent) forum tags for you to use it. Check with the other site's admins to see if they support it, or if they use a different tag.
Does anyone know how to do the same thing for files? Or does scubaboard only support youtube?

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It would really help with questions of this nature if people would post what software and computers they were working with. Kind of difficult to teach someone if you are on one NLE and someone else is on another.

I'm not sure I understand. It's just bbcode tagging, shouldn't matter if you're running Opera on a Hackintosh or Lynx on VMS...

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