200' on air for 5 min bottom time?

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Is that a dive plan or a Jackson Pollock? ....
If you have to ask clearly have no clue on what all those graphs are ....

....And why are you encouraging him to use less tanks?
Ever heard about "sarcasm"? "Few tanks" means "more than one" :shocked2:

Alberto (aka eDiver)
As with most deep air arguments, those most vocal against it are the ones that have never had an END higher than 30m.

And most people that are opposed to suicide never shot themselves in the head.. so what?
If you have to ask clearly have no clue on what all those graphs are ....

I wasn't asking anything other than a rhetorical question - I was implying it's a mess

Ever heard about "sarcasm"?

Clearly I have, see my earlier post about Jackson Pollock

"Few tanks" means "more than one"

FYI "bring few tanks" and "bring a few tanks" have a different implication. Also see above re: sarcasm
....FYI "bring few tanks" and "bring a few tanks" have a different implication. ...
I missed an "a" :depressed:

Clearly I am an ESL guy :(....

Alberto (aka eDiver)

---------- Post added June 2nd, 2013 at 09:08 AM ----------

....I was implying it's a mess.....
I made the graph look complicated (a mess), because IMHO I believe the dive proposed by the OP could lead to complications (mess) that the OP should understand before attempting it.
Hey guys

It's the OP here. I apologize for being way too vague when I posted this question a while back.

As to what I had in mind, after seeing this video of 4 guys diving evil trench in fiji (191 fsw),

Evil Trench - Deep Dive to 191.6 Feet (58.4 metre) on Air - Kadavu, Fiji - YouTube

it looked pretty fun and I've been wanting to do it.

BUT that being said, I sure as hell have no desire to do it on a single 80 as these guys did. I ONLY want to do it when I have a much better idea how a will be affected by narcosis (been to 120' and didnt notice it, but that was warm, clear and bright water in Bonaire)

Of course too having only about 60 dives under my belt (10 of those to 100' or more) I want more experience and of course a lot more redundancy. Additionally, I want to be very conservative in calculating my increased SAC rate accounting for narcosis.

So just to sum it up, it was solely this video that makes me want to do it and it what prompted me to ask the question, but i am nowhere near ready to want to do this yet.

So yea, my question was purely academic in nature, I was not about to try a bounce dive with out a lot more training and a lot more redundant equip

Sorry I left you guys hanging and made myself unclear.
Didya' see how long that guy was looking at his watch?.... I would say he was ripped. Looks to be warm, clear and zero current and hard bottom and a lot of physical constraints to keep people together on that dive..Does make it safer. ... Stupid with no redundancy. Retarded for the DM, to not clip off another 80 to his Bc and carry it for anyone's bailout. Looked to be a simple descent and ascent, no swimming, so dragging an 80 would be simple..

Also, watching the people ascend.. kicking and breathing hard... does not instill confidence in me. I would want to be doing a super relaxed, buoyant and controlled ascent out of there. Looks like a silly operation to me.

Also, if dragging a spare 80 under your arm on a dive like that is too much task loading for you, then you probably shouldn't be doing that dive.
Hey guys

It's the OP here. I apologize for being way too vague when I posted this question a while back.

As to what I had in mind, after seeing this video of 4 guys diving evil trench in fiji (191 fsw),

Evil Trench - Deep Dive to 191.6 Feet (58.4 metre) on Air - Kadavu, Fiji - YouTube

it looked pretty fun and I've been wanting to do it.

BUT that being said, I sure as hell have no desire to do it on a single 80 as these guys did. I ONLY want to do it when I have a much better idea how a will be affected by narcosis (been to 120' and didnt notice it, but that was warm, clear and bright water in Bonaire)

Of course too having only about 60 dives under my belt (10 of those to 100' or more) I want more experience and of course a lot more redundancy. Additionally, I want to be very conservative in calculating my increased SAC rate accounting for narcosis.

So just to sum it up, it was solely this video that makes me want to do it and it what prompted me to ask the question, but i am nowhere near ready to want to do this yet.

So yea, my question was purely academic in nature, I was not about to try a bounce dive with out a lot more training and a lot more redundant equip

Sorry I left you guys hanging and made myself unclear.

My thoughts on this video.....
First, the Fijians at the bottom, appear to be practicing their Kava ceremony.....( part joking, part serious)....
To me, you don't do a deep dive to write on a slate, or to say you went down to the deepest depth ever.... That is normally what you hear about from a poorly skilled diver on a trust me dive, and it is about bragging rights to who had gone the deepest....diving is about adventure and exploration, and it is not about how far down you can go to "sort of write on a slate"....

Next, forgetting that these divers are all so narced ( or lacking in advanced skills) that they have to stand or kneel on the bottom)--and this causes silting.....forgetting that, on the ascent, it is apparent that several have forgotten how to ascend properly--I don't know whether this is motor impairment of their kicking skills, or that they forgot/were too narced, to get neutrally buoyant, so that swimming upwards would be effortless ( another reason not to get heavy and stand on the bottom, then forget to get neutral prior to ascent) --So.... the initial ascent is sloppy as hell, and they waste lots of gas, work-load is far too high for deep air, and some are clearly ready to leave their buddies due to concerns of OOA in the near future.

Posture of these divers in the water shows that several are severely lacking in knowledge of good horizontal trim, which to me is a huge counter-indication for deep diving. They waste energy--they work too hard to get around like this. While they may get away with this if using doubles and trimix, with deep air , the hard work-load means high CO2, and the diver getting closer to Ox Tox....it also means blowing through their single tank supply of air, long before they should.

Overall, this is an EXCELLENT VIDEO to showcase a dive experience YOU SHOULD NOT desire to have. I don't doubt people get away with doing this at the trench quite often....just as I have known people that drink heavily at bars, and have made it home without wrecking or getting a DUI many, many times....this kind of "success" is not proof of concept :)

**note** I am not equating the narcosis feeling to being drunk...just the idea that living through a deep air dive without requisite skills...and drunk driving, have much in common :)
LOL, Yes; it was a lot easier for me as well when all I had to do was dive. You make more money as you progress, but they actually expect you to work for it. :)
I never believed my supervisors in the military and medical residency when they said they worked harder than us. Until I was one of them and found it totally true.
Just a stunt dive... A bunch of "A-holes" to do it like they did.... After watching that video you should NOT want to do what they did...


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