Blue Heron Bridge Trolls

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How about "Yelled at by the lifeguard but never knew about it until after you got out of the water" or "accidentally got turned around because of the new snorkel trail rocks and ended up in the channel and stopped by FWC but didn't get a ticket"???
MrChen.. that was just the sampling.. surely it can't be that easy! LOL
you could add:
drives a long way (repeatedly)
dives regardless of conditions
discovers hereto unknown to the bridge critters
been trampled by fin walking, knee hopping horde of oblivious divers
arrive 2 hours early for parking

---------- Post added September 6th, 2013 at 08:04 PM ----------

What's that critter?

Mantis Shrimp
you can see the business end of it's spears (tipped in yellow) at the bottom of photo
Thanks Sully, will look at some other shots and reach out to Rob Meyers.
Will let you know. Interesting numbers of file fish with several per rock some that looked like two different types.

[/COLOR]hmmm.. maybe not quite..
Been thinking.. not just anybody can be a troll. I think there are levels of trollhood. Somebody that only dives once might be a pre-troll. Somebody that has 100+ dives at the bridge, knows certain areas that aren't common knowledge, can identify certain fish or invertebrates, has been yelled at by the life guard.. etc. is say, level 5 troll..
Working on a list. I think it goes like this:
Make the list (input is much appreciated)
Dive Once at the bridge
10 dives, 25 dives, 100 dives...
Knows of the Secret Garden
Been in the channel
Yelled at by the life guard
Been in the water before 6AM
Knows/dived with a Buoyancy Babe :D
Seen certain fishes (list to be determined)

You check off the list to acquire points
1 point = Pre Troll
5 points = Level 1... all the way to the top 5% of points = Level 5...

Wait, Jenny, there is more....... had to drive over to Force E in your wetsuit for a quick equipment repair by Billy so you can dive. Been to at least 1 troll potluck where there was mur & reebs. Know what mur & reebs are. Went to the bathroom to change after a dive and after taking your wet stuff off you realize you forgot your clothes so had to go to your car wrapped in a towel and get your clothes. Have a "treasure box" in your living room containing strange things you found at the bridge. Been "seen" at the bridge when you were suppose to somewhere work. Surf & post on SB on work time....(Mr. Chen). Know all the names of the guys at Force E. Have talked to or know of Dan Volker. Can nav the bridge in zero viz. Know where to tie off your flag when you want to go somewhere you shouldn't be. Have a favorite parking spot. Know who is there when you see the cars in the parking lot. Have camera envy. Have ever taken a hand drawn map underwater to find a certain critter. Get pms with intel on critters. Claimed you "don't know" when asked about certain critters by non trolls. And the list grows..........

---------- Post added September 7th, 2013 at 09:10 AM ----------

Oh, I'm willing... It's the ABLE part I'm struggling with.

---------- Post added September 5th, 2013 at 09:53 AM ----------

I need you to send me your email address so I can send you the picture I took of you. All I can recommend is get your butt in the water. With your email address, I can forward invites and let you know when I'll be diving.

BTW: Plan on getting your Nitrox and AOW so you can do some drift dives too.

---------- Post added September 5th, 2013 at 09:57 AM ----------

Tim, the pleasure was mine. I always knew where you were with that camera. Those two lights made you look like an underwater sub from the Abyss. Thanks for pointing out those little guys by the bridge. They are easy to see in the pictures, but with my 1000 lumens DRIS light, I could barely make out that little scorpion fish during the dive. Jim forwarded the pictures to me and I added them to my photos.

---------- Post added September 5th, 2013 at 09:59 AM ----------

That was you there the other night. I thought you looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to the face.

---------- Post added September 5th, 2013 at 10:11 AM ----------

When the tide changed, the moon jellies got REAL thick under the east bridge. I felt like Nemo and Dori jumping from jelly to jelly in a race. They were everywhere. I was on the north side and decided to just get away from the bridge, so I headed back under to the south. I felt pretty uncomfortable trying to avoid the jellies at EVERY turn. Next thing you know, I find myself getting out from the under the bridge. Phew, I made it right? No, I was on the north side again! ARGH. Attempt 2, I kept checking my compass after swimming around the jellies to make sure I kept heading south. I was a tad stressed and downing my air faster than I wanted. So I planned to just end my dive.

Dang, where is my flag tied off at? It's a bit harder at night to find it in the dark. So I find this flag tied off which has a light on the handle, the same handle as mine. My first thought was, did Jim put that light there to make it easier to find? That's a pretty good idea! But before untying it, I look up and see that it isn't my flag. I eventually find my flag and I'm going to give it to Jim, but I have to find him first so I pick a light and head to it. Oh, I find Jim and he's got a flag in his hand already. He also has that oh crap look on his face as he realizes he isn't holding my flag, but the one with the light on it. He quickly tied it off nearby. I signaled that I was going to exit and I handed him my flag.

Back to dodging jellies as they were everywhere near the exit and in shallower water. I finally get through them and get on the beach. Man, that was the most difficult exit I ever had at BHB. Not that I was ever in danger, but my SAC rate went to crap and my air supply was dropping quick. So I'm walking down the beach when I hear a fisherman yelling that someone's tied up in his line. Yea, that was my flag lol...

So, you need some more work on your nav skills? Lol

You handed off your flag to a known flag hater and the guy that whines the most when it is his turn to carry the flag... a guy that "accidently" broke his flag on the way to the dive? Well no sympathy here. My guess is he was trying to get rid of your flag so neither one of you would have to haul the flag on our next dive. Well guess again. I'm fixing his flag. jimw called this dive the 5 guys dive.... sounds more like the Larry, Curley and Moe dive. Wish I would have been there to see it. lol
Dive Once at the bridge +1
10 dives, 25 dives, 100 dives... +2
Knows of the Secret Garden (Hmm, have I been shown but not told?)
Been in the channel +1
Yelled at by the life guard +1 (During my OW before my instructor even got in the water!!!)
Been in the water before 6AM (Never happening)
Knows/dived with a Buoyancy Babe (It's not because I haven't tried :))

5 confirmed points... I've achieved level 1 troll status! Carol, you must be proud!

Need to add:
Bought the shirt
Cleaned up trash +1
Done a night dive +1
Had a boat go over your head on the east side +1

Mr. Chen, I'm very proud. You seem to be a natural. I think you will become a troll of the highest level.... in time. It's those darn "Party Fouls" that keep happening. lol :D

---------- Post added September 7th, 2013 at 09:33 AM ----------

moi????? :blinking:

Well, if the fin fits..... :blinking:
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