Apeks ATX200, ScubaPro M25 S600 or IDI SeaAir Titanium - which one

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Hi all,

I'm new to diving and will be purchasing my own gear. I've narrowed my choice between these two regulator systems:

Apeks ATX200 - seems like the most popular brand on message board, plus I have heard nothing but accolades.

ScubaPro MK25 S600 - Name brand, good performace, and availability of parts and service worldwide.

I'd appreciate suggestions or comments to help finalize my pick.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Three excellent regulators - you won't hate any of them. My addled brain can't figure out why the buzz over Ti in diving, but what the heck. Unless you're planning on using it for high O2 mix, it sure as heck won't hurt.

My kit includes SP & Apeks regs - nothing as fancy as the ones you're looking at, but they've all served me well.
You've hit on two beaut regs.

From a technician's point of view, I prefer the Apeks. Why? It's easier and quicker for your service tech (that's me) to overhaul. I've owned scubapros for years, and they are fantastic breathing regs once they are set up. But set up is finicky.

Buy the apeks and your tech can set it up perfectly no problem. Some ham-handed kid fresh out of his first spro clinic will make your s600 work great on the bench, but in the water....? Pot luck.

Other than that? All the brouhaha about freezing is not really relevant. I dive coldwater all the time, and the only regs I ever froze were a sherwood oasis and an IDI Razor (avoid that one, I say)

Both Aqua Lung and Scubapro have good warranty departments.

By the by, if you are new to diving, maybe save a few bucks and go for a tx 50 or 100 or the ds4 first stage. For all intents and purposes, they will perform the same. They are virtually the same inside (barring heat exch and body).

If I could afford it, I'd get the ScubaPro setup in a heartbeat... but that's only because I dive ScubaPro and love it. Never dove the others so I can't comment on them. I doubt you'll find an easier breathing regulator though.
Thanks for the feed back everyone!
I've ruled out SeaAir Titanium because the cost benefit just doesn't add up. I'm now sold on Apeks ATX200 - it is the most bang for my $.
I just went through the same dilemna... what reg to buy? So many choices. I chose the Apeks ATX200 primary 1st and 2nd stage and the T20 for my octo. :wink: Why not go for the gusto, although the entire line apparantly rocks...

All the reading and research on them was all positive. The only little negative is the fact that they have a 1/2 inch medium pressure port for the second stage which you need a converter to use the 3/8 inch 5'long hose if you are at all thinking of going that route. That's what I have in the works and it apparantly is no big deal.

I have only had the ATX200 to 80' but apparantly at around 100' is where it starts to differentiate itself. Environmental sealing is key too.

Lastly the ooo's and ahhh' s of the cool first stage are kinda nice too... for the vain. LOL :D

Have fun with the hunt!

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