Are you a recreational, rectech or technical diver.

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I just think it is a cross of categories that don't go together. One is why and the other is a level of training.

why do the dive.. recreational, commercial, military
Level of training required.. Non tech, tech.

Tech is also a unberlla term for Cave,wreck and deep diving. Non tech really don't have a name so we just call it rec diving.
I am a vacation diveer for now. I like warm clear water. I like looking a fish and am learning photography underwater. I have no desire for cave, penetration wreck diving or any deco dives. I (after another 20 or so dives) intend to take the AOW course and possibly nitrox. I really think +/-100 ft is as deep as I want to go and not for long. 60 ft is deep enough I would like to be able to comfortably go to 100' but only for that special occasion when I see something that requires me to go that deep breifly. I love the water, always have. I want to someday live where I can dive daily if I want. I appreciate the life I can watch on a reef. I don't need any thrills or completiton of going deeper, I am older and over the need for the adrenoline rush. I just like the weightless feeling and the idea that I am going somewhere that most people have never or will never go.
$$ = gear and training...waiting for that windfall. Then I will go from "a diver" as Walter said to

I guess you would call that "technical" :confused:

I'm purely recreational and figure that's what I'll always be. Though I do try to keep learning, and have thought of someday taking Advanced Nitrox, Deco Procedures and Extended Range to go deeper than 130. And I've done 4 cenote dives, thought they were lots of fun and would like to do more, but cave diving definitely seems out for me.
Just exactly what is the difference? Better yet, how do you perceive the differences?

I’m all about having a great time and enjoying diving and sharing that same joy with others.

I just dive. My gear is my gear. My training and experience gives me some possiblities that not all divers have but like you I'm all about having a great time and enjoying diving and sharing that with others.....

If you ask me, all the chest thumping Tarzan-talk from divers who think they're fabulous just makes me shake my head. People (especially men) have a need to make a competition out of the dumbest things.... Pass thanks.

Scientific, with a rare busman's holiday as a recreational diver, infrequent technical diving just for fun.
Recreational, heading towards tech. Looking forward to Cavern/Intro to Cave in May, wrecks in Lake Ontario in June.
need may be why some call diving a sport?


The Dictionary:
1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.
4. jest; fun; mirth; pleasantry: What he said in sport was taken seriously.
5. mockery; ridicule; derision: They made sport of him.
6. an object of derision; laughingstock.
7. something treated lightly or tossed about like a plaything.
8. something or someone subject to the whims or vicissitudes of fate, circumstances, etc.
9. a sportsman.
10. Informal. a person who behaves in a sportsmanlike, fair, or admirable manner; an accommodating person: He was a sport and took his defeat well.
11. Informal. a person who is interested in sports as an occasion for gambling; gambler.
12. Informal. a flashy person; one who wears showy clothes, affects smart manners, pursues pleasurable pastimes, or the like; a bon vivant.
13. Biology. an organism or part that shows an unusual or singular deviation from the normal or parent type; mutation.
14. Obsolete. amorous dalliance.

Please see bolded definition as to why people call diving a sport.
I don't do pigeon holes or Labels... I like to get wet and play with the fishies :)

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