Question Check before buying Seasking Drysuit

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Hi everyone! I'm a brand new diver seeking a sanity check before ordering a Seaskin Nova suit. I'll primarily be diving in cold water, ranging from 10°C to a maximum of 20°C. Below are the specifications I'm considering. Any feedback or insights from the diving community would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Style and cut:
    1. Fully Telescopic Torso (to accommodate potential measurement discrepancies)
  2. Zip and pee valve options
    1. Main Body Dry Zip Cover - Zip flap
    2. Fitted SiTech Trigon Pee Valve: (Planning to take a cave diving course, may use it on that occasion. Note: As a female diver, I won't use it for most recreational dives.)
    3. Pee Valve hose Tidy
  3. Seal, neck, and wrist system options
    1. Kubi Fitted Dry Cuff System - Diameter 80mm
    2. Neoprene neck seal (Considering Quick Change system (like Si Tech Quick Neck Seal/Ring), concerned about comfort as a small diver (5'2, under 100lb, with thin shoulders and neck))
  4. Valve Options
    1. Move Dump - DIR
  5. Boots and sock options
    1. Compressed Neoprene Socks (only option available)
  6. Additional protection options
    1. Kevlar Knee Pads
  7. Comfort and customization options
    1. Increase Braces width to 40mm
    2. NO Logos on Suit
    3. Change Mat drysuit bag upgrade
    4. Elasticated Back Panel (beneficial if waist-to-seat difference is >15cm)
  8. Pocket and attachment point options
    1. Expedition Pocket - Right thigh outside seam
    2. Expedition Pocket - Left thigh outside seam
I've been reviewing my options repeatedly but remain indecisive, particularly regarding the neck seal options. I'm concerned about ease of entry and exit, especially since the information page suggests that individuals with slim necks, particularly those with longer hair, may struggle. My neck measures around 28cm, and my head size is 52cm. Has anyone of similar size tried a Neoprene Neck Seal?

Thank you in advance!
Well my mom always said never ask a gal her age or weight, but is neck circumference and shoulder width fair game? If a quick neck system works for you, it would certainly open up more options for a neck seal than doubling down on glued in neoprene, and give you the option to change it out self-service if you do accidently rip one fighting the neck seal with longer hair. I think the larger concern is those with a slimmer neck and "normal" size head have a lot of differential in size to get over their melon and still seal well on the neck. Being able to try different sizes/brands of silicone and/or neo to find what works best for you is a really strong case for a quick neck if you can make it work.

As far as options you can even install a neoprene neck seal in a quick neck with something like this. How does your neck circumference fit in these options? Ideally right in the middle of one of these sizes:

If your neck is even slimmer, something like this might help make up the difference. And you could slide that on prior to working the seal over your head.

Another thought about a quick neck option, especially if you're concerned about your shoulder straps pressing down over the top. You could print or draw out a circle with a 205mm ID and 240 OD and safety pin it over the top of to a shirt to see where the neck system would lay, and then toss on your backplate/bcd and see where things line up. Even if your shoulder straps line up right over quick neck ring, remember you're only going to really feel that between your boat seat and the water, or your car and the shore. Once you're in the water, your shoulder straps shouldn't really press on the neck ring, but might be nice to know ahead of time where things might line up.


I can't find it now, but I saw a video shared on either facebook or youtube recently where a gal wore a balaclava while donning a drysuit, then using her thumbs reached in and pulled her hair out the back, then pulled off the balaclava off, to make it a little easier the suit on and hair sorted. If I see it again, I'll pop back here and post a link.

In the meantime, other than the lightning rod that is rolock vs kubi, the rest of your choices look really good. And if the 80mm kubi rings work for you, thats a slam dunk.

I got the expedition pockets on mine, and they are fantastic, so glad I didn't go for the smaller ones.

Only other difference with mine is I "upgraded" to the sitech valves instead of apeks. I think the apeks valve leakage issues are mostly sorted now though.
That sounds excellent. Some questions:

Many people prefer the YKK plastic zip (an option) and not the metal one. Are you getting the metal zip by purpose?

If you are small some people prefer the "Main Body Zip Set Up for Left Handers" as it *may* be nicer wrt valves vs zip on a small drysuit.

I tried mailing Seaskin about the QCS vs Orust vs small shoulders things, but never got a reply back from them...
Well my mom always said never ask a gal her age or weight, but is neck circumference and shoulder width fair game? If a quick neck system works for you, it would certainly open up more options for a neck seal than doubling down on glued in neoprene, and give you the option to change it out self-service if you do accidently rip one fighting the neck seal with longer hair. I think the larger concern is those with a slimmer neck and "normal" size head have a lot of differential in size to get over their melon and still seal well on the neck. Being able to try different sizes/brands of silicone and/or neo to find what works best for you is a really strong case for a quick neck if you can make it work.

As far as options you can even install a neoprene neck seal in a quick neck with something like this. How does your neck circumference fit in these options? Ideally right in the middle of one of these sizes:
View attachment 836853

If your neck is even slimmer, something like this might help make up the difference. And you could slide that on prior to working the seal over your head.

Another thought about a quick neck option, especially if you're concerned about your shoulder straps pressing down over the top. You could print or draw out a circle with a 205mm ID and 240 OD and safety pin it over the top of to a shirt to see where the neck system would lay, and then toss on your backplate/bcd and see where things line up. Even if your shoulder straps line up right over quick neck ring, remember you're only going to really feel that between your boat seat and the water, or your car and the shore. Once you're in the water, your shoulder straps shouldn't really press on the neck ring, but might be nice to know ahead of time where things might line up.

View attachment 836851

I can't find it now, but I saw a video shared on either facebook or youtube recently where a gal wore a balaclava while donning a drysuit, then using her thumbs reached in and pulled her hair out the back, then pulled off the balaclava off, to make it a little easier the suit on and hair sorted. If I see it again, I'll pop back here and post a link.

In the meantime, other than the lightning rod that is rolock vs kubi, the rest of your choices look really good. And if the 80mm kubi rings work for you, thats a slam dunk.

I got the expedition pockets on mine, and they are fantastic, so glad I didn't go for the smaller ones.

Only other difference with mine is I "upgraded" to the sitech valves instead of apeks. I think the apeks valve leakage issues are mostly sorted now though.

Wow, thank you so much for your insightful response! I really appreciate the depth of your advice. As for a weight, I am 5'2 and wearing us size 00 🥲

It's very tricky to navigate the options for neck seals, especially for someone like me who falls on the petite side. Your suggestions regarding the Quick Neck System make a lot of sense. I'll definitely take your advice and try out the printed paper method to see how it aligns with my shoulder straps.

I really like the idea of a bio neck seal, but with my neck circumference around 28cm (11in), so finding a suitable option seems like a challenge. The tip about wearing a balaclava during donning and then pulling it off to release the hair is genius! I will try to look around YouTube to find the video :D

I'm glad to hear the positive feedback on the expedition pockets. I was wondering if they might be too big, but as they say, no one complains that their pocket is too big, so I'll definitely stick with those options.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your knowledge with me!
That sounds excellent. Some questions:

Many people prefer the YKK plastic zip (an option) and not the metal one. Are you getting the metal zip by purpose?

If you are small some people prefer the "Main Body Zip Set Up for Left Handers" as it *may* be nicer wrt valves vs zip on a small drysuit.

I tried mailing Seaskin about the QCS vs Orust vs small shoulders things, but never got a reply back from them...
Thank you so much for bringing up the YKK plastic zip! I actually intended to pick the YKK plastic zip option, but I forgot to choose it...

Regarding the "Main Body Zip Set Up for Left Handers," I never gave it much thought, but it does sound reasonable. But, my left hand isn't exactly my strongest suit and I might struggle to close the drysuit myself, haha.

It's definitely unfortunate that you didn't receive a reply from Seaskin. I took a look through their site, and while they mention that the Orust is more flexible and comfortable for people with small body frames, they don't specify exactly what they mean by "small." It's a bit vague.

Thanks again for your insights and for pointing out those considerations!
I would not get the Orust,seems to have issues. I've known smaller folks using the Quick Neck pretty well but it definitely moves straps further outboard.

Of course I'm going to say get Rolocks instead of the Kubis, much better system.
I would not get the Orust,seems to have issues. I've known smaller folks using the Quick Neck pretty well but it definitely moves straps further outboard.

Of course I'm going to say get Rolocks instead of the Kubis, much better system.
I've heard that a lot of people love Rolocks, but I wasn't sure which cuff system I need to install them. Do I need to choose the SiTech Oval Cuff Rings option and buy the Rolocks system somewhere else?

I am glad to hear that smaller ppl are using the Quick Neck system well, since I really want the Quick Neck system as I want to fix the seal myself when it starts to leak.
A couple other thoughts:

At 5'2" may have some interference with the kevlar knee pads and the side pockets, might want to consider whether forgoing the knee pads will make your legs less crowded.

With 11" neck circumferance, you really are on the lower spectrum of size for what replaceable neck seals are designed. You're going to be best off discounting any of my well-meaning advice above and see if you can get some direct experience from someone of similar size here. This board is really popular, and there are also female-specific facebook scuba groups I'm sure you could ask, and neck seal advice certainly isn't seaskin-specific.
A couple other thoughts:

At 5'2" may have some interference with the kevlar knee pads and the side pockets, might want to consider whether forgoing the knee pads will make your legs less crowded.

With 11" neck circumferance, you really are on the lower spectrum of size for what replaceable neck seals are designed. You're going to be best off discounting any of my well-meaning advice above and see if you can get some direct experience from someone of similar size here. This board is really popular, and there are also female-specific facebook scuba groups I'm sure you could ask, and neck seal advice certainly isn't seaskin-specific.
Ah, I totally forgot about Facebooks groups. Thank you for the additional advice! I'll definitely reach out there for further insights.

As for the interference with the knee pads and side pockets due to my height, that's something I hadn't considered. I'll definitely take a closer look at whether forgoing the knee pads will alleviate any crowding in that area. But, I love the fact that you adviced to reconsider the knee pads but not downsizing the side pockets, haha
I think your shoulders are probably too narrow for a Quick Neck system. For example on this site they recommend for shoulder width above 43cm for Santi suits:

  • Optional SiTech Quick Neck Ring (for suits with shoulder width above 43cm)

I would request the No Kevlar printing on the knee pads. Also, do you want the reflective tape? I opted out of that because every photo I saw the reflective tape ruined the photo. LOL

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