Desiccant (Moisture) Packs

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Got some packs. Thanks for all the replys. Do you all dive with the recycled ones that come in pill containers, shoe and purses? How many dives are they good for? I've had my camera fog up on me once (and saw a really cool purple jelly that I wasn't able to photograph) and don't want it to happen again.
save your money, in the cold waters of new york, I found a small peice of rolled up paper towels works very well, When I come off the dive I can feel the moisture it sucked up. never had a fogging issue.
I've had the fog problems many times now, each time when it's hot and humid on land but the water is cool. Each time it's taken 50 minutes for the lens to unfog. Very frustrating.

I've tried silica gel sachets retreived from old packing boxes containing electronic gear, and I've been recommended and tried teabags - all useless - more fog, more heartache.

If it's humid topside and cool below, you need fresh desiccant. A sachet that's been left in the open for a couple of days is no good. Now I recharge them in the oven regularly and keep them in an airtight container right up to putting them in the housing. It works.
Actually, I use OB tampons...I cut one in like a charm...I've used them one every dive trip I've taken. They are cheap and easy to find.
Actually, I use OB tampons...I cut one in like a charm...I've used them one every dive trip I've taken. They are cheap and easy to find.
LOL Great idea!!

I've actually used mine (desicant packs) over and over. (Knock wood) I've not had a problem yet. I do keep them in a sealed baggie and only open my camera where it's air conditioned if I'm in a hot and humid place. I also use the ones from pill bottles, shoe boxes etc. I have an Oly 7070 with the oly housing
Must admit I haven't tried tampons to defog the housing. Came back from the bar once to find a mate had put one in my beer. Haw haw. God knows why he had one in his pocket. I'll give it a try.
I learned that trick from my AOW instructor in Honduras....he said it was much easier to steal a couple from his wife than to get dessicant packs!!
Another little trick I saw was a lady instructor, hiding behind the tailgate of her car, sliding into the legs of her wetsuit but wearing pantyhose. She swore it was way easier that dancing and hopping about in the middle of the road trying to get a damp wetsuit on.

OK, probably true. I'll try the tampon trick, but I draw the line at pantyhose.
try this: place a dessicant in a cup of water. I did this and it took 2 days before it turned pink. If it takes that long in water, how long would it take to suck the moisture out of the air.

The tampon trick is the same as the paper towel. I also tried my kids diaper(not used of course.)
Just last weekend I opened a brand new pack of desiccant - lots of nice bright blue indicator crystals. Went diving on a hot day. No fog. But afterwards I forgot to put the sachet back in its container and left it sitting on a shelf in the garage. The very next day the crystals were pink, telling me they were full of moisture. After an hour in the oven they were blue again.

According to the instructions on the pack, silica gel crystals will absorb 20-30% of their own weight in water.

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