Diver Psychology - why do we do it?

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I believe it was George Leigh Mallory who said "Because it is there."

Joewr (resident historian and pedagog to the diving community)
I think I got hooked on the 3D experiense. And that's why you find divers and pilots being the same kind of persons.

And joewr: Age doesn't mean anything - unless you'r a cheese!
Hej, DameDykker,

How are you? I haven't talked you in a long time! Yep, I have to agree, "old" is for cheese! Preferably good Danish cheese--with a glass of good Dansk beer--maybe on a warm summer night at the Tivoli (or is that too touristy for you?).

And I gotta convince Rick to use the O-word only when he refers to cheese!

Been diving recently? I have not seen any of your threads in the Travel Forum, my favorite spot....

Joewr (without benefit of an Ordbog)
Well I will tell something a red, I don’t remember where.
Diving is reproducing our “ in water life “ during our intra-uterine life when we where a fetus. ( no gravity…)
Going deep and deeper like tech divers can have many different explanation, one says that how deeper you go how closer you get to your origins ( inta utero). The notion of risk related to the fact that at a certain point death (or risk of dying) an origin of life are meeting ( the circle of life is closed, the extremities are joined together )


for the record Fooks The Last Dive is by Bernie Chowdhury - a must read for all potential Techies.....
I'm extreemly busy at the work at the moment - so only short posts. You might have seen that my body got a DCS hit in July and that sort of spoiled the fun for a while.

However, I gladly meet you in Tivoli and we can go and try (retry) the golden tower before or after the cheese and beer(or red wine).

I do have a story on our annual marin archeology trip. But I'll save that for the upcomming special board :mean: (LadyDiver see this!)



I was gone all of June and part of July. On top of that July held some very unpleasant surprises for me that took up a lot of time. I missed a lot of threads and forums.

Gosh, I hope you are okay now. DCS--serious business. I hope that you can still dive!

You know, its been over 10 years since I have been to Copenhagen...and the Golden Tower sounds great. Let's rent a chariot and ride down the stairway! I am not sure when I will get back to Northern Europe, but Dansk in the summer cannot be beat.

Take care and I look forward to your report.

Joewr.........."Butch" is a family heirloom. Only the male members of the family are allowed to use it. (family name is Butcher). You want to try a family reunion. 35 + guys all answer to "Butch" young and old. 4 generations. Hey ...we all look the same. Scary, extremely scary.....

Butch :egrin:
When I was growing up in KY (long before a lot of you young whippersnappers were even thought of) I enjoyed the peace and quiet while hunting in the woods or laying on the bank of a lake fishing and not caring whether I shot or caught anything. Then when I joined the Navy and saw the "world" I became fascinated with the sea and it's power. Since then water has been my out. Unfortunately I wasted a lot of years not exploring the undersea world but looking down from the surface.

Now I go diving whenever I can (normally 4+ dives a month) just to get away from the LA hustle and bustle (except at Casino Point in the summertime, that's a zoo).

I thoroughly enjoy just getting wet and watching the fascinating underwater creatures that I encounter.

I am a blabbering idiot (no comments needed Joewr) around people who have not experienced what us divers have to the point they tell me to just shutup. Just can't seem to get enough.

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