Do small children belong at exclusive dive resorts? In first Class?

Should small children be at dive resorts? First Class?

  • Yes on both counts.

    Votes: 49 52.1%
  • Yes at the resort, no for first class.

    Votes: 7 7.4%
  • No kids at the resort - first class = OK

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • No for both locations!

    Votes: 35 37.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

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The split of opinions would be the same regardless of what group you asked this question to. It would fall into one of two categories for the most part.

a) People who have small children or are planning to have children.

b) People who have had small children or do not plan to have children.

Group "a" tends to believe that they should have the right to take their children anywhere at any time, and that everyone around them should "deal with it" or "accept it". If they don't like it, it's too bad and do little or nothing to ease the situation.

Group "b" tends to believe that they should have the right to enjoy themselves without the constant noise, distraction, and hazards associated with children running loose playing. They feel that people who have children should either leave them at home, or stay at home themselves until the little rug rats grow up and behave.

For myself, when I go out to a restaurant and see children playing tag, screeching, and ultimately end up crying. All the while the poor serving personnel have to pirouette and dodge them while carrying trays of hot food. I get angry and feel like kicking the offending parents and their children out. Fortunately for them I don't have that power. What I do end up doing is telling the serving personnel that if they are not removed I will leave. This usually works.

If on a resort vacation I were faced with a similar situation, I would ask the resort personnel, in as forceful but polite manner as possible, to deal with it.

Parents with small children should not live as shut-ins. However, if their children cannot behave, they must be prepared to do what is needed to deal with it. If that means ending the vacation and returning home, they should be ready to do that. I highly doubt it would ever end up requiring that drastic a measure, but they should be willing to be considerate of other people around them. Far too many parents simply do not care.
O-ring once bubbled...

If you can't control your children and they are rat bastards, they shouldn't get to come on trips with the big people. Bad parents are as common as the kids they corrupt and should be dealt with using a large stick.

I'm going to frame this quote and hang it up for all to see.

BlueGirlGoes once bubbled...

Or is it only mommies and daddies that get a free pass on etiquette?

Whooop..thats a monsterous stereotypification that says all mommies and daddies are bad and let their children cry uncontrollably or run around with minimal supervision.

Something to consider - Have you ever been to the bathroom on an airplane? Good. Remember how small it was? Try to change a baby in there. Really, babies are easy to keep happy: full tummy, dry diaper, hold them a lot. If they are sick, its a little tougher, but healthy babies are pretty straight forward.

pt40fathoms - Right on. My dad was an Army Infantry Drill Sergent at Ft Benning GA. No way, no how, no excuse for misbehaving. It wasn't until I was in my teens and he was out of the military for some 10 years that things started to relax rules wise because I knew better than to push the limits. My son is destinted for the same discipline. Firm but fair, no talk back, and learn respect for others.
O-ring once bubbled...

If you can't control your children and they are rat bastards, they shouldn't get to come on trips with the big people. Bad parents are as common as the kids they corrupt and should be dealt with using a large stick.

You will be long remembered on this day. What deep intellect and wisdom you posses. I still havn't stopped laughing. I couldnt agree with you more.


PS And you're cute.:kitty:
CBulla once bubbled...

Whooop..thats a monsterous stereotypification that says all mommies and daddies are bad and let their children cry uncontrollably or run around with minimal supervision.

Nope, it's not. I said "is it only mommies and daddies that get a free pass on etiquette?" To clarify: obnoxious drunks and Newfoundland owners rarely get to invoke their lifestyle choices as sacred trusts. "Someday, when you're an alcoholic Newfoundland owner, YOU'LL understand...."

I was taking a shot at sanctimonious, self-righteous parents, who are unfortunately legion. I KNOW all mommies and daddies don't raise monsters. My parents didn't, and my (very strictly parented) nephew is a paragon of 3-year-old charm. When he does get rowdy, which is rare, we all GET UP and LEAVE. We don't simper "Isn't he energetic?" to all the people around us, and let him keep destroying their peace.
wapyaly once bubbled...

Fortunately, you don't. All you need to do is select a resort where they aren't allowed, then pay for it. Alternatively, buy a place and exclude everyone but your chosen guests.

Don't take my comment the wrong way. That's exactly what I intend to do as soon as I've got the cash.

I'm no fan of screaming, misbehaving children. However, while I was throwing them out, I'd also get rid of the following:

1. Drunks who make noise in the hallways;
2. Divers who get wet three times per year, who need constant hand holding, who's trim is nonexistent and who touch the coral;
3. Loudmouthed, classless, boorish people who treat the common areas of a resort as if they were in their own backyard;
4. Whiners who are there on the budget plan and who want first class treatment while paying for tourist (personal pet peeve when someone else on a group trip asks why we got an ocean view suite and they got a kitchen view double with a room mate);
5. People who show up with junk gear, then complain when it breaks;
6. People who are too cheap to buy their own gear and who don't know how to use their rentals (actually, I avoid diving with people in rental gear, but that's another thread);
7. People who try to come onto a private beach from the place across the street; and
8. Anyone who suggests that my BP&W is not appropriate for Carribean diving.

In order to avoid these people, I stay at places where they are not welcome and try to charter the whole boat. End of problem.

I respectfully suggest that you do the same.
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...

Fortunately, you don't. All you need to do is select a resort where they aren't allowed, then pay for it. Alternatively, buy a place and exclude everyone but your chosen guests.

Don't take my comment the wrong way. That's exactly what I intend to do as soon as I've got the cash.

I'm no fan of screaming children. However, before I threw them out, I'd get rid of the following:

1. Drunks who make noise in the hallways;
2. Divers who get wet three times per year, who need constant hand holding, who's trim is nonexistent and who touch the coral;
3. Loudmouthed, classless, boorish people who treat the common areas of a resort as if they were in their own backyard;
4. Whiners who are there on the budget plan and who want first class treatment while paying for tourist;
5. People who show up with junk gear, then complain when it breaks;
6. People who try to come onto a private beach from the place across the street; and
7. Anyone who suggests that my BP&W is not appropriate for Carribean diving.

In order to avoid these people, I stay at places where they are not welcome. End of problem.
I respectfully suggest that you do the same.

Wish I would have thought of it like that..........well done.
BlueGirlGoes once bubbled...

I was taking a shot at sanctimonious, self-righteous parents, who are unfortunately legion. I KNOW all mommies and daddies don't raise monsters. My parents didn't, and my (very strictly parented) nephew is a paragon of 3-year-old charm. When he does get rowdy, which is rare, we all GET UP and LEAVE. We don't simper "Isn't he energetic?" to all the people around us, and let him keep destroying their peace.

Blue, I couldn't agree with you more on that one. This was well said. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who gets a little uncomfortable when the "order of the child" takes to the air. It annoys me to get the "you don't understand because you don't have kids" [i.e. you are not worthy of our status, now bow to my prowess of parenthood].

I love the kids who are well behaved and really have a good time around kids who are encouraged to think on their own - you hear some pretty surprizing stuff from the good ones. I DO have a problem with overactive, uncontrolled, and hyper kids whose parents not only tolerate it, but encourage it through comments like you describe. These are also the types who quickly demand their rights of parenthood to everyone else around yet get highly offended when the 'parentless' try to object in any form to the ensuing scatter of misbehaved monsters :).

Just my IMHO, but many times it is frustrating - hence my desire to get away from them and dive :)
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...

Fortunately, you don't. All you need to do is select a resort where they aren't allowed, then pay for it. Alternatively, buy a place and exclude everyone but your chosen guests.

Don't take my comment the wrong way. That's exactly what I intend to do as soon as I've got the cash.

I'm no fan of screaming, misbehaving children. However, while I was throwing them out, I'd also get rid of the following:

3. Loudmouthed, classless, boorish people who treat the common areas of a resort as if they were in their own backyard;

This is so true. On our first trip to Italy, Ben & I were at a hotel perched on the cliffs of Positano, overlooking a perfect Mediterranean. Two suites down on the shared balcony, 2 couples from New Jersey nattered at each other, full volume. I'm sipping a Campari with my beloved, having a four-star Audrey Hepburn fantasy, having to listen to this schlump yell about his podiatry problems.

I guess a better question is: Why do resorts allow a small number of obnoxious guests ruin the experience of other vacationers? No one likes playing Nanny, but at anything above the lowest level of accommodations, people have the right to a certain amount of decorum. So no, I wouldn't make the McDonald's manager oust your angry toddler. But at a $600 a night Italian resort -- darn tootin'. And take Mr. Loud Foot out with the kid, please.
Northeastwrecks once bubbled...

3. Loudmouthed, classless, boorish people who treat the common areas of a resort as if they were in their own backyard;


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