Doing it Left

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Honestly I feel that if you had started a thread saying:
I recently dove using this technique from Yoga are Tia Chi (insert your own martial art that focuses on control of breathing and forms of meditation through movement) the feedback wouldn't have been half as harsh. If you ever do come up with the right technique to use while underwater at least let me know...
-DIL has a flaw of the name because LEFT has been considered wrong for HUNDREDS of years. Only recently has left-handed become accepted. In "darker" times being left handed was a sign of evilness... and left handed children were forced to become right handed...
-Yet left does show the "battles" you will have to overcome if serious with this.
-But DIR is a battle that will never be won. Psychologically speaking DIR Divers have the mindset that they are right your wrong deal with it. (Not DIR bashing its true) The name says it all. When a group has a mindset and a name in such a way converting or getting acceptance is impossible... yet I am just saying what is already known...

-On a joking side note:
Would this lead to more political sounding dive methods..?
Doing it left wing... or
Doing it right wing...
Or as a diver I am a Conservative Left and in politics I am a liberal right.
I do disagree on this, but I have no hard feelings about it. I just think you should take your analogy to it's logical conclusion. IE if cars are by your standards already standardized and that this standardization were to make THAT much difference, than we should see next to no accidents. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

The weakest link is NOT the auto and it's NOT the Scuba gear... it is the nut loose behind the wheel or holding the inflator valve. As I have said before, we are throwing 99% of our resources at 1% of the problem. A rigid gear configuration or even a rigid methodology will not eliminate accidents as long as there are divers with a death mentality. Training is the key, and teaching divers about ALL possibilities (including BP/Wing/Long hose) will better serve to help them to make the BEST decisions when purchasing gear or when dealing with an underwater problem. It helps them to understand the limits of themselves and their gear so they won't get into those situations that they can't deal with. Think about it.

I expected some harsh feedback and I expected it from the people that I am getting it from. This relaxaton thing has been having an effect on my diving for some time. It just amazes me how long it took to get anywhere. I guess these guys that live in Florida or somewhere else where there is good weekend diving have an advantage over me.

The name was chosen carefully. It was not intended to be invisible. I have no problem with DIR for technical divers. Its this recent thing that everyone needs it that does not make sense to me. Its quite obvious that there is a commercial driver behind it.

The cat is out of the bag.
leadweight once bubbled...

What if I tried it? No one would notice anyting until someone ran out of air and in an enviornment where a 1 meter hose was not long enough.

It sdefinitely a what if a tree fell in the forest and no one was there to hear it question.

2 years until PADI teaches the long hose? Good luck, they might mention it in their literature so that divers that use standard hoses know what to do if diving with some clod with a bungeed octopus who does not hand them thier primary in an out of air emergency, so they dont die when they grab the bungeed second.

Ever consider that having a free octo allows an out of air diver to grab that regulator from an inexperienced diver without drowning the donor? Sometimes I get tired of hearing this urban ledgend about always taking the main. Not everyone is a fully trained DIR diver.

For every argument that DIR puts forth there is another way to do it, especially in the recreational setting or if you mix DIR and non DIR divers.


So you haven't tried it. That means you don't know how well it works. And yes, might not have a problem for 100 or 500 dives, but it's your ass or your buddies when you do. All you like to do is argue and complain about it, but have had no experience with using it. That makes your point of view pretty weak, doesn't it?

Ask most people who have had OOA experiences. The reg is coming out of your mouth no matter what you want to happen. Wouldn't you rather be prepared for it than not?

This relaxation BS is just that. You want to swim around with no cares in the world. La Di Da. But you don't want to put in any effort to train for the unexpected. And you fail to make any valid points about why other systems don't work.

I've come to the conclusion that this is either a troll, or you've been smoking the funny stuff. Based on the response that you're getting, both here and on Rodales (where you were totally ignored), I'm not sure which it is.

BTW, I learned hogarthian setup during my PADI OW class. It's here, it's now. You just need to get your head out of the sand to be able to see it.
leadweight once bubbled...

I expected some harsh feedback and I expected it from thepeople that I am getting it from. This relaxaton thing has been having an effect on my diving for some time. It just amazes me how long it took to get anywhere. I guess these guys that live in Florida or somewhere else where there is good weekend diving have an advantage over me.

The name was chosen carefully. It was not intended to be invisible. I have no problem with DIR for technical divers. Its this recent thing that everyone needs it that does not make sense to me. Its quite obvious that there is a commercial driver behind it.

The cat is out of the bag.

Now I'm sure it was the funny stuff. It creates paranoia. All DIR divers are in it for the commercial thing. Yeh. Okay.

Disclaimer: The above message was formed by randomly joining
various sentences, phrases and cliches in an attempt to make the
sender appear intelligent. It should be taken neither as a statement of intent, nor wit.

I guess your disclaimer explains your lack of logic.

Another fine example of internet rudeness.
leadweight once bubbled...

2 years until PADI teaches the long hose? Good luck, they might mention it in their literature so that divers that use standard hoses know what to do if diving with some clod with a bungeed octopus who does not hand them their primary in an out of air emergency, so they don't die when they grab the bungeed second.

In the PADI Deep tec class they teach and insist that you use the long hose and a bungeed octo. Other than that your gear can be configured as you please. I think they will offer this in the OW classes as a recomended option very soon

I'm with WW on this one, in two years all the agencies will be teaching it.
Pez de Diablo once bubbled...

In the PADI Deep tec class they teach and insist that you use the long hose and a bungeed octo. Other than that your gear can be configured as you please. I think they will offer this in the OW classes as a recomended option very soon

I'm with WW on this one, in two years all the agencies will be teaching it.

Some of us already teach it. I doubt the rec agencies will ever require it. That would "outlaw" too many products. They won't do anything to P-off the manufacturers or hurt diveshop sales. A good portion of the agencies income comes from membership dues from individuals and shops (shops pay way more) and if they don't do things to help/allow members to profit they will lose members to agencies that do.

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