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Lawman once bubbled

you can't get insurance for intentional torts.

Libel and slander are intentional torts

Well, actually libel and slander are indeed insurable. Check a typical general liability policy as well as many professional liability contracts...These torts are the two most notable exceptions to this issue.

Most of the people on this board know a hell of a lot about diving.
They no nothing about the law or how it works.


There are three sides to every arguement. In this case I am willing to bet that its he said, she said and the truth that lies somewhere in the middle. I do not find the report o be impossible, infact I find it highly likely that there is a great deal of truth it what naturediver has said. However, I also beleive that is quite possible that things may have been distorted do to other problems with previous employer, or it may all be made up.
I know that this is just my side of this but in regards to my employment there...

The last thing I remember was a handshake from the owner when I left. We left on good terms. I never had a problem personally with the people there. They didn't treat me any different than any other employee so it's not like I left them a bitter "disgruntled" ex-employee. I left there with things I had seen and concerns I had so I wanted other's opinions on what I had seen. I'm sure if you had asked the owners before any of this had happened, they would agree that I left on good terms and was not "let go" as someone said in the What should I do? post. But then again, this is just my side of it.
Just one quick note on something I read closer just now.

Our industry is highly regulated and scrutinized on a regular basis by the powers that be.

?? Diving is not regulated very heavily at all...that's why there are lots of problems with bad instructors and lack of care in certain matters. There is no scuba police. Or were you speaking of an industry other than diving?
I have experience with the shop in question....in fact I did my OW with them (full class not just a referral). I found them professional, flexible as well as environmentally and safety conscious. My instructor was Moe, and I don’t believe she’s down there anymore….I didn’t have a lot of contact with either the owner or his wife.

I've seen these Bob scooter things in other places, but not in St. Thomas....so I can't comment on the specifics of this.

I think you are mistaken...this operation doesn't teach diving. This operation only leads customers on the BOBs through the reef. There is no dive instruction at all. It's not a shop either, just run out of the boat and the owner's home office. Maybe you're thinking of Underwater Safaris on St. Thomas?
My mistake....I was under the impression that Aqua Adventures and Underwater Safaris were the same company. I know that the response from the PADI Legal Department specifically mentioned UnderWater Safaris. I'm pretty sure that Water World and Underwater Safari’s are different parts of the same company...I assumed that Aqua Adventures was all part of the same ball of wax.

You're right though, I was certified through Waterworld (that's what it says on my card....but the shop in Havensight is called Underwater Safaris).

One person CAN make a difference.

Young, single, and lover nature!

Protector of all that is natural in the world!

Seems to me the above statements say it all. In the original thread they didn't exsist. You went on a crusade and because no one questioned the charges you made they climbed on with you. I don't know you so I can't pass judgement but I can tell you this. Most times when things like this take place it's someone trying to place meaning to their own life. Regardless of who else they effect and you did this in an open and public forum where you knew you would find support. Saving the reefs is dear to the harts of all serious divers. We donate our time cleaning reefs and waterways. What you need to do is figure out what you as a single person can do to help. When the tanks fell over did you make sure the next time they were secure befor the boat moved? Did you ask the owner of the company why the spotters in the water didn't have first aid skills? Did you try to understand why the customer got the bloody nose and make suggestions as how to avoid it next time? Did you sit down like a man with the owner and his wife and tell him of your conserns and make suggestions as what you thought he should do to address the problems.
I don't see anywhere in any of your post were you say this was done. I know when one of my employees has conserns I listen to what they have to say. If we have a differance of opinion and we can't settle the differance we part ways and it's always with a hand shake. These are lifes lessons that most young people have to learn. You can stand outside the wall and sceam and yell and even beat on the wall but you can effect more changes if you get inside.

fgray1 once bubbled...
These are lifes lessons that most young people have to learn. You can stand outside the wall and sceam and yell and even beat on the wall but you can effect more changes if you get inside.

Yup, I agree with your point.
But if you had only left out the remarks at the beginning of the post. This entry would look more encouraging and perhaps the young man would realise what he should have done from the beginning.


:boom: :boom: :boom:
Young people some times need a swift kick in the butt to get their attention. I know it always worked well on me. The way I taught was to get there attention and then explain what they did wrong and most of all. Let them know that what they did doesn't effect how you feel about them. It's the shock effect.
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