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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Panama City Beach
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I have recently had a free diver come on the boat and he does his thing while the scuba divers are down. The problem as I see it is that he is always alone. While I envy his breath-holding ability, I am concerned about his safety (and my liability) as well as my own ability to offer him aid in case of problems. I cannot see him underwater, and if he did have a problem, such as shallow water blackout, neither me or my dive master would be much help standing on the boat.
I understood that the free-diving training taught by most agencies requires a buddy, at least during the training. Much like Scuba, I'm sure that dive buddies are highly recommended, but the free divers actually have an even greater need.
I guess the biggest problem is that I seem to spend an awful lot of time keeping a eye on him, (or trying to). It just seems to be more trouble than it is worth for a guy who can't find a friend.
Anyone else run into this?

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