Gas prices affecting you

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Has the gas price increase effected any ones travel plans. I for one have to give up the Brockville area for this year my SUV pig just cost to much to run. I'm sure the charter boats will be increasing rates as well, its to bad and I guess lake Simcoe will have to do for the rest of the season as I live close by.

Oh $1.021 a liter...definitely, but still go. That diesel VW Jatta Wagon is looking better and better every day, but if only they would do something to the weight capacity. Carrying 2 sets of doubles and stage bottles is really not a healthy thing for that car (I have doubts that the suspension would even take it - heck with me in the truck the springs are compressed to 80%)
ok, i couldn't resist... it's "affected" not "effected"


no.... not really on my end. i do a lot of cavern/cave dives nearby,
and i have a 4-cylinder car, so... no... not much of an effect.
say about a four-hour round trip... not too bad

i am sure, though, that the ocean-going shops are hurting

we are at about $2.80 per gallon here
Gas here is $3.50/gallon. In california, $3/gallon.

This will really hurt the charter boats.

People won't do the trips in their large SUV's to the coast to get on the boats.
The boats have to raise their prices due to diesel costs.
Fewer people go out on the boats.
More boats that were barely breaking even close up shop.

It's not a good thing.

I just dont understand it. We invade the 2nd largest oil producing country
in the world and our gas is at an all time high when the US government
is subsidising te cost of gas in Iraq.

Our gas should be 20 cents per gallon, not $3/gallon.
I paid $2.89 per gallon after the dive. Yeah it start to bother me a lot......

I know it is much cheapter than $1.50 per liter (1 gallon = 3.785412 liter) in Asia though.......
We invade the 2nd largest oil producing country
in the world and our gas is at an all time high when the US government
is subsidising te cost of gas in Iraq.

basically, we haven't done anything to add to the world supply of oil,
which would have brought the cost of oil down. or rather, we have...
by asking Saudi Arabia to raise their oil production, which they agreed
to (i forget for how long)... but that hasn't been enough

the big factors driving the prices up are refining problems and worries over the possibility of Iran getting sanctioned by the united nations over their nuclear program.
also, don't forget Chavez (in Venezuela) making noises that he is going to stop
shipments to the US... all in all, an uncertain market, and an uncertain market
means higher prices

basically what you are seeing are "fears over supply" translating to "higher prices"
(the scarcer the commodity may be in the future, the more people will pay for it now)

also, for the first time in a long, long while, the price of 7-year oil futures have been
rising along with the market, so... we're in for the long haul... there doesn't seem to be confidence in the market that the price of oil will go down any time soon

the good news is that the oil prices are a drag on the economy but not a brake,
since it's humming along well... for now... we'll see how long we can keep it up

sorry that was supposed to be $1.021 a short over a dollar for a liter of gas.

in laymans terms that means that for me to travel 100km will cost/is costing $13-$15 add that to the cost of the charter, food, gas mix...etc. all of a sudden a quick little 1 hour dive is close to $200 per head....but it's still worth every penny
well it cost me $120 to drive from Ottawa to Newmarket and back last weekend. thats just under 1000km round trip...
meh, if I can afford to buy a truck I can afford to put gas in it.
gas is still cheaper than bottled water

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