Halloween Swampdiving Success!!

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Tony...same to you Dive Bud! :D Your photos of everyone are awsome. Don't forget you promised to airbrush mine before you shared them with everyone....:p

This weekend is gonna be hard to beat but I bet we can do it! Syruss should be able to make the next one so ya'll know no one will want to miss that.
I want to thank everyone, too. I had a great time (after all of my starting out problems)

and...thanks to all those helpful Swampsters who looked for my fin!!!

This was a very well planned out event, Mike, et al, and everything worked out great. I loved meeting those people I didn't know. Yuko, you did do a good job with the fun prizes. And, I think even I would have enjoyed camping with everyone because the park was so nice.

Scubatexastony...Don't you dare include that picture I hate!
Where the heck ya been Jimbo???? I thought maybe we ticked ya off, or even worser, that maybe ya been takin on airs now that ya been to Cozumel.

Everyone, I had a blast!!! The weather was good, the diving was great and y'all made it even better!

(Aside to Dee: I warned ya what would happen if ya didn't post your Coz pics soon. This is just a taste, in case ya thought I weren't serious.)

Our man Vettster in the scum at Clear Springs
Hey folks, glad to hear you all had a good time! Wish I could have been there myself but I had prior commitments here in Houston. It would have been great to see many of you again and meet the others such as Dee, Beast, and ScubaTexasTony.

I know I am not posting much lately but I am still out here. I do read the board every day. Mike, please keep me posted on the doings with TSDT.
The quote of the weekend

A little background first, TexasMike isn't married and CavernQT is. We were discussing the late night friday night and the fact that some of us were a little tired when Cavern pops off to Mike

"Mike ya just gotta put me to bed sooner tonight"

Sounded like an unbeatable offer to me.

To those who saw the long slim fish that kinda had tiger stripes sitting on the bottom and wanted to know what it was.
Its a Logperch. Probably a Texas Logperch. I actually remembered to look it up.

And the nifty thing about the quote is the mileage I'm gonna get out of that one.....especially when I use it in front of Instructor Ron <<evil laugh>> :egrin:

"Logperch" makes sense since we saw it around the stumps and such. Thanks for looking it up.

Oh, and on the last dive, the cat fish were out in abundance at my 10 foot stop. Several over 12-15" long and looking pretty healthy.

Lake Travis is one of my favorite Inland places to dive. Lots of different stuff to look at, and plenty of fish life, and the vis is pretty decent at most depths.

Just wish it weren't so darned far away from me.
Now I know how Mark Twain probably felt with people misquoting him. What I said was, "Mike, yeah, you gotta get me in bed earlier." Or was it "sooner"??? But it was get not put. And, of course, context is everything.:)
That's just as bad! :p
I knew you were misquoted CavernQT. Why do guys always get it wrong? LOL it was a lot funnier in the restaurant the way you said it.
I really enjoyed meeting everyone and I'm looking forward to when we can all get together again. Good dives, great company! What more is there?

Dee, I showed my Dee-rags to a couple of my friends and they really like them. So they have your card now.

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