How deep can I go

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Red: "Sudden High Intensity Training" - love it :lol:

I am sure its been here before, but first time I have seen it. Perfect - been there, done that, don't want to do it again.

Glad someone brought up insurance. If you have dependants - think about it - insurance companies can get very technical when presented with a bill for a couple hundred thousand. You break the rules, they can simply not pay. Don't forget your computer keeps a very accurate log of the dive you just finished. Would make a wonderful Exhibit A.
And to Lamont, I hope I did not offend you !!! I've only been on this site 1 week, and don't know everybody here .

don't worry. i've got 200+ dives, 100+ in doubles, and that was about my 15th dive using the scooters and my 4th run out to ~3k and back on them.

the dive profile info on scubaboard is busted, and plus i like to keep people guessing anyway...

also, i've taken the SSI deep, nitrox and nav courses, along with GUE DIRF and RecTriox... plus scooter, wreck and deco bottle workshops with local divers. i've just never gotten it together to get my SSI 'advanced' card and have never taken an AOW course...
Red: "Sudden High Intensity Training" - love it :lol:

It is from a hilarious post on TDS about 2 guys finding bodies diving a sinkhole. I'm not sure I can link it because it contains language unsuitable....

Shark Tamer, I make jokes about AOW because I did take the course and feel like I learned little, and I do not think it qualifies one to make deep dives.
Red: I would say that _most_ people have the same experience with the AOW course. There are of course exceptions, some of which have recently been reviewed on SB.

Although nothing probably will go wrong, a lot can go wrong on the dives you're mentioning. I'd worry less about what the shop will let you do and more about potential issues and what you can do to mitigate them. Potential issues include:

1. Unknown buddy
2. Lack of experience
3. "Tubes" (e.g. caverns?/overhead environment?)
4. Depth

These can all cause serious problems. There are a few things you can do to lessen the issues:

One great thing you can do is hire a divemaster to accompany you on these dives. That gives you a qualified/trusty buddy and it's actually required by certain agencies if you want to exceed your training level. Anyway, a divemaster won't be a super hero that can guarantee safety, but you can be fairly assured that you'll only have to worry only about yourself screwing up and that you'll have someone around that might even be able to stop you from making a mistake or even rescue you (might).

If you don't have the cash for a divemaster, seriously consider why those limits for Open Water certs were established. I see a lot of sense behind those. I'm not sure I see why getting an AOW card automatically makes those limits go away.

I strongly advise against exceeding your training limits. Get the proper training and/or experience before going further.

Regardless of whether you're trained to go deep, you've got some other factors to contend with: Buddy Selection and Tubes.

Select your buddy very carefully. Even if they have hundreds of dives, don't be bashful in establishing dive limits (time, air, depth), communication procedures, contingency plans, how far you'll swim from one another, gear review, etc. In fact do this with anyone you ever dive with (even the divemaster!). Make them check their equipment - personally check to make sure their octo works for YOU, etc. Make sure they know how to ditch YOUR weights. DON'T BE SHY!! Buddies can be great or buddies can be a huge liability.

"Tubes" - not sure what these are, but if they're caverns, or chandaliers, or blue holes, or anything else that you swim into and don't have immediate, direct access to the surface, you've just upped the stakes big time. Now you're possibly with an unkown buddy at 90 feet in a semi-darkened place with possibly another 20-50 feet to swim sideways before you can swim upwards (to top it all off, this could be dive #13 since you only have 12 dives!:confused: ). What if your buddy runs out of air and comes over to you panicy in that scenario? I'd give that 50/50 odds for a drowning or at least a DCS hit.

Just some food for thought.

Where were we? Oh yeah - you'll be fine dipping below 60 ft. Just work into it safely. :D
Shark Tamer, I make jokes about AOW because I did take the course and feel like I learned little, and I do not think it qualifies one to make deep dives.

Hey TRH,

I'm getting AOW certified next week ... The thing is, I am getting certified so I am OFFICIALLY capable of diving down to 40m. !!!!!

You are right, getting AOW certified doesn't make you or me a better diver !!! Just one baby step forward . The more you dive, the better you become.

On the other hand, who in it's right mind would "cave dive" without getting the proper certification !!! Is there more dangerous diving than cave diving ??

Hoping you get my point ... Certification doesn't make you a better diver, but at least you get the knowledge.

One bad note before I leave:

During my last visit in the Carribean, for 2 dives, we had 2 divers from Italy ( Don't get me wrong,I don't have anything against Italians .... ) who where totally unaware of other divers or fauna.

Personally, I got kicked a minimum or 5 times by one of the divers, and they were scraping the bottom of the ocean, like you wouldn't believe !!!!

Have to go ... tonite is gym nite !!!
And AOW is NOT recreational diving? :huh:

I don't see it as two different worlds at all. There is nothing "advanced" about AOW.

Red... go back and read what I wrote again...

I wasn't comparing AOW and OW... I was comparing OW/AOW with Nitrox as "two different worlds" as far as skill-sets taught.

(Are you *still* a little narced from that Sudden Intensity thing...?)
Red... go back and read what I wrote again...

How can I go back? I'm speed reading and posting as fast I can before SB crashes. :D

(Are you *still* a little narced from that Sudden Intensity thing...?)

No, maybe from my last really deep air dive....
whooops... don't want to get redundant...

(this thing *does* crash faster then I can type... and I can type!)

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