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Though it's no secret that I dive deep, it's often considered wreckless (hehe) by those whom don't. I've been deeper than most. Deep enough to be asking for trouble. I don't encourage anyone to go out and see for themselves. It takes proper training, discipline and gear to be able to come back from the dive. After all anyone can go DEEP, it's the coming back part that's tricky.

Well, let's see, black(fish)net, since you do not use your spell check or Webster's, why do you say that "nark" is correct? Not to put to fine a point on it (as Charles Dickens was prone to say), the word from which "narc" or "nark" would be derived is narcosis, not narkosis(sic). But, I guess I could have asked, "Is narked or narced a real word?" The answer, I suspect, in both cases would be, no..or nope..or naw.

Warhammer, I did that once, knew (That can be easily disputed!)what I was doing and my buddy was, as they say somewhere, attached to my hip. We were going down for a quick look. He was my "Pony" and I was his. Oh yeah, I reboarded the boat with 700lbs air and in the green.

But, please do not fear, I do not plan to do that again...and if I do, I will call you and get all the right gear--heck, I'll take you along as my paid consultant.

Hey, this is a first! I am writing this remotely using my son's laptop! Man, have I joined the Pepsi Generation or not! I even remembered my password!

Joewr--signing off to play with my wonderful granddaughter (1 yr 9 mos) who will probably be able to do this next year---you young!
Well, you see, there I was at the Blue Hole in Belize and I was buddied up with a (im)perfect stanger and we were told not to go past 130' but this assigned buddy kept going and so I followed to 140' and tugged on his fins and requested that he ascend.

Now, as for Puget Sound, there is nothing to see past about 70' except silt and star fish.
Did you encounter nitrogen narcosis while you were there?
Sometimes. Sometimes not. Sometimes without making it to the bottom. Twice I've even noticed symptoms, but notice them or not, we're all narced at around 100 ft or deeper.

Do all people have the same symptoms or is it an individual thing?
I was on a wall dive in Roatan, and I found myself at 120'.
It was supposed to be an 80 foot dive. Yes, I felt the NN.
What happened to me was this.
I noticed my breathing changed. It became much harder to get air. I thought to myself, "Why are you breathing like this" ? I looked at my gage which read 120 feet. I thought to myself, " Why is your gage saying 120 feet"? Hmm. I looked at it for quite sometime before I realized it said 120 feet, because I was at 120 feet. Duh! I started up the wall, faster then I should have. My buddy who was around 100 feet, saw what was happening and gave me a sign to calm down and slow down. That's when I realized I was Narced a bit. I went up much slower to 5o feet or so. Saw a turtle and just hung out there with everyone, till the dive was over. Seems it's easy to get lost on a wall dive when there is so much to see.

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