How long is acceptable for a wing to hold air?

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Loosing a bit over a couple of days might not even be from a leak but from the difference in temperature or air pressure.
I thought about that too but my 4 other BC's are still holding strong for over a month
It could become "major" for other reasons though, dpending on the type of leak.

If the OP is already switching out hoses and inflator I don't think getting it wet in the tub is any harm.
Clean tub, LOL
I switched inflators and the hose to a known non leaking one from another wing
It will the maker if you can give an idea of where the leak is, if they were concerned with basic trouble shooting I may be hesitant to dive their gear. If there is a zipper I would remove the bladder and test it without the cover, on the other hand since you have other gear sending it back for them to find is also a good option if they are willing to pay the shipping.
I would not want a leaky BC. It is irresponsible to dive with equipment that you know is defective.
Your BC isn't permanently and completely sealed. It is designed to let air in and out. Holes are plugged with gaskets and O-rings held in place with springs. I would not want a hole in my bladder that is not there by design but if your BC is losing air over a period of days you have to ask yourself how long you actually need it to hold air. In the rare event that you do need it to provide flotation for several days, is the leak slow enough you can occasionally add air?
All BCs will lose air over time. The concern is if you notice it losing air during normal use or if the bladder is actually damaged.
Even a some what significant leak is meaningless during a dive, Very rarely is the bc fully inflated and during use, you are adding and dumping considerable portions of air to adjust buoyancy, so a pin hole leak means nothing. Even if you were lost at sea, having to orally add some air into the Bc once every 3 hours would not be that big of a deal. Even my car tires bleed pressure with time.
It should stay full for at least an hour. If it is leaking faster than that, something needs addressed.
It should stay full for at least an hour. If it is leaking faster than that, something needs addressed.
Why? How have you determined this? How do you define full, what pressure is full measured at?

Looking for a leak and verifying that the OP valve spring is not on the verge of impending failure is, for example, is a very worthwhile endeavor. But a tiny leak, MAY be completely inconsequential.
Why? How have you determined this? How do you define full, what pressure is full measured at?

Looking for a leak and verifying that the OP valve spring is not on the verge of impending failure is, for example, is a very worthwhile endeavor. But a tiny leak, MAY be completely inconsequential.
Why not?
Are you ever diving more than an hour without adjusting your wing inflation? Honestly, how often are you going more than 20 minutes without adjusting it?
Who is putting a pressure gauge on a wing? You inflate it until the OPV pops and walk away. If you come back in an hour and it is still full, it is still full.
The OP valve spring on the verge of failure? Really? You pull your spring out and Xray it for cracks on the regular?
It either works or it doesn't, if it doesn't, you usually have debris blocking the sealing surface or the actual rubber diaphragm has deteriorated or fallen out.
Checking to make sure it is screwed on is part of your pre dive checks, making sure the spring isn't rusted is part of maintaining your gear. Neither of those have anything to do with a brand new wing leaking.

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