I have a stupid question..

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--I have never tried this with ankle weights...

1. Make sure your wetsuit is not tucked inside your boots at the ankles
2. Get vertical - Suspend headfirst (upside-down) in the water
3. Tuck your chin slightly, and open the neck of your wetsuit wide
4. Purge your regulator, allowing the purge flow to enter your wetsuit through the open neck
5. As the flow of bubbles move up your body, they will force the "old" water up and out at your ankles
6. Return to a horizontal position and continue the dive...
Those who do,

Those who lie,

and those who haven't been diving long enough

LOL... :))

Since I start diving, ocean is my biggest restroom :)
Have you ever suspected a thermocline? Mhahaha..

I think invest on wetsuit is the first thing you should do, I didn't have this 'peeing' idea by the time I bought mine, but I saw a diver with skin diseases (white spots etc), and it's far more healthy to share regulator rather than wetsuit. New divers usually consent about regulator.
Wayward Son:
Just wait till the 1st time you dive wet when the water is getting cold, say 63 or colder. It comes out at 98.6 degrees :D

LOL... my first dive this year wet was at 42 degrees. I have yet to have a dive this year with the bottom temp above 56. 63 is warm water.

Just wondering......When you say you've never went pee in YOUR wetsuit, Do you ever rent? (I mean to become "skeeved" over it)

Nope, I don't rent and I haven't peed in my suit. The thought of putting on a wetsuit that someone's used as a toilet is pretty gross, and the thought of pissing myself is equally repulsive. I mean, I don't care if other people do it and certainly don't think less of anyone who does (I know how common the practice is) but for me, I'd rather go take a leak in the head immediately before a dive than do it underwater.
--I have never tried this with ankle weights...

1. Make sure your wetsuit is not tucked inside your boots at the ankles
2. Get vertical - Suspend headfirst (upside-down) in the water
3. Tuck your chin slightly, and open the neck of your wetsuit wide
4. Purge your regulator, allowing the purge flow to enter your wetsuit through the open neck
5. As the flow of bubbles move up your body, they will force the "old" water up and out at your ankles
6. Return to a horizontal position and continue the dive...

I would not recommend this. While it may work for some, if your suit is fairly tight or you have tight seals on your ankles, you are likely to drastically change your buoyancy and could end up rapidly ascending feet first. All you have to do to flush a wetsuit is open the neck seal while you're swimming forward. Water will flow through. I use it to cool off when I'm getting hot, but it'll work the same for "flushing" your suit before you get out of the water.
swim shorts & a Lycra dive skin. makes donning a wetsuit much easier...

and yes, i pee in my wetsuit :11:
All my dives except 2 have been below 60F, and i have not yet felt the need to pee in my wet suit (may be I didn't dive enough, only 40 dives). Usually the need to pee comes when I am in the boat again, and it is too late.
I also never drink soft drinks before or during a dive, since this is the only liquid I've found that causes me to have to urinate more than twice a day.

There's no way you can be properly hydrated and only pee twice a day! Whatever happened to drinking 8 glasses of water each day? Am I crazy for chugging water like a madman between dives? I always feel very thirsty and dehydrated after diving.

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