I'm Looking for a Job

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Aggie Diver

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Plano, TX
# of dives
200 - 499
Doesn't have to be scuba related, but the "what's your job" thread got me thinking.

I'm searching for a job right now, will graduate from A&M in August with a degree in History and a double minor in Math and Communications.

Anyone have any leads or could help a fellow Texas diver out? I've worked all throughout college and have experience in sales/customer service as well being able to draw on a wealth of student leadership experiences that included large marketing and public relations campaigns.

If anyone has any leads at all, please PM me, it'd be much appreciated.

- Thanks, Aggie Diver
You didn't say what level of degee, but...

Grad. school....

Do it while ya can.

Check into the Pathway Fellowship.

Archeology or ethnology has always interested me.

Underwater Archeology? Shipwrecks are neat.
You didn't say what level of degee, but...

Grad. school....

Do it while ya can.

I'd have to concur with this. If at all possible, stay in school for a while longer and see if you can wait for this supposed economic growth of which politicians speak.

It's sounds like you have lots of good experience and skills, which is definitely a plus. However, from my experience, this is a bad time (at least in TX) to be looking for work and has been for ~2 years. That's not to say that you won't find something, but personally, I'd rather work on another degree and wait for something fulfilling than slave away in a thankless job that I don't enjoy.
I'd have to concur with this. If at all possible, stay in school for a while longer and see if you can wait for this supposed economic growth of which politicians speak.

Yup, in the time I've been lookin' lately (one interview) I could have completed two classes towards a master's this summer.

If you haven't taken the GRE, I'd strongly suggests taking the pencil and paper version. I took the computer version at the testing place by Evans library last year...once you answer a question and go on you can't go back and change it. :11:

Correction (sp): Archaeology...as many times as I had to write it in anthro. class you'd think I'd remember how to spell. :D
This is definitely not and indicator of conditions statewide or in all sectors, but in this region here's one municipality's answer to the current economic climate. :11:
Yup, in the time I've been lookin' lately (one interview) I could have completed two classes towards a master's this summer.

If you haven't taken the GRE, I'd strongly suggests taking the pencil and paper version. I took the computer version at the testing place by Evans library last year...once you answer a question and go on you can't go back and change it. :11:

I could be a year into law school, but the timing of the end of my previous job was just past most application deadlines.... :(

LSAT is another test to look into. It's pencil and paper, not computer adaptive like the newer GRE..

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