Instructor Course ...

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Wow lots of responses - I'll try and respond to the others but this stood out immediately.

I have no desire to dive in the UK. I believe I stated that - so it's not going to set me back anything. It's part of the reason why I wish to dive a little more whilst I have the spare time and free cash to do so ...

I mean I have no desire to be out in the grey and cold and I assume visibility will be terrible. I live inland so it's also a hassle just getting to and from places never mind the difference in suits, costs yada yada. I intend to get more out of diving but in other countries, when on holidays most likely

Don't discount UK diving. Vis isn't always terrible, nor is it always gray. This past summer was a brilliant summer for diving (great vis, and 30ish degrees and sunny most days, water temps around 20-21). I've even had some awesome sea dives this winter (until the winds picked up anyway).
I'm landlocked as well in London. It's at least an hour to the sea for me, but at least 2.5 hours to get to the places I prefer to dive from.

I agree with your consensus to keep diving. The way to become a better diver is to get out there an dive, not take course after course.
Whoever told you that Bali diving was easy was misguided. Bali does have some easy sites, good for teaching and beginners, but it also has a lot of extreme diving.

I assume that you are doing your SSI Instructor course? I would suggest contacting Robin at Bali Diving Bali Diving | Scuba Diving Bali | Dive Bali - Air Diving Academy Bali Diving who will be more than pleased to arrange everything for you, including accommodation.

But, as everyone else has said, relax and get some dives in, before you start your IE/IDC.
I have no desire to dive in the UK. I believe I stated that - so it's not going to set me back anything. It's part of the reason why I wish to dive a little more whilst I have the spare time and free cash to do so ...

Doesn't sound like you're that interested in diving then.

I'd stay at DM level until you get a BCD and Reg even if it is 2nd hand.

If you do want to become an instructor, get PADI first then SSI, it'll work out cheaper.

But don't dismiss UK diving until you've tried it.
Thanks again,

I'll respond to each as I go.

I do love diving but I'm not a huge fan of my home countries weather. I've spent 5 of the last 7 years out of England. I also drive a 1969 August Mini and I live between Manchester and Leeds. I dislike going over any motorway in that vehicle and driving rather long distances in it as well ...

Nope it would have been PADI qualified.

I have done PADI OW and AOW and I recently did SSI's OW and AOW (cheap offer in Sydney and a good fresher about 5 years on).

---------- Post added February 26th, 2014 at 09:18 AM ----------


Thanks for the response.

It was a shop owner from NZ who was probably try to push his own course on me. He said the course would be easier in Bali and I'd gain less experience with things such as currents.

Having just read about the Japanese tourists - I seem to be inclined to agree with you!

Also nope it would have been a PADI instructor course.

---------- Post added February 26th, 2014 at 09:22 AM ----------



I probably wouldn't write it off but it depends on costs. I don't think I'll be affording a dry suit anytime soon so then it comes down to fuel to get there + dive and rental costs. Not sure how realistic it will be cost wise for me but I wont know that until I get home and get a job ...

---------- Post added February 26th, 2014 at 09:23 AM ----------

Thanks DD!!

I spoke with my missus the other day and it does actually sound a lot more fun ... going to Bali to dive for fun and explore for a few weeks!!!

---------- Post added February 26th, 2014 at 09:27 AM ----------

>I would assume that upon completion of my DM course no matter where I did an IDC I would not be 'guaranteed' a job

I would disagree. Ask the shop you currently are doing your DM course with (who are they out of interest?) and I dare say that if you were to do the IDC with them they would give you some work straight after your IDC. then you could certify 30 or so OW's, a few AOW's, some speciality and a few rescue students... after that virtually anyone will hire you (assuming there is actually a job going) as long as you don't bomb an interview as someone impossible to work with. This way you could take the slow route home and pick up work in Asia. Dive instructing in any country is a job of passion, not money.

the issue with the thai/bali courses is they will certify you then wave goodbye. Other shops (like most I've dealt with in Sydney) will work you a lot more as they are also investing in you under the assumption that you will DM or instruct for them after.

the shop I now dive at have said that if I did the IDC, certified divers in the rough numbers above and perform well then they'd be happy to hook me up with a 6 month sabbatical job over in Fiji or somewhere given the contacts they have. I've no idea if they were talking rubbish to sign me up, but they've never lied to me before.

Also, ring around a few stores in Australia and tell them you're a Thai/Bali certified instructor and looking for work. don't hold the phone too close to your ear, the sound of phones hanging up can cause emotional damage. Not that I am doubting the quality of the course, but that's the reality... I have no idea how the IDC's are viewed in other asian countries.

Thanks Bracko.

It's through PRODIVE Coogee.

They recently circulated an e-mail looking for Instructors.

I have 10 month on my visa and a DM to complete. They would have to sponsor me in advance of evening starting my IDC and I'm not sure if that would ever be an option.

Plus it's quite the commitment here as you mentioned. They pay about $700 a week but more like 10h days, 6 day weeks. I earn short of double that right now for a 37 hour week and it's for 4 years as well. Quite the sign up.

But as you say, passion not money!!
Ah... Good old prodive. We used to chat up the female DM's/OWSI's from the manly store while at Shelly Beach waiting for our own students each moring :)
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I have 10 month on my visa and a DM to complete. They would have to sponsor me in advance of evening starting my IDC and I'm not sure if that would ever be an option.

Doubtful. For a working visa you would have to advertise the job and say why an Australian can't fill the position. For a dive instructor that's not an easy task. If you wanted a German speaking instructor then maybe, but a uni-lingual dive instructor living in Sydney? Ten a penny.

I'd get a few more dives in. Work through the next 10 months - not doing DM- then with the money you saved head to either Indonesia, Thailand or Malaysia to a DM-Instructor internship.
Nope it would have been PADI qualified.

In that case, I recommend Crystal Divers in Sanur, and Minni and her brilliant team. Follow your PADI IDC with a crossover to SSI and you'll be doubly employable.
Hi BarrattsMini, :)

Hoping your SSI Divemaster is going well and you’re getting lots of experience!
Experience is so valuable in the scuba diving industry and it will benefit your learning when you decide to become an Instructor.

Downbelow Marine and Wildlife Adventures offer professional internship programs to provide necessary development to achieve success as a dive educator.
Our internships encompass more than just your course training. You will be provided with the opportunity to observe the daily operation of our premier PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre, which is based on Gaya Island.
Our island team encourages interns to better understand the professional dive lifestyle by volunteering assistance with all aspects of the dive centre logistics and training.
As part of an internship program, en-suite accommodation is available and transfers between your accommodation and our Dive Centre will be arranged every morning and afternoon.
Most appealing of all, is the UNLIMITED scuba diving to take advantage of exploring the dozens of reefs within the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, a protected area composed of 5 islands, Gaya Island being the largest of them.
The commute between Kota Kinabalu mainland and Gaya Island and our Dive Centre is about 8 minutes on one of our fast speedboats, so we are able to schedule 3 dives a day. And we go diving every day of the year too!

Check out this link to our website for further details on our various internship programs.

Professional Scuba Instructor Internship in Sabah, Borneo | Diving Sabah? Dive Downbelow!

Find out what our current internship candidates do everyday at our beach house by adding us on Facebook!

Hope you decide soon and start your dive lifestyle!
Best wishes on your journey, BarrattsMini! :)
Take another year and do a working holiday in New Zealand! Dive, dive, and dive some more! "Getting serious" is for the birds!

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