Just for laughs...

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Sure these divers are doing it incorrectly but do you feel compelled to start a bunch of threads about it and encourage people to ridicule them? How would YOU like it if the shoe was on the other foot? Why don't you contact the dive shop in question and offer them a solution?

I couldn't agree more. We get it devondiver, you are a fantastic sidemount instructor and will single handly correct every "sidemount" mistake made by someone else. Keep posting the videos and demonstrating your lack of professionalism.
I did't see anyone ridiculing the divers in the video, after all, why should they know any better? Pointing out poor teaching isn't ridicule.

Did you read "just for laughs"?
I couldn't agree more. We get it devondiver, you are a fantastic sidemount instructor and will single handly correct every "sidemount" mistake made by someone else. Keep posting the videos and demonstrating your lack of professionalism.

In some threads, people have noted that it is the responsibility of the dive community to strive to maintain standards. Self-regulation. How do you propose such maintenance occurs, if not through identifying sloppy instructors who are teaching nonsense and ripping off their students? That's the power of social media and the internet... because (most) agencies don't do a damned thing.


The video was removed. Those responsible might now be rubbing their chins and wondering why they got a negative response. They might do some self-analysis and see why that response occurred. That'd be a good thing for them... and their future students.

As it happens, this thread wasn't presented as a means to ridicule. It was for education. Some readers, those considering sidemount and not knowing the wheat from the chaff, might be provoked to understand a little clearer about good versus bad instruction... the need for expertise and experience from the instructor selected... and the importance of research.
Get over yourself dude. From a lot of other people I would believe they were posting these threads with the best intentions, but with your record of posting these kind of threads and your self appointment as a sidemount expert, I call bs.

There is a right and wrong way to offer criticism. I don't believe you are going about it the right way. If you spent the same amount of time on yours and your students trim and skills as you do posting about bad instructors you would be the greatest diver/instructor in the world and may have a leg to stand on when it comes to ridiculing someone else's attempt at sidemount.
There is a right and wrong way to offer criticism. I don't believe you are going about it the right way.

You are entitled to your opinions, and have freedom to express them. As do I.

Insults and passive-aggressive behavior is, however, quite uncalled for.

If you feel that "calling bs", telling people to "get over themselves" and insinuating, with no evidence, that my training is sub-standard... is the right way to offer criticism, then I think you undermine your own point.

I posted this video because it was viral on varied FB sidemount groups. There's plenty of critique on those groups - some of it from people you'd probably not want to slander... just saying.

If you spent the same amount of time on yours and your students trim and skills as you do posting about bad instructors you would be the greatest diver/instructor in the world and may have a leg to stand on when it comes to ridiculing someone else's attempt at sidemount.

I'm not sure how you'd know my daily schedule, or the breakdown of in-water versus internet time that I allot... or the quality of my students.

Here's my video channel: vimeo.com/scubatechphilippines

You are welcome to peruse the standard of my students. I have nothing to hide. Please critique as you see fit.
I'm calling BS on your intentions with posting these videos. You say it's to educate the masses and to self police but I think it's just your ego showing through. For lack of a better term I would call you a sidemount bully.

If you really want to help the masses, focus your attention on videos that really show good trim and instruction and what sidemount should be.

Posting a tread with the title "just for laughs" and then denying that you weren't trying to ridicule the divers in the video is an obvious lie.

Like an earlier poster suggested, call up the dive shop and offer your expertise, if they take your word for that of an expert and listen to you great, if not, oh well. But enough is enough. Those videos were not of divers/instructors looking for criticism. they were not posted in a sidemount forum to see what the experts thought of their diving.

When I said get over yourself, I was referring to your post directly above it where you were trying to present yourself as an appointed sidemount sheriff, and that it was your job and quest to make sure that everyone knew they (those in the video) were diving sidemount incorrectly.

I have made similar comments in one of the facebook groups I'm in. And it's the same one where you posted another video of a bunch of divers with the title " I can't hold my tongue anymore" or something to that nature. Show some professionalism, I don't see Edd, Rob Neto, Woody Jasper, Lamar or Steve B, posting videos of bad sidemount divers and trying to save the uneducated from those instructors. And frankly anyone one of those guys would have every right to do so if they wanted to, but they show professionalism/Class and don't.
I have and it looks like most of your other videos, what is your point?

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