Manatee Dive-Crystal River FINAL

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I was figuring on 4 hours in the afternoon. If we get back out at 1, that puts us getting in at 5pm. I'd like to be getting off the boat by 6 at the latest.
The wife and I are planning on doing Sunday dives wether it be drift down Rainbow river or more Kings bay diving. I am still hoping a Scubaboard/Crystal River local will join this BBQ with their local input. If the weather holds like it has been lately, I see no reason not to suck down as much air as possible.
2 kids and 2 overgrown kids that ocassionaly act like adults have reservations on Suzies boat for Saturday morning. I am looking to dive in the afternoon.
Not today, had some "snags" in today's plans. I need to call and chew out some people tomorrow before I get to make my good calls.
ok, my plans for this are going swell... i am feeling much better, and i have the day
cleared... so... i CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

(taking deep breath now)

oh, and i reserved the room and e-mailed Suzie, so I am
all set. it's not a dive, but it's the first time i'll get wet in


(taking another deep breath now)
I left messages for both Suzie and Theresa today. I hope to have a semi-accurate headcount for attendees tomorrow. If you have not already booked a room for the night/weekend, please do so. The last day to do it is by 4pm on the 10th. I personally know of about ten attendees that have told me they have RSVP'd Suzie. (including my three spots) We will definitely have at least one boatload going out! :) I hear Andy has volunteered to be the bait in the Manatee Cage! Chum it up! Chum it up! If all goes well, we might get a fifteen ton manatee. That would make enough steaks for a LONG time! I hope the harpoon gun works well. We can test it on one of those two ton Mullet Sharks. I'll bring the extra machetes to help fillet if we need to.
I thought I PM'd this to you a while ago, Ken, but if not...

Update for your headcount:

Wife and I booked a spot on the Sat. a.m. snorkel tour a week or so ago, and today I added my name to the SB calendar as indicated.

Never ridden a manatee before.. figured it'd be fun to try.
(do we bring our own stirrups or do they provide?)

Being in Orlando, we'll probably just scoot up there early Saturday morn, do the tour, thaw out with a warm lunch.

The afternoon stuff just sounds like river drifting which we did earlier this year on the Rainbow. At an average depth of 12', and nothing more than sand, weeds, and bass to look at, we'll pass and just head back to O-town after lunch.

Besides, gotta save some cash - we reserved the Epcot dive for Dec. 29th.
There's probably still room if anyone else wants to go.

See ya Saturday!

**Oh, and Ken, do you still want me to bring your spear? You could break it in on the Tees ya know.**
I must've totally missed it but...
is there a FAQ for this tour?
Anyone done it before?
What's involved?

Do we race down the river, sitting comfortably under heavy blankets in our wetsuits with 1980's neon leg-warmers while the captain sings christmas jingles and passes out spiked egg-nog... every now & then pointing to half-submerged logs wizzing past & calling out, "there's yer manatees." ;P
Do we race down the river, sitting comfortably under heavy blankets in our wetsuits with 1980's neon leg-warmers while the captain sings christmas jingles and passes out spiked egg-nog... every now & then pointing to half-submerged logs wizzing past & calling out, "there's yer manatees."

yes... and then the people who drink the most egg-nog
get tossed into the river, where they have to defend
themselves against the manatees

if anyone spears a manatee, we haul it aboard and
bar-b-que it

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