Mares Nemo Air multigas firmware and other suggestions...

Do you think the Mares Nemo Air could be improved?

  • Yes, I am missing certain features that would make the product better.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No, I think the units does all it should do.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dear Zak,

does Mares have any plans to publish a multigas Firmware for the Nemo Air, as they did for the Nemo Wide? I guess the two computers operate with nearly the same hardware and it shouldnt be too hard to implement the changes the Nemo Wide received to the Nemo Air.

Additionally, would you comment on how far user input is considered when it comes to firmware updates please? There are a few things I have found while using my Mares Nemo Air on 500+ dives as an instructor within the last 12 months that would greatly improve the product. I mean, how hard is it to add a few functions to a great platform like the Mares Nemo Air, where you have the multi-dot matrix section available for all kinds of dive-details...

If ranges could be widened (like high/low-gas-warning settings) and a time and depth-alarm implemented, perhaps average depth displayed and one or two Eanx-gasses switched - that would make the product surpass many other air-integrated solutions out there ... and all of this could be done by simply uploading new firmware.

It is sad to see that such a great product is not taken to its full potential by Mares. I am sure that if such little things, that one only starts missing when using to computer on a daily basis, would be added, the computer would be used by a lot more divers,- even those that go on low tech-level dives, requiring one or two gas switches for extended no stop diving...

If Mares would release the industry firmware-maker or raw data itself, people like me, fairly fluent in programming, could even add the functions themselves.

I wrote an exel-converter, for example, that makes it possible to print out dive-logs with information I can specify about my dives. They can now be filtered and conditioned to display only certain information and I can make the dive logs look neat by changing the colors of the numbers, according to certain rules I can set.
Dive logs with deco-stops appear with a reddish-background and are hereby easily identified when going through my binder. My consumption-rate changes color when I go over certain values, making it easy to see when I was breathing harder on a dive (usually the DSDs :]).

Well, these are a few suggestions for you, perhaps Mares is willing to listen to their pro-users for once, as they are the people that can really improve the products and make them reach their full potential.


Thank you for the thoughtful note. We are taking all constructive input into consideration.I will forward this information to our computer team. The computer category is kept under a pretty tight lid, which means I am unsure of future developments, at least more than 1 year out. I do know we are working on some very cool, and innovative products for the future, which leads me to think they may not be spending too much time on older products. Please don't take this as certain. I will forward your thoughts, and see if I can get some insight into future upgrades. I think you have great points and well worth looking at.

Thank you again,

Thnx for the quick reply Zak!

I love ur answers...:] Always advertising the future developments :wink: ...hehehe:D

Jokes aside, I know that Mares is always working on and coming out with awesome and well-developed new stuff. I mean, dont get me wrong...take a look at my Facebook diving pics (Jeannot Kuenzel | Facebook) whenIm working as an instructor - Im ur ideal advertisement instructor - everything is Mares on me.

Im just feeling a little left out when it comes to updates and support of products I OWN ALREADY. Of cuz I can go and get supersoftware and dreamdevices (like a X-1, where I can write my own interface), but I'd love to see Mares, or any manufacturer for that matter, to perhaps approach this like this:

Uh, an instructor that dives fully labeled in Mares? Well, he is in the water every single day and probably gets his students to tend towards Mares when it comes to equipment choices. He also uses that Nemo Air every day and has some ideas to better the product. Lets tell "Mr. Pummy" (he is my imaginary firmware-tech-guy) to spend a couple of hours integrating some of these, or all, suggestions, lets update the sales/product page and lets throw out some ads along the lines "The Mares Nemo Air just got a whole lot better. Its now called the Mares Nemo Air MkII and brings you these features..., beating all other products out there." - "You own a Nemo Air already? Well, here is the good news: The update is free! (I'd even pay 100€ for that update b4 buying a new product!)

Well...just some thoughts of mine on how the world should work :)


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