Merry Christmas to all!!

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Calgary AB, Canada
Just wanted to say Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah to all my cyber-dive buddies.

All the best, have a great New Years blast out and hope to share an ocean with you soon.

Hey Everyone,

Have a great holiday season and a happy new year.
(I know I will, the parents are paying for an Open Water Certification, I'm sooo excited!)


Wahooo ... Parrothead's parents are paying for all of us to do a Dive Class!!!

Hu? what? oh ... Did I miss-read something? hehe

Well congrats Parrot!! I love to see people excited about diving... I think I can say with good certainty that I have logged more dives than most everyone here with few exceptions (well into the 10's of 1000's)... and EVERY dive is my first! Ive been told that's just the effect of too much water leaking into my head and rusting my brain but if that's what it means then RUST BABY RUST!! LOL

It seriously makes me sad to hear people say they are "tired of diving the same ol spot" .... My only fear is Human Cloning wont be avalible until it's too late to clone myself so one of me somewhere can be diving 24/7!!!

Parrot, you just made my day brighter because you reminded me to do my daily day dreaming about my first and even most recent dive that I've made!! It's awesome, and after you get certified be sure to come back here and rub some of your fresh excitement on some of the "tired ol Rustbuckets" we make have creaking around here, hehe.

Let us know how it goes...


:royal:, If you really want to keep me happy, find a way for me to be able to post during a dive, so I won't have to dry off and drive the few miles to my house to do it! Now there's an idea huh?!? The world's first underwater e-mail device available exclusively at ScubaSource!

Happy Holiday's everyone!
Mario :D
:royal:, the only problem with that is the reception. Having a signal break the median of the water column and then make it to a satellite and back, we'll the odd's are better if we just try to get Don to give up his leopard prink wetsuit and pink b.c. LOL

Mario :D
Howdy and welcome to SCUBA Board! This is a fantasic place to get all kinds of info. Happy Diving!
Just wanted to say Merry Xmas and Happy Hanukkah to all my cyber-dive buddies.

All the best, have a great New Years blast out and hope to share an ocean with you soon.


Hello from Matt,

Welcome to ScubaBoard ! :1poke: I came here to look for help with my scuba diving dream and the response has been fantastic. So, I know you will enjoy being a member here.
There are a lot of nice and informative scuba divers. It's a good place to meet other divers and share experiences and dreams. Take care from Matt. :snorkels:

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