Neah Bay

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Chief Narctopus Wrangler
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Puget Sound, WA
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A buddy and I are heading up to Neah Bay on Thursday for a couple days of diving. Main purpose is to evaluate some shore sites prior to a large group event in June. What and where should we go? Scooters and drysuit diving for the most part but normal fining for those without. We plan on 3-4 dives Thursday and Friday so we can hit up a few different spots in the area. Thanks
I agree with Kosta on the Waddah Fingers site as being excellent......but it could be a real tough shore dive. You can get about half way out to Waddah on the jetty by vehicle...but after that its a crazy difficult walk on the boulders to get the rest of the way... Even though we bring my boat to Neah, a buddy and I still drove out onto the Jetty last June just to see if it was doable by shore but then realized how old we are after seeing the rest "path".... we would need to walk. You can see in my pic below that even from half way out the jetty, it would still be a long way to the outside side of Waddah...even by scooter. They say that you need tribal permission to drive out the jetty but we just went anyway and had no issues. Here's a couple pics from last June. One looking back at Neah showing the "driveable"part of the jetty and the other pic showing that this is the stopping point for any vehicle.. and even a walk out to Neah is still quite a ways and an ankle buster.



If you are needing air while out there, the closest compressor to Neah that I know of is at Curleys Dive Resort in Sekiu about 20 minutes east of Neah. As of last June when we were there, they only had air and no Nitrox. Small shop with limited gear.They might be able to guide you to some good shore dives.... There is a real nice easy check-out dive right there at the Sekiu Jetty..... SUPER easy beach entry. Parking right there. 40ft max. Lotsa life. Here's a buddy pic from last June.

Also..... on the way back from Neah, it's always nice to do a full "high pressure rinse" dive in Lake Crescent......especially if you like 200 ft of vis. So nice to not have to clean any gear when you get home.

If your up for a deep dive in Crescent you could take a shot at the Warren Wreck. I've seen it back in my cowboy diver days but never actually got to it. It sits in about 175 ft and I had a total "freeze" flow at 155 and had to abort so never got there.


For an easier wreck you can do the Crescent lake barge, but it's going to be cold!

That said, I'm curious what you come up with. That is a site on my "to dive" list
@NW Dive Dawg

I was thinking of scooting along the beach. It would be a fair bit of effort to climb in and out from the jetty. Now I haven't done this, but this is what I'd look at scouting out. Hopefully someone who has scootered to the island will chime in (or give valid reason why it is a really bad idea). Or maybe @Boarderguy will be the first to do so!

EDIT: see Neah Bay info needed - Northwest Dive Club. Current is an issue. I was boat diving out there, so I can't speak to that. I do remember coming up to swells that were not there when I descended.

Also..... on the way back from Neah, it's always nice to do a full "high pressure rinse" dive in Lake Crescent......especially if you like 200 ft of vis. So nice to not have to clean any gear when you get home.

If your up for a deep dive in Crescent you could take a shot at the Warren Wreck. I've seen it back in my cowboy diver days but never actually got to it. It sits in about 175 ft and I had a total "freeze" flow at 155 and had to abort so never got there.
Just a reminder that technically diving on the Warren Car requires a permit from the National Park Service. How strongly that is enforced I do not know -- there is no Scuba Police, but are there Scuba Rangers?
For an easier wreck you can do the Crescent lake barge, but it's going to be cold!

Off topic, but can you tell me where exactly the barge is, and maybe some navigational tips to get there? I've been searching a couple times but missed it, so I'm working with poor info.

Off topic, but can you tell me where exactly the barge is, and maybe some navigational tips to get there? I've been searching a couple times but missed it, so I'm working with poor info.

The other site is an old wooden barge that was used to move things up and down the lake before the road was built. To reach this site, drive to the East Beach picnic area and walk around to the right as you are facing the lake just past the swimming area. Enter the water here, swim over to the dock, and begin your dive just out in front of this dock. The barge is easy to find: it starts in about 25 feet of water and continues down to slightly over 50 feet. You can do a penetration dive through the open hatches, but we don't recommend this unless you have experience diving in this type of overhead environment. (Note: The dock along with the surrounding land is a private in-holding within the park-no trespassing.) : Submerged Resources Center, National Park Service, Denver, Colorado
48.086752° -123.745448°

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