New diver having integrated weight problem

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I have my own WI BC. I went with the ScubaPro GlidePro but a BC like that will cost quite a bit more than the one you posted the link to. I only have 9 dives on it so I really can't say there has been ample opportunity for failure but I can say that my integrated weight clicks into place very solid and I do not worry about it popping out.

As for a weight belt, I suggest trying one of these (see link below). It won't cost you $130 to buy and and you can find the soft/hard weights on Craigslist much cheaper than at an LDS. I bought one from a guy on CraigsList. It was brand new, never been wet and I love it. I load it with four 5# soft weights and get acrobatic with it and so far have not had a weight fall out. If the velcro ever starts to give out I will just wrap it with a zip tie so the weights stay in place. I also find this weight belt to be very comfortable and I don't notice it being there like a SeaSoft type weight belt. Oh...and it is adjustable to where you want your pouches. Speaking of pouches...It comes in 4, 6 & 8 pouch configuration depending on how you want it.

Happy diving and stay safe!!!
During my OW cert class, I used my hubs Scubapro with integrated weight pockets. One of the pockets dislodged on one of my dives. Hubs said this was just not possible. On a subsequent dive, another diver lost one of his. On this past weekend's dive, hubs managed to do the supposed 'impossible" - he lost a weight pocket! Thankfully, someone found it.
I had a pocket fall out of my First BC. I was climbing up the ladder and it caught on the ladder and came out.

I have also had a weight belt fall off. I have no butt and a weight belt just doesn't work for me.

The Zeagle rip cord system works well for me. Never had a problem. The places I have dived have been warm water so I only wear 8# total, 4 in each pocket.

I mention this because losing weight can happen even with a weight belt. The harness that I have seen might be an answer but I have never used one.
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We use the Scubapro integrated wt. system for our training gear and personal use. Last week I had 10 lbs. in each pocket. I have never had a problem as long as I snug the pocket.

I feel the wt. integrated system is the way to go!
My first 180 or so dives were with a weight integrated jacket style BC. Never had a moments grief with it. If properly set up only crappily maintained defective gear should cause problems and even then rarely. You hit the jackpot - in a bad way, sorry, glad it didn't result in an accident for you. I now use the Zeagle systm Grumpy mentioned (stiletto) which is a back inflate. I love it.
I don't have any experience with the Mares BCD you linked to but I have found two red-handled weight pockets near moorings in two different countries. A friend does dive a newer Mares model and she had a weight pocket slip out coming back thru the surf after a dive once.

Since you're diving in cold water, the Zeagle Ranger will take 30# in the front pockets (15# on each side) and 10# in each back pocket. Heavy duty, 44lbs. lift, my buddy dives one. I have the Ranger LTD, same design with a few add-ons. A base Ranger is also over $350 more than the linked Mares.

Scubatoys also sells the Brigade - their version of a custom Zeagle BC - a Ranger jacket with an Escape 35lb. bungied wing for $488.

There's a video showing how the Ripcord works here: They also sell optional yellow weight bags that consolidate the weights per pocket making them even harder to slip out. They have wide handles making them easier to remove and hand up on a boat.

My buddy did have a loose 1lb. bullet trim weight slip thru a front pocket once but he also jumped off a dock into what he thought was 8' of water - turned out to be closer to 5'.
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I have the Mares Hybrid MRS Plus BCD with the integrated weights. Although I've never actually lost the weights (yet) the pouches don't take much effort at all to remove and it doesn't give me much confidence that they might slip out one day. I try to put as much weight as possible in a separate "shot lead" weight belt so that my ascent isn't too fast if I do lose one, but in hindsight I really wish that I'd bought a really simple BCD with purely buoyancy, and then use the separate Beaver weight harness which seems much more secure.

I really couldn't recommend this BCD for the integrated weight system - it is far too easy to remove the weights for my liking.

I dive in a dry suit in the UK and at the moment wear 12KG - 6KG per pouch is the maximum for this BCD. If you're using less weight, you may find the pouches to be slightly more trustworthy but they're still going to come out without much of a tug.
The computer was a rented one, integrated with the gauges. I don't know if the shop resets them after other divers use them for dives the previous day, but it did seem wacky, especially when it was telling me on my first dive at 20 feet that I only had 10 minutes of bottom time. That's another reason I'd strongly prefer getting my own computer rather than renting them from shops... I'd feel much more comfortable knowing I was the only one diving with it and I was able to learn every little mode it had.

Ouch - recipe for a serious disaster here - most computers that I have used cannot be reset between dives and also have a function which locks them out if a deco violation is recorded and they then can't be resused, except in gauge mode until a certain period of time has passed. Also many computers allow you to set personal levels so you can adjust how conservative or otherwise they are. In short I would say unless you know how the computer works inside out, and can check things like personal levels for yourself I would not be relying on a hired computer except in gauge mode as a depth and bottom timer. You have no idea of the last dive profile, which will affect what it tells you is your NDL's, but also you don't know if personal settings have been programmed to make it more or less conservative and this can significantly change the risks of DCI if it is set to settings for a superfit regular diver, and if you are neither superfit, diving regularly, or have other predispositions to DCI the algorithym could be more risky for you.

I don't know how common rental of dive computers is (it isn't around where I dive) but I think it is not particulalry advisable to rely on a rental computer for deco and NDLs like this. Use paper tables and use the computer as a backup/depth/timer in gauge mode. - P
Well looks like you had the rental gear from hell, BCD and Computer, lessons learned I hope.

SB is good for obtaining lots of information but best to try on various BCDs to find the one that fits you and buy from your LDS. There are great deals on the net but what if you buy something that does not fit well? Lots of hassle returning stuff I would think.

On the subject of integrated weights, I have never used them, always use a weight belt and only lost one belt when doing a giant stride off the side of a boat at 3M.

You did not state what exposure protection you were wearing, but it is possible that your weight pockets might have been overloaded and hence did not work correctly, I occasionally strap on ankle weights to my tank when upping my exposure protection, so not problems with your instructor doing the same.

BTW you don't need a computer to dive, use your tables.
I also use Scubapro bc's and in all the years I have been diving, I had one weight pouch slip out but because they use such a sturdy clip, it didn't release. I'm 100% sure I just didn't slip it in very well when I was putting it back in the bc. Also, you can tighten up the clip so it leaves little to no room for it to come out of the pocket. Scubapro BC's are expensive but I think they are very high quality and well worth the price.

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