Please keep Denisegg's family in your thoughts

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Yesterday was not a good day. We pray for much improvement today. Yesterday was the third day which always seems to be the worse. He had swelling in his lungs but it got so bad that he is now not able to breathe at all on his own. The respirator is keeping him alive. They also induced paralysis along with the coma state because any movement can cause more damage to broken bones. They have found new broken bones, both pelvic bones, breaks in this back.
They were able to repair the artery by placing a stint in it so that has been fixed. They will next try to repair his jawbone by wiring his mouth shut. They will have to do a trachea to do this but they don't want it to heal incorrectly. That is all we know right now.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and concern. I really don't think I could bear this right now without knowing that so many are praying for him and holding him up to God. Please continue to and I will report again as soon as I can.
Yesterday was not a good day. We pray for much improvement today. Yesterday was the third day which always seems to be the worse. He had swelling in his lungs but it got so bad that he is now not able to breathe at all on his own. The respirator is keeping him alive. They also induced paralysis along with the coma state because any movement can cause more damage to broken bones. They have found new broken bones, both pelvic bones, breaks in this back.
They were able to repair the artery by placing a stint in it so that has been fixed. They will next try to repair his jawbone by wiring his mouth shut. They will have to do a trachea to do this but they don't want it to heal incorrectly. That is all we know right now.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and concern. I really don't think I could bear this right now without knowing that so many are praying for him and holding him up to God. Please continue to and I will report again as soon as I can.

Hang tough girl!

our prayers are with you and your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. I am sure this is extremely difficult, I can't even imagine. I am lifting him up to God & your family as well. *hugs* All things are possible with God.
Denise stopping right now to pray right now.

Father in heaven, we come to you in the name of Jesus and ask for your mercy for Denise's grandson and her family. It is took much for them to bare. Words escape us. Have mercy on this child. We ask for some good news today.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

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