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ever been mean to a Jehovah's witness? (dont. its mean.)
Yes, when they've refused to accept I'm not interested and won't leave. If they have no problem with being rude (remaining when you're clearly not welcome is rude), then I have no qualms about returning the favour. Anyone is free to practice ANY religion they wish, as long as they do no harm to others in the process. I have friends of many faiths (and some of none).

(hijaack: I had a friend growing up who was seriously injured when he wiped out on a bike (pedal type). He needed blood (was still loosing blood) and his parents refused. The hospital had a standing arrangment that enabled them to have a minor child made a ward of the court and thus get permission for 'necessary' life saving measures in 5 minutes or less. So that's what they did. Gave him something like 7 bags total. His parents were so upset, they wouldn't let him come home (as if he had a choice in the whole thing). When they finally allowed him back after a couple of months,they made his life a living hell. While they might be at the extreme end of the religion, I have no use for that type of person, or the religion whose views they espouse. My apologies if this offends anyone of that faith, it's not my intent. Just don't waste my time with it, because I'm not buying. My brother married a JW and has converted. After one SHORT discussion, we've agreed that the topic will not be dsicussed. End Hijaack)

Now that I've gotten way to serious, it's been one of those days, I need something more light hearted.

What colour is the sky in your world? :wink:
I can't see it, its dark and rainy, with some thunder and lighting thrown in for fun.
I can't see it, its dark and rainy, with some thunder and lighting thrown in for fun.

Usually Paisley


sorry... I was speaking Metaphorically. :wink:
I thought it sounded Beatle like!
it's my favourite.

If you could play an instrument, what would you play?


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