scuba books

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if you are looking for good reads non fiction try Dark descent, deep descent, shadow divers, the last dive all of these are good reads a little history and riveting tales Bob
i promise i searched before asking. if there is a thread for this, just directing me to it would be great!

what scuba books (besides basic ow texts) has anyone enjoyed? in particular, realistic fiction, general travel like '50 best cheapest dive spots in the whole entire world where they also give away gin', slightly more advanced non-fiction but not too techy for a newbie, or even non-fiction more on the 'etiquette & protocol' side rather than the '1) look good and 2) remember to breathe'.

All of the books mentioned above are great. In addition if you like Deep Decent you will want to check out books by Gary Gentile. He literally wrote the book on diving the Andrea Doria and his Wreck diving book is great. I have found his books to easy too read (not so technical that they are boring) and very, very fascinating.

You can find his book list at Gary Gentile Productions
What a shame that many of the links on that site are passthroughs to, a spyware site.

Wow I did not realize that. The site is so low tech that I did not figure it for anything evil....

The books are good anyway. I am sure they can be had from other sources.

Remember boys and girls. Make sure your virus and Anti-spyware (for all the good it will do) is up to date...
My Favorites in no set order:

Shadow Divers (U-869)
Fatal Depth (A. Doria)
The Last Dive
Dark Descent (Empress of Ireland)
Deep Descent (A. Doria)
The Shipwreck Hunters (Cussler)
"Mask and Flippers, The story of Skin Diving" by Lloyd Bridges (as told to Bill Barada)

It makes for a fun read if you can find it. I just purchased a copy from an out of print bookseller that I found just by Googling the title. It was written 46 years ago, and mostly chronicles the author's adventures growing up with the sport when it was still in its infancy.

It was especially interesting to note the way that some procedures have changed, while some things are remarkably similar to what they were back then.
Baby Duck,

If you’re looking for non-fiction stories I would recommend either the Last Dive by Bernie Chowdhury, which is about a father-and-son diving team that passed away trying to find the identity of an unknown U-Boat, or Deep Descent by Kevin F. McMurray which is mainly about diving the Andrea Doria.

I see you’re in Bath, NC so if you’re interested in learning about or diving NC Wreaks I would recommend Shipwrecks, Diving the Graveyard of the Atlantic by Roderick M. Farb.

As for travel books, anything published by lonely planet is great, I bought their book on diving and snorkeling the Florida Keys before my trip and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you’re interested in diving in the U.S. the is a book called Underwater Odyssey: 50 dives in 50 States by Charles Ballinger, the title pretty much explains what the book is about.

Hope this information helps and if you decide to try any of these books I hope you enjoy them.

Happy diving!!
I like Clive Cussler's books. The Dirk Pitt stories are pretty good. I've only read the first Sea Hunters book & enjoyed it. I read a lot of history books centered around U-Boats and subs in general, primarily because I want to dive them someday.

I'm in the middle of Clive's Atlantis Found and it's good. Also for fiction with scuba in them, you can check out James Rollins and Matthew Reilly. Any of their books will do if you like a bit of action, intrigue, and a bit of sci-fi.
The 'Dirk Pitt' books by cussler are GREAT. Have read several of the more recent books, then ordered some of the first in the series off of Just started 'Pacific Vortex' and it is a page turner. Can't go wrong w/ the Kurt Austin character either...
i promise i searched before asking. if there is a thread for this, just directing me to it would be great!

what scuba books (besides basic ow texts) has anyone enjoyed? in particular, realistic fiction, general travel like '50 best cheapest dive spots in the whole entire world where they also give away gin', slightly more advanced non-fiction but not too techy for a newbie, or even non-fiction more on the 'etiquette & protocol' side rather than the '1) look good and 2) remember to breathe'.


Hi there BabyDuck - if you want to learn more about the protocols of diving rather than '1) look good and 2) remember to breathe' (I always fail Point 1 there: and that’s even before getting into my kit...) then a good starting point is the NOAA dive manual: this huge volume covers the equipment and procedures for just about every form of diving you are likely to encounter, and then some...


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