SPG hose routing

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I used cable ties b/c I didn't know how the hell to use cave line to tie off my gear.

That link you provided explains everything very well. Will try it.

Yeah, that's about the best I've found for pictures on how to do it. I guess you could also just granny knot the hell out of it. Wouldn't look as neat but it would probably work.
Yeah, that's about the best I've found for pictures on how to do it. I guess you could also just granny knot the hell out of it. Wouldn't look as neat but it would probably work.

Yeah tried the granny knot, didnt work. The cave line I have is slippery and the knot keeps unravelling, regardless of how tight I tie it.
Carribeandiver, Colliam7, dkatchalov, *Floater*, mkutyna, Nemrod, Nick_W, Splitlip, The Kraken and willembad,

Thank you!

My gear is in the mail and before I get it I can't even really picture your suggestions very well. So I'll try a dry-run of the various routings next week.

My original idea was to do it do it like *Floater*'s tech instructor: route the HP hose with the LP inflation hose and attach the SPG somwhere in the area of the inflator.

As for it not being a good solution with the Gemini: What if I attach the SPG (to the corrugated hose or the harness) with something than can be easily torn off in a OOA situation? If I use a thin rubber ring or some kind of a velcro attachment that could be ripped away even in case of panic? (Pending the arrival of physical gear), it seems logical to route the two hoses together, particularly on the Scout.

Nemrod, :shakehead: why is it that you never said your "You WILL use a standard octapus, very, very few divers use a combo inflator/octapus with a Hog rig, wing/BP set up." before when for three weeks I have been asking for advice on reg&octo purchase and started several threads about it? You tell me now, after I just ordered 2xGemini for $350?

stevead, diver 85 do I really need to tell you that your posts are pointless?

And IceBergSlim, toss your eyeballs.
You seem to be serious about spamming.
Make ignoring OP's questions as serious as you.

You said you are a warm water diver. No need to second guess your decision on the octo inflator. I Dive a BPW and have been very pleased with my Atomic SS1 on my BPW. I much prefer it over a conventional octo. (You may need to lengthen the corrugated hose)
I currently dive with a necklaced alternate and my primary on a 40" hose UNDER my arm. My SS1 octo inflator is going on my 15 year old daughter's BC. I would rather have her using that than a conventional octo.
double post
For diving singles on a recreational ow dive I use a suunto cobra on to long of a hose … under left arm and clips to left shoulder D-ring. My spare analog pressure gauge is on a shorter hose and routes under right arm and clips off to right waist D-ring.
This is one of the great things about SB – interesting ideas that are not all that common but which may work well nonetheless. Wouldn’t have thought of that.
Nemrod, why is it that you never said your "You WILL use a standard octapus, very, very few divers use a combo inflator/octapus with a Hog rig, wing/BP set up." before when for three weeks I have been asking for advice on reg&octo purchase and started several threads about it? You tell me now, after I just ordered 2xGemini for $350?
Shekes, it is a plot. We get commissions from dive equipment companies! :D Seriously, one of the challenges many of us face is that we feel it is most appropriate to try and answer posts as directly as possible, without going off on tangents that reflect our personal biases. So, maybe Nem was trying to be respectful and missed the opportunity. Generally (and this is not a statement of absolute TRUTH, only about patterns), most folks diving a BP/W will also dive a long hose with their primary second stage, and a short hose on their octo, which is then worn on a bungee looped around their neck, and will use a separate inflator running down across their left shoulder. Personally, I agree with Nemrod, I suspect you will not dive the combo very long. But, that is only my opinion, and I doubt that many of us wanted to hijack your thread with our rants about combo octo/inflators vs separates. That issue has been thoroughly beaten to death in other threads. At the same time, SplitLip has provided an alternate opinion which is also valid and useful.
I disagree with your statement about wireless computers--while I don't think they really aid in streamlining if you properly route your SPG hose I think they have more of a future than octo-inflators. For starters, most of the people I've seen use them use a standard length primary hose (which shorter than a standard octo hose). If anything octo-inflators make your gear less streamlined, because they require you to use a longer low pressure and inflator hose which is just going to be dangling around. Why the hell is every one so obsessed with getting rid of hoses anyway? It's not like they cause tons of drag.

I appreciate your open moral support even more than I do your advice.

I received several PMs with encouraging warm words and criticism directed at some less sensitive members. But strangely enough very few people supported me openly. Public forums are an excellent illustration of why an open-ballot democracy cannot work.


I printed Todd Lonard's instructions. I am a bit apprehensive about modifying my gear myself but I might give it a try. Now I need to get the gear first.

Also I am now worried and irritated that I "will probably need a longer corrugated hose and LP hose" for the Gemini.
I wonder why Nemrod never bothered to mention that little detail before...:shakehead:

Colliam7, with all due respect, I have to reject your theory of it (not) happening out of respect. My experience with Nemrod shows that respect-related considerations, if existent, would definitely not stop him from ridiculing me, never mind pointing out flaws of my ideas. For now I will assume that he oversaw this point rather than outright accuse him of left-wing conspiracy.

As to why I consider stevead's and diver 85's posts useless: Mainly because this thread was neither meant to ask whether or not I should be reducing hoses nor to start a discussion on reliability of wireless SPGs. There are several threads presently active on this sub-forum dealing with these subjects. I read through many of them and they are quite interesting. But this isn't (or wasn't supposed to be) the subject of this thread.

I want to reduce hoses on my gear and I really do not care if it pleases the entire SB community. I am only looking for advice on how to do it, not why or whether or not I should.

Now if someone were to ask me politely what made me go this route, I wouldn't mind explaining. But consider that from my very first post on this forum I was attacked, interrogated and bombarded with unsolicited radical opinions and useless information. I started five threads with quite specific and very articulated questions explaining my needs and aims in detail and I did receive hundreds of "answers" but only very few were actually useful.

Surely you realize that a vast number of people here are not really trying to help anybody. They just want to say something for whatever reasons they may have including letting off steam on ignorant newbies relying on anonymity and counting on impunity. Over years of participating in forums I learned to behave online as I do in the physical world and, to a certain extent, to demand somewhat of the same from others. I am not as naive as to believe that people would actually be decent by themselves but I am so unforgiving, resourceful and persistent as to help them out and if some overdo it "I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger." And yes, occasionally I will follow a few unfortunate stubborns into the real world if I have to. :eyebrow:

Now, finally, I have nothing against the idea of a hoseless SPG. The main reason I won't get an AI computer now is the price. As I said in my OP: these products are still very early in the marketing cycle. I am sure most remember when DVD players cost $2000 and functioned poorly. Today they are at the end of marketing cycle and you can get a very decent one for $30. All electronic produce goes through this cycle and AI SPGs prices will drop soon enough while their quality will improve.

I am willing to pay about $200 for a new AI computer and it has to be a model with years of proven records. Any offers?
Don't worry too much on the length of the corrugated hose.

What is the length. Oxycheq has been shipping with 16 ". Is that what you have?

Is the octo/inflator the one on the end of the hose? If it is and you have the 16 " corrugated hose you might be OK. Try the rig on dry and see if you can turn your head from side to side with the 2nd in your mouth. Depending on your build and how you set up, it might work.
The best bet though is to try in a pool. When the buoyancy floats the rig, it will give you a little more.

If you need to up size the hose, it is very easy to do, especially if you have a standard elbo and no pull dump. It would probably take all of 5 minutes to do and corrugated hoses are cheap.

What do you have exactly?

After re-reading my post from yesterday, it does sound rather condescending. For that I apologize; perhaps I should think twice before posting when I'm in bad mood...

Let me see if I can't relay some useful information to you that hasn't already been said.

During my rescue class, my buddy used an octo-inflator and during an out-of-air exercise, I found that his primary hose felt a little short (indeed most primary hoses are shorter than octo hoses). So that being said, it may not be a bad idea to use a longer hose for your primary. If you are using an under arm routing, it should be easy to tuck any extra length of hose to the side of your plate (be creative bungee, surgical tubing). This is what I do with my regular octo-- I tuck the hose onto the side of my bcd.

Second, generally speaking, most manufactures recommend a longer length corrugated hose for use with an octo-inflator; this is not something the acutely drag conscious smile over. If you can get away with the shorter hose, that's great. You are probably going to have to field test that one. The hose on my zeagle brigade is long enough to inflate with my a$$ (how is that for a mental image) and it irritates me to pieces.

As far as SPGs go, I used a 24" hose with a "Brass & Glass" spg clipped off to my waist. I put the smallest snap bolt I could find and zip-tied it to the gauge. It ran straight down behind my wing, barely even knew it was there. I can promise you it produced less drag than my transmitter.

I know you almost always get more than you bargain for on these types of forums. And I generally think that is a good thing, sometimes people really make you think and it works out for better. Some of the best advice I've gotten was stuff I never really asked for. Unfortunately, we don't always succeed in giving those ideas the best delivery.

Good Luck with your setup!
Splitlip, no idea how long any of the hoses are. If Joe hasn't modified anything it must be the standard oxycheq length. The gear hasn't arrived yet. Even when it arrives I have no possibility to test it before I get to Phuket, which will take another couple of weeks.Yesterday I had to pay another $600 in duty which more than eliminated all of the discount I got from scubatoys. This turns out to cost me almost twice of what I originally planned. This gear better be good!

iceaxe, I gladly accept your apology and thank you for your post!

Reducing hoses is probably particularly important for me because I tend to sprawl and straddle like a baby and get as whiny as one if my movements are restricted. I am claustrophobic with the emphasis on restriction of my sphere of movement. I'd prefer dying of thirst or starvation than being buried alive. I always preferred snorkeling to diving because I enjoy being free of any equipment and that includes the wetsuit. Me (in trunks), the mask and the ocean is my favorite set-up. But of course, most of the time I do add fins, snorkel and a T-shirt because it is a lot more practical. Diving with gear is even more practical because it allows me to spend hours in places I otherwise can only access for a few moments if at all. But I always hated the bulk of the equipment.

Now, do you think the SB community really needed to know all that Freudian background to answer a few set-up questions?

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