St. Pete/Clearwater Dive Operator recommendation?

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Scuba Ann,

Yes, Because we are the Only Coast Guard Certified dive boat in the Tampa Bay area we have special rules we have to follow that the six pack dive boats do not. (along with lots of inspections and safety equipment)

Instructormike, Promoting and marketing your dive boat by telling everyone about the virtues of your boat is one thing. However, when you promote your boat by implying that the 6 packs in the area (I am one of them) are somehow less safe amounts to bad taste at best.

So everybody is straight on this:
1. You are not the only Inspected vessel in the Tampabay area. Any and all vessels carrying more than 6 passengers have to be inspected and there are several out there.
2. Safety regulations are a requirement on all dive boats, You don't have any "special" requirements, you have additional requirements because you carry more than just 6 passengers. Thats all, there is nothing special about it.
3. Please list for me the "Lots of safety equipment" that you carry that I don't. Please remember that "Lots" means numerous so I hope your list is long.

Mike, I don't know you and I have nothing against you, Your probably a really nice guy to dive with, but I can't sit back and read all that misinformation and not say something.
I would rather see this whole thing dropped, this thread is taking a negative turn fast.

Instructormike, Promoting and marketing your dive boat by telling everyone about the virtues of your boat is one thing. However, when you promote your boat by implying that the 6 packs in the area (I am one of them) are somehow less safe amounts to bad taste at best.

I understand and agree with you DiveBandit that Mike said some things that should not of een said and "amount to a bad taste" Even to me, the average person with my own boat

I also agree with Mike in the fact that allot of spearos are unsafe, both New and seasoned alike. However that does not mean that every boat that has a gun on board is a accident waiting to happen.

Anyway enough of all of that garbage. Lets all have good time :) and not turn this into a typical bantering site there are plenty of those out there already :no:
Dive Bandit,

IF there is another Coast Guard Certified and Inspected Dive Boat in the Tampa Bay area PLEASE send me their names. YOUR post said there were "several" out there. The last one I Knew of was Sea Fox from Dunedin and he went out of Business a few years ago.

Six Pack Boats are NOT Coast Guard Inspected Boat. They Do NOT have to do a tenth of the stuff I do. "Lucky them" It does NOT mean they are NOT safe, They ARE!!

My boat has to be inspected EVERY year. The Six packs boats NEVER have to be inspected.

I have to pull my boat out of the water so they can go around tapping the hull looking for blisters and other problems. They also do what they call their OUT of WATER inspection at that time.

Six packs NEVER have to do this.

They go over all my equipment in the Boat including but not limited to my steering system, drive shafts, fuel lines, my back up rudder, manual bilage pumps, test all my 6 different alarms, all thru hulls, and a LOT, LOT MORE!!

I have to Post a CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION on my boat where the Coast Guard Inspector signs off that he inspected my boat.

There are 8 different sheets of papers with different info that has to be posted on my boat.

Six Packs have none. (not talking oil and over board rules)

I have to do fire drills, MOB drills and lot more with the Coast Guard on board.

I have to carry a life raft.

Six Packs do NOT!

I have 4 High water alarms.

Six packs are not required.

Just to get the Coast Guard permission to have a canvas top put on my boat took 6 months of going back and forth with them and lots of engineering studies and reports.

I can not do a single modification to my boat with out written permission from the Coast Guard.

A six pack can do ANY THING!

The Coast Guard did 10 different inspection on my new fuel tanks while they are being built so they would be approved to install in my boat.

If you order a my hull new from the Factory and you want it to be COAST GUARD Certified the cost is a additional $ 30,000.00

They inspected it close to 50 times during inspection.

There is NO INSPECTION of the six pack boats.

The Coast Guard does a Burn Test on m hull to see how good the fire retardant is in the Glass. (they said mine was the best they had seen)

Six packs do NOTHING!

I have to have a stability test done every 12 years.

Six packs have none.

I have to have a engine shut off in case of fire.

Six packs do not.

NON Inspected boats can take fish. I can not with out the $ 30,000.00 special Lic. Two Inspected boats in the pan handle allowed some shooters on the boat and they got fined
$ 19,000.00

I have to have a 406 EPRIB that has to have a hydro release. The relase alone cost me $ 100.00 and I replace it every year. The EPRIB has to be tested once a month and logged in to my log books.

Every trip I have to log everything including POB, hours, where I went, Test I did that trip, safety talk, radio check and more.

I am required to do a radio check every trip.

I have three differnt books just to log all the inspections and repairs I do to the boat.


I have them every year!!

I could fill out 10 more pages out on what I have to do or the six packs DO NOT HAVE TO DO but I think you are getting my point Dive Bandit.

The Coast Guard has a T-Boat Inspection Book that is a Check off list for my boat that is 38 pages long. I can mail you a copy if you want. There is a LOT more things included in that boat.

DO NOT FOREGET to send me the names of the other COAST GUARD INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED DIVE boats in the area. I am not awary of any but that does NOT mean there is not one out there.

I HOPE this helps you Dive Bandit better understand what I was saying. I am VERY sorry YOU posted it to the Board and did NOT contact me direct.

So no buddy else make any other mistakes. Let me make something perfectly clear!! SIX PACK BOATS ARE PLENTY SAFE!

Since the Law does NOT permit me to shoot fish on a charter I refer shooters every week to the six pack boats.

Captain Rod on the Plunger had Lot's of Experience along with Captain Joyce from Narcosis in Tarpon Springs.

Captain Chad is VERY, VERY good also but I am NOT sure he takes out charters any more.

For the past 15 years the majority of the dive shops in Pinellas, Hilsboro and even south of the Sky Way use our boat for their classes and fun trips and there is a reason for that.

IF any other board member EVER disagrees with me PLEASE contact me direct FIRST so I do NOT have to waste my time correcting post. I am way too busy so spend time doing this.

Dive Bandit I see you are a new diver (less then a 1,000 dives) I would like to invite you on a FREE trip on my boat when you want.

Since as Captain I can not leave the deck of the boat on a Charter even to save the life of a person drowing right next to the boat (of course I would) I never get to dive as much as I use to. So I go out during the middle of the week. IF you want to join me then that would be great. If not on a Charter thein I can shoot fish and you can also.

Echoo, Please contact me direct at and let me know what I said wrong. I NEVER intend to hurt ANY ONE as anyone who knows me knows.

Got to run to the Dock. Need to run my boat over to the fuel docks to get ready for the Weekend. For every hour you spent on the water with a charter (mine are 6 hours Dock to Dock) there is 2 hours of stuff you have to do keeping things in Top Shape.

Lets ALL pray for Good Weather and SAFE diving this Weekend.
Six Pack Boats are NOT Coast Guard Inspected Boat..

The Six packs boats NEVER have to be inspected....

Six packs NEVER have to do this....

Six Packs have none. (not talking oil and over board rules)...

Six Packs do NOT!....

Six packs are not required...

A six pack can do ANY THING!...

There is NO INSPECTION of the six pack boats.

Six packs do NOTHING!

Six packs have none...

I have to have a engine shut off in case of fire.

Six packs do not.


I really could use a beer about now :D It's 5 o'clock somewhere!!

Posted via Mobile Device

Blah blah, I'm the greatest, blah blah blah...

We dive all the local boats that allow spearing every weekend. They are GREAT captains and safe operations. As a small business owner this is not the way I would attempt to get new business.
You know Mike. I was going to let this pass and not get involved but I have to say something here. You have a lot of balls being fairly new to this particular forum and talking ***** about how great you are and all this other crap you are blowing out of your keyboard. Fine you think your the greatest and everyone loves you. Woohoo good for you. To set the record straight I personally know of 2 Coast Guard inspected boats in just south of Tampa so I don't think you can lay claims to being the only one in the Tampa area.
I must say that all of your bragging really doesn't do you any good in my book. I don't know if you realize it but this particular forum is a pretty tite-nit group of people. We all know each other and get along very well for the most part. So before you go about correcting members of this forum when you are wrong and coming across like a total a$$ I would suggest you spend some time getting to know us. It might help you out in the long run because right now I don't think you are doing a very good job of making friends. By the way.... if you are so busy that you don't want to waiste your time coming on here to correct someone like you say you are maybe you should not bother coming on at all. We woul dn't want out little group of divers to take away from your mass amount of fans.
WOW! Didn't mean to stir up a whole mess. I was just commenting that we had not tried Tanks-A-Lot yet due to the (now I can say it since Mike himself already confirmed) FACT that he doesn't allow spearfishing from his charters. By the way, I did give him kudos as my dive shop does send him customers and recommends him to recreational divers. But, I think he missed that part of my comment.

Really not a problem. Don't plan on diving his boat now - - EVER!

Mike, most of us locals who do spear, have taken the classes and/or belong to area spear groups. We follow the safety precautions and continue to learn more from one another (like most divers). I do take the sport very seriously. I have years of experience handling a gun (grew up on a farm, was bow and rifle hunting at the age of 15, spent 5 years in the ARMY and qualified as an Expert marksman). I do know how to handle a loaded gun of any sort in or out of the water and as a RESPONSIBLE hunter, I take every safety precaution available.
I understand that you are restricted by your qualifications and cannot offer spearfishing and I have no problem with that. But I don't think attacking the local scuba board is really a great idea. While I cannot speak for everyone, I must admit that I was put off and somewhat offended by the insinuations made in your little rant earlier.

Just my 2 cents worth and now I'm finished commenting on this thread.
I've been taking students out with Tanks a Lot for several years, so I know your boat, and it's a nice boat. However, I've got to tell you, you're not winning any friends here with these long self serving posts. Honestly, most divers could give a rip if a boat is certified by the Coast Guard or not. The divers here in the GTBA forum know and talk to each other. We know which boats are safe, and which ones aren't. It's word of mouth Mike, that's what gets business. That's why I tried Captain Earl's boat Monday. Missdirected (Tracey, a personal friend) recommended him to me. She was right, I liked the boat and Captain. Getting the picture now?
You can do as you like, but I suggest you tone it down a little. Set up a GTBA dive from your boat. Let us get to know you and you get to know us. I think you'll discover a boat full of courteous, safe and proficient divers. I think you'll like what you see. Mike, quit telling us how good you are, start showing us. You may not understand this, but you haven't made such a good impression here. Hopefully, there's time to change that negative image. The ball is in your court... :palmtree: Bob
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Dive Bandit,

IF there is another Coast Guard Certified and Inspected Dive Boat in the Tampa Bay area PLEASE send me their names. YOUR post said there were "several" out there. The last one I Knew of was Sea Fox from Dunedin and he went out of Business a few years ago.

Six Pack Boats are NOT Coast Guard Inspected Boat. They Do NOT have to do a tenth of the stuff I do. "Lucky them" It does NOT mean they are NOT safe, They ARE!!

My boat has to be inspected EVERY year. The Six packs boats NEVER have to be inspected.

I have to pull my boat out of the water so they can go around tapping the hull looking for blisters and other problems. They also do what they call their OUT of WATER inspection at that time.

Six packs NEVER have to do this.

They go over all my equipment in the Boat including but not limited to my steering system, drive shafts, fuel lines, my back up rudder, manual bilage pumps, test all my 6 different alarms, all thru hulls, and a LOT, LOT MORE!!

I have to Post a CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION on my boat where the Coast Guard Inspector signs off that he inspected my boat.

There are 8 different sheets of papers with different info that has to be posted on my boat.

Six Packs have none. (not talking oil and over board rules)

I have to do fire drills, MOB drills and lot more with the Coast Guard on board.

I have to carry a life raft.

Six Packs do NOT!

I have 4 High water alarms.

Six packs are not required.

Just to get the Coast Guard permission to have a canvas top put on my boat took 6 months of going back and forth with them and lots of engineering studies and reports.

I can not do a single modification to my boat with out written permission from the Coast Guard.

A six pack can do ANY THING!

The Coast Guard did 10 different inspection on my new fuel tanks while they are being built so they would be approved to install in my boat.

If you order a my hull new from the Factory and you want it to be COAST GUARD Certified the cost is a additional $ 30,000.00

They inspected it close to 50 times during inspection.

There is NO INSPECTION of the six pack boats.

The Coast Guard does a Burn Test on m hull to see how good the fire retardant is in the Glass. (they said mine was the best they had seen)

Six packs do NOTHING!

I have to have a stability test done every 12 years.

Six packs have none.

I have to have a engine shut off in case of fire.

Six packs do not.

NON Inspected boats can take fish. I can not with out the $ 30,000.00 special Lic. Two Inspected boats in the pan handle allowed some shooters on the boat and they got fined
$ 19,000.00

I have to have a 406 EPRIB that has to have a hydro release. The relase alone cost me $ 100.00 and I replace it every year. The EPRIB has to be tested once a month and logged in to my log books.

Every trip I have to log everything including POB, hours, where I went, Test I did that trip, safety talk, radio check and more.

I am required to do a radio check every trip.

I have three differnt books just to log all the inspections and repairs I do to the boat.


I have them every year!!

I could fill out 10 more pages out on what I have to do or the six packs DO NOT HAVE TO DO but I think you are getting my point Dive Bandit.

The Coast Guard has a T-Boat Inspection Book that is a Check off list for my boat that is 38 pages long. I can mail you a copy if you want. There is a LOT more things included in that boat.

DO NOT FOREGET to send me the names of the other COAST GUARD INSPECTED AND CERTIFIED DIVE boats in the area. I am not awary of any but that does NOT mean there is not one out there.

I HOPE this helps you Dive Bandit better understand what I was saying. I am VERY sorry YOU posted it to the Board and did NOT contact me direct.

So no buddy else make any other mistakes. Let me make something perfectly clear!! SIX PACK BOATS ARE PLENTY SAFE!

Since the Law does NOT permit me to shoot fish on a charter I refer shooters every week to the six pack boats.

Captain Rod on the Plunger had Lot's of Experience along with Captain Joyce from Narcosis in Tarpon Springs.

Captain Chad is VERY, VERY good also but I am NOT sure he takes out charters any more.

For the past 15 years the majority of the dive shops in Pinellas, Hilsboro and even south of the Sky Way use our boat for their classes and fun trips and there is a reason for that.

IF any other board member EVER disagrees with me PLEASE contact me direct FIRST so I do NOT have to waste my time correcting post. I am way too busy so spend time doing this.

Dive Bandit I see you are a new diver (less then a 1,000 dives) I would like to invite you on a FREE trip on my boat when you want.

Since as Captain I can not leave the deck of the boat on a Charter even to save the life of a person drowing right next to the boat (of course I would) I never get to dive as much as I use to. So I go out during the middle of the week. IF you want to join me then that would be great. If not on a Charter thein I can shoot fish and you can also.

Echoo, Please contact me direct at and let me know what I said wrong. I NEVER intend to hurt ANY ONE as anyone who knows me knows.

Got to run to the Dock. Need to run my boat over to the fuel docks to get ready for the Weekend. For every hour you spent on the water with a charter (mine are 6 hours Dock to Dock) there is 2 hours of stuff you have to do keeping things in Top Shape.

Lets ALL pray for Good Weather and SAFE diving this Weekend.

According to the Coast Guard, there is no such thing as a "certified dive boat". The do not have that certification. It looks to me like your only claim to fame MAY be having the only commercial boat in the area catering to divers that is large enough to require inspection, although I am not even certain of that. I've never met you or dived with you. But, I can tell you that you represent yourself on this website as an arrogant prick.
I had a great time on Memorial Day. I'm sure if people go out with him and his wife they will like it. The rates are pretty good too. They still love to dive and it shows. It seems like it's a real passion for them and not just a job. They took us to the Sheridon and didn't charge us for the extra distance and time! They are very likeable in person.

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