Suunto Cobra stuck in dive mode

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I've got a Cobra that seems to have gotten stuck in dive mode.

I went to Point Lobos for a dive last Saturday. Before the first dive I turned my computer on to check it out. Right away it said I was at over 400 feet depth and dive time at about 800 minutes. The computer is supposed to shut off after 5 minutes of inactivity but it stayed on for 3 days.
I tried pulling the battery out for about 20 minutes but as soon as I turned the computer back on it did the same thing.

Suunto refuses to work on it because the device is no longer in warranty.
Are there any experts out there that can give me some suggestions? I don't want to buy another computer.

Welcome to the board.

Try washing it in warm water paying special attention to the download contacts. If the contacts still have salt on them they will at times stay on.

Is it Suunto or the LDS telling you they are refusing to work on it? If it's is Suunto, I would suggest you send a letter to the CEO explaining why you will be buying an Oceanic instead of a new Suunto. If Suunto still refuses to fix it at a reasonable price I would also suggest you start a new thread detailing the FACTS of your problems with them. We all like to know when a company does see fit to support us so we can take our busniess to those companies that do.
I have the same problem with mine at times. herman is right, it's the contacts. I let mine soak for a couple of hours or run it under warm water for about 30 minutes. Shake vigorously and let dry.
Thanks for the replies. I'll give warm water a shot.
I took my computer to my local dive shop. They in turn looked at it and decided they couldn't fix it so they called Aqualung which I believe is the only official service tech in my area. Aqualung is the ones saying they won't work on it.

I get the bloody thing back on Friday so I'll let you know how it goes. I'm diving Point Lobos on Saturday and sure would be happy to have my computer working.
I have had problems with the Cobra as well. Last summer, it just quit working and would not turn on at all. As I had it about a year, the LDS sent it back to Suunto. The folks there could not figure it out, but one day, after almost a month, it turned back on. They argued with my LDS about operator error, which was a bit of a joke because the LDS owners had all tried to get it to work, too. Basically, they pressure tested it and sent it back. I was not terribly happy, but it seemed to be working. Then this evening, I was diving at the local lake testing out a new wing. My buddy and I were staying shallow (normally we would hit around 120ft or so in this lake), and were surfacing. The computer had, I assume, been functioning appropriately throughout the dive ( I say assume because it seemed to be tracking pretty much with my buddy's for pressure and depth right until the end). However, as we were surfacing, the computer completely "froze up". Fortunately, it froze at 5ft, but it could have been a whole bunch worse if we had gone to our usual haunts. Having completely disconnected the computer from the rest of the equipment and hoses, it still will not shut off.

This does not appear to be a bad contact situation, as dunking it does not seem to help, this computer dives almost exclusively in fresh water, and it has no chance of getting banged, as it is clipped tight across my chest-(a ding there would be noticeable).

Looking back on my logged dives, it appears that while not exactly the same number of dives, the number of dives that I had on it before the first crash and the number of dives since I got it back from crash 1 to crash 2 are pretty close. I can't help but think that they really didn't fix the problem the first time. I am hopeful my LDS will take a stand with me and force the issue with Suunto.

Almost certainly at this point, I would not buy another Suunto product, absent some indication that the products are reliable.

Anyone else having this problem? Has anyone had any luck or good experience with Suunto in a similar situation?
Ouch, please keep us updated on your progress getting these problems addressed. I have 3 Suunto and would hate to think that the service described here was the usual treatment.
Getting my computer back today. I'm diving tomorrow so I hope the hot water trick works.
Anyone know how I can get an letter to the CEO of Suunto? I'd like to express my satisfaction with their repair service. I didn't expect much. If they had said "we'll fix it but we're gonna charge you" i would have been happy with that. But to just blow me off really isn't good business practice.
I'm not sure where you are located so this advice might not work. I would take the computer to another dive shop or call Aqualung directly yourself.

I work in a dive shop and have sent many things back to Aqualung. I have never had them tell me that they refuse to fix anything when purchased through an authorized dealer. Sometimes customers are charged, sometimes it is covered.

Do you care for your computer after diving with it? I use warm water with a small splash of white vinegar and let my regs and computers soak for a short while and then rinse well.

If you don't take care of your equipment and mineral/salt deposits build up on the computer causing malfunction, does that mean that the computer is junky or just that it isn't cared for?

Another possible problem might be if you purchased it from a non-authorized dealer like LeisurePro.

If you are in California, PM me and I will try and help you out with sending it in.

Good luck,
Ann Marie
I got my computer back and tried soaking it in warm water. Didn't help this time.
Looks like the computer is dead dead dead... I took the battery out on Friday, I'm going to put it back in tonight to see if a long period with no charge will make a difference. I expect not but it's my last hope.

Ann Marie,

I am in Californa. But Aqualung/Suunto refuse to work on my computer because I purchased it second hand. I'm fine with them not wanting to fix it for free. But why the heck won't they fix it and just charge me for it? That's plain silly!
I've never soaked my computer in water/vinager mix but I always soaked it in warm water after a dive.
I really liked the Cobra as a dive computer. But their service stinks. When I buy another computer it's not going to be Suunto.

Thanks for everyones help and suggestions! If leaving the battery out for several days makes a difference I'll update the thread.

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