Swallowing Air

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Wow I feel like I've just walked (Okay, rolled) into a classroom of third graders. They love fart talk!
steve you have nothing to worry about just belch or pass gas to get rid of the gas. bloat isnt reall that much of a problem because the GI tract of a human holds almost 35cf of air when total filled to capacity but not over pressuried (just enough to fill out the gut)

this information was given to me by my GI Doc

speaking of GI Docs, i have crohns disease whihc effects the GI tract. Diving for me and my doctor has been a learning experince for us because im his first patient,( i have been going to see him since i was 15 , im now 21) who scuba dives, ie effects of compressed gas on someone who tract is shortened, and the effects of the medications i take while on compressed gas( the drug companies are very intrested in these effects because of the implcations if something happens (its all good so far)).

Besides this i also have air go into my stomach with breathing normally so every so often my dive buddy hears a sound of like a tank creeking when i let it rip.

Also if you experince a sensation like your gonna puke, as unconvential as it sounds when in the water roll on you back and just relax because what this does is calm the stomach and release the pressure that is causing that sensation. If this doenst help after 5 mins, then your really gonna blow chunks unfortuanetly. if on the shore the same applies make sure your head is up so that you dont aspirate


So i just finished my first confined dive. I'm in the Maldives at a resort and they took me to a max of 3m. We were out there for about 1 hour. No major mistakes or issues while diving but some strange things developed after.

I have had non-stop excessive burping and slight chest pain. The chest pains come and go. I have some shortness of breath. I also noticed that I had a sore knee joint when exiting the ocean. I didn't really think too much of it at the time. It's been 12 hours now and I'm still burping excessively and my knee hurts. Do I need to be concerned about anything?

The air present in your intestines will compress under pressure. But since the volume technically should not change then you would surface with the same amount that you started your dive so that shouldn't pose any health problems. If you expel some gas during the dive then there is even less concern since there is less gas present. See above post however for the issues related to losing small amounts of gas in a wetsuit or drysuit.

As for the swallowed air it is still subjected to laws of physics and would expand as you ascend. The concern for gases however isn't that they expand, it's if they expand in a closed space. Since your stomach will feel the need to burp if the pressure gets too great then unless you have an inability to burp then you should not have a problem. And since no-one should be able to hear you burp then no need to be modest and just let it rip.
Wow what a lot of replies ! this must be the best forum around. Thank you all for the advise. I am sure I will have another question soon (be it daft or not) :)

Just don't have a curry the night before :wink:
This is a problem I have had to manage since I began diving. I can not clear my ears in the normal pinch and blow method. Other technics are only partly effective. One of the only ways I was able to always get cleared was to swallow. Course with that comes the trapped air, sometimes queasiness, and burps upon assent. Thankfully as I dive more my ears seem to cooperate more and are easier to clear so this issue seems to be taking care of itself.

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