Travel...airlines...TSA....a rant...bear with me

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Diver Lori once bubbled...

On a side note.....I heard on the local news this morning that starting today.....the TSA is going to look "closer" at all electronic device....cameras, walkman....etc. This doesn't bode well for dive computers!

I heard it will include ALL electronic items including cellphones :eek:
Why carries a cell phone or palm pilot these days? We'll now have to arive at the airport 6 hour before a flight :upset:

I have to say that, on the whole, the TSA folks (white shirts and eagle patches) are much more knowledgeable and pleasant than some of the folks who used to be hired directly by the airlines. (I can say this for sure, after many moons of this stuff!)

This does not negate the fact that occasionally some of them may be less than pleasant, or carried away with the sense of their own "importance"! (And don't you forget it, comrade!) We have, however, already surrendered any opportunity to object, so one can only grin, say "yes, sir" and no, sir (or ma'am), and continue on.

I recently transported some 7 liter tanks in checked baggage and had no trouble, but I had the valves out and bagged, and a threaded plastic plug in the top for easy visual inspection. I also had some OTS comm gear, but the batteries were packed separately.

As I say, grin and bear it!!!=-)
We have been on a couple of dive vacactions post 9-11 with a pony and to date had no problems. Touches wood

It appears the regulations are basically the same as before: the bottle must be COMPLETELY emptied and the valve REMOVED.

Yes, I know that's not a good thing to do with a scuba tank, regardless of size, but if you want to take your pony with you, that's what you have to do.

If you want "nightmare" stories, remind me to tell you about the pre-911 Hurghada incident after our 1st Red Sea liveaboard. It will make your stories sound like fairy tales. :wink:

OK, I had to chime in...

In these situations, there will be those who are unpleasant and borderline abusive. There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with it. The wrong way is to lose your temper and argue with them. If a TSA agent takes his frustrations out on you, such as described - making snide comments, reminding you they are in power - DON'T SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT IS REQUIRED - AND SMILE. Don't argue, don't overexplain, just smile and say "it's my scuba tank - I emptied it and removed the valve for you" yadda yadda.... "These are regulators for life support" ect... if they ask.

If they confiscate something and you don't agree with it, or it is an expensive item such as an analyzer, ask NICELY to see a supervisor - ask NICELY for some paperwork. They have full authority to take something away. They DON'T have full authority to take a $500 peice of equipment and keep it forever. Come on..

When you are done with the "gauntlet" and survive, do what another poster should be commended for doing, file a complaint.

Write everything down as soon as you are clear of the "incident" while it is still fresh. Write down times, names, numbers, exact phrases used, ect.. These details add enormous weight to a complaint. Odds are that this person has been abusive to others as well. Your complaint might be the final straw and weed out someone who does more harm than good in this position.

These people have a responsibility to protect the flying public and national security. They DON'T have the authority to abuse their power, berate travelers, or yell at old ladies slower than they are. They can't take away your medication just because you can't produce a doctor's note - come on... That's what the labels are for. If you pack meds in a little plastic bag, however, I think you deserve what you get - alot of questions!

Personally, I have at least 50 trips under my belt over the last year to the East Coast. I have never been treated unprofessionally. As a matter of fact, the majority of these agents have been nice, and have even smiled.

I'm a firm believer that copping an attitude with security agents is the quickest way to a bad situation for everyone around.

Divers travel with things that look "out of place" as compared to the normal person with a bag of underwear and the like. We need to be prepared for questions. I learned this over many years as a travelling engineer. Try explaining why you have peices of a combat aircraft in your luggage! lol, I just tell them the truth, but keep it simple. "It's a hard drive for an XX aircraft - I work for XXXX, here's my badge.." "Sure, I have some more paperwork right here.."

I never have a problem and usually get questions like "How can I have a job like yours?"

The same thing works for scuba gear...

The key here is HONESTY and POLITENESS, and patience until you get to thier bosses!


Ok...Just received this on email and it just tickled me silly.

It is NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT...its a Chris Rock clip about how to deal with the Police...or the TSA for us.

Bear with the ads and long commercial at the beginning of the video and you will NOT be sorry.

Oh, almost forgot you will need to click on the download section on the left side to get the video.
I am friendly and polite. I smile.

I might offer too much information such as, "That odd shaped metal thing you're looking at is in a large, square, zippered pouch with a red and white scuba flag on the top cover. It's at the bottom of the bag." Do you think that sets them off? 99% of the time they just open up the pouch and say, "Oh yeah. That's just scuba gear.

I'm too savvy to think I can carry pills in plastic bags. Last weekend the screener picked up medication in a container that was clearly marked with a pharmacy label and said, "You can't have this without a doctor's note." I know my rights. She was messing with me. I am sure she enjoyed it.

I'm not sure that the problem I've observed has anything to do with race. It could be socio-economic. It could just be the result of overcrowding in major, urban centers. Malthus' work with lab rats showed that these normally docile creatures become agressive when thier population rises to the point where too many of them have to compete for limited resources.

Heck, maybe it's just coincidence. Maybe I've just run into a couple of people on days when they've been in cranky moods. Maybe the fact that the cranky screeners have been in NY and Miami has been pure coincidence.

But I know one thing - they are not responding to the way that I am treating THEM. I treat everyone the same, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or shoe size.

And as a frequent traveler, I know how to pack my stuff.
Yes, Ravie, I agree that there are and always will be some problems. The lady making the doctor's note comment was definately wrong. Maybe she really intended to say it, thinking you wouldn't argue. Honestly, I think it is probable she just "popped off" and then (like we ALL do sometimes) she realized what she said and backed off.

If many more people behaved like you, I think traveling would be SO much more enjoyable. It is really stressful to be behind someone in line that is abusive and argumentative to everyone in their path that is trying to do their job. Sometimes I wish there was a "grown-up" somewhere that would simply forbid these types to travel. I don't think you should be allowed out of your house if you act like this, much less travel on an airplane. But then again, this is the real world.

And people wonder why corporate travellers like me upgrade to first class every time we can. I've seen the looks you get upon boarding :) I simply got tired of sitting next to wierdos, people in bad moods, and screaming children four hours at a time, three times a week. Boy, do I have stories!

Thank GOD for upgrade segments!

raviepoo once bubbled...
I am friendly and polite. I smile.

I might offer too much information such as, "That odd shaped metal thing you're looking at is in a large, square, zippered pouch with a red and white scuba flag on the top cover. It's at the bottom of the bag." Do you think that sets them off? 99% of the time they just open up the pouch and say, "Oh yeah. That's just scuba gear.

LOL. That's usually the case when I'm carrying work stuff. As an engineer, I SO want to go into detail.. :)

Hey, be proud of this sport, you worked hard at it!

Falcon99 once bubbled...

LOL. That's usually the case when I'm carrying work stuff. As an engineer, I SO want to go into detail.. :)

Hey, be proud of this sport, you worked hard at it!



Pieces of a combat aircraft??? That 's about the best I've heard!!! We love our Business-First travellers!:D
TSA- Thousands Standing Around

While they are busy checking grandmothers for illicit nail clippers and confiscating a General's Medal of Honor, the TSA allows armed people on aircraft! I dont think we are any safer with them than we were with the old system.

See this:

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