Which Aggressor Trip?

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Scuba Jim once bubbled...

Tahiti is worth considering, though there is almost no space left for 2003. I was on the inaugural trip in September and can vouch for the quality of the diving. Shed loads of sharks and fish, but the reefs are not very interesting at all. Nothing like Fiji! July is a good time to go to Manihi because marbled groupers go there to congregate & mate in their 1000s. Scott & Robin, who lurk on the board (see Pacific travel section), were there for their honeymoon. We met up in Bora Bora. You will see see lots of mantas in Manihi. You could also pop down to Rurutu and go snorkelling with humpbacks.

Fiji was on the radar scope but the wife caught wind of the Overwater Bungalows in Tahiti and it was a done deal.....
FIJI next time!!!!

I just received word from the manager at the dive center in Manihi that ....while they have had H'backs swimming around .....a few days ago they had the company of a Whale shark......he is really rubbing salt in my wounds!!!!!

Jim is right on about the fish......there are almost too many....stimulation overload as you see something new every dive!!!! planning to go back.....well if the bank account ever recovers :eek:

A group from our lds did the Bay Islands Agressor in July 2002. It was my first liveaboard and I think they are great. However, I would not recommend the Bay Islands Agressor. When we arrived, the smell of diesel in our cabins was so strong that I was very uncomfortable in the cabin. After we got under way, the smell did decrease to some extent (or maybe we got used to it). I noticed when I got home that everything still smelled like diesel.

My real concern was that we ran out of fuel on the next to last night. Fortunately, we were in a sheltered bay. We actually ran out of fuel at about 3:00 in the morning. The captain called the land manager and asked him to make arrangements for fuel so that we could get under way for our last day of diving. However, the land manager did nothing. The next morning, the crew had to take the small boat and make 2 trips for 55 gallon drums of fuel which then had to be brought on board and siphoned into the fuel tanks. We did not get to do any dives on that day (what would have been our last dives).

What made the experience worse was the lack of concern that the management had. The captain was new and (according to him and the crew) and wanted to take on fuel before the week began. The land manager insisted that there was plenty of fuel for the week and would not let them take on more. When the land manager came on board when we got back to port, he walked past the passengers without so much as an acknowledgement. When the dive shop representative cornered him to discuss the problems, the land manager made it clear that he didn't see any problem and that these things just happen. (There were some other issues during the week that I won't detail here.) We were all very upset that the management did not even apologize for the trouble that we had during our trip.

I will say that the captain and crew were great. The captain was also upset (or appeared to be) at the attitude of the land manager.

The chef (if he is still there: Chef Leetch) is outstanding!! Those who had been on other live-aboards said that the food was much better than they had ever had.

All in all, I highly recommend the live-aboard experience but I would be cautious of the Bay Islands Aggressor. The owner has yet to express any regret for the inconvenience (and danger of) running out of fuel or any of the other issues we informed him of.

Our lds trip next summer will be with Peter Hughes in Belize. I have heard good things about the Turks & Caicos Aggressor. Don't know about the others.
dr mom,
Thanks for the heads up on the Bay Island Aggressor. So sorry that your group had those experiances. These liveaboard trips are too expensive to suffer such conditions.

I would, at the very least, voice a complaint with the home office.
I will certainly inquire a bit more carefully should we decide to book the Bay Isl. in the future.

Peter Hughes usually gets excellent reviews. The only reason we book Aggressors was a conversation I had with a P.H. rep. some years ago. I was advised that there vessels are not built to U.S.C.G standards , as are the Aggressors built in the U.S.
Still, they have a good safety record. Other than the Belieze incident, which I truly believe was bad luck, an act of God, or just another example of Murphys Law.

Wherever you go on your next trip, I hope you have a wonderful time.
scubabear once bubbled...

I would, at the very least, voice a complaint with the home office.
I will certainly inquire a bit more carefully should we decide to book the Bay Isl. in the future.

Actually, we did send a letter to the home office but received no reply from them either. I would like to reemphasize that the crew were great. We were there on the captain's first week on the boat and I am sure that contributed to the problems.

Even with the problems, it was an awesome trip. My husband and I are going to try Blackbeard's out of Miami Dec. 14-20. I am looking forward to the sailing and, of course, lots of diving.
Dr_MOM, interesting information. I'm heading out to the Bay Islands on Friday. Who was the Land Manager, that worries me more than the Captain.

As to the smell, was it diesel fuel smell, or exhaust smell?
You might want to consider trying Nekton Liveaboards; there boats are all catamaran style boats. They also have a hurricane guarantee. If you miss two days of diving due to a hurricane, your next cruise is half price. If you miss four days of diving your next cruise is free. They do a bunch of different itineraries to the Bahamas and Belize. Check out there website @ www.nektoncruises.com
Dove on the TC Aggressor in Dec 2001 but booked the trip 1 year in advance. You might be out of luck trying to get something at this late date. Going on the Galapagos Aggressor in July and we booked that one as soon as we got back from TC.

TC is outrageous! All wall diving. It typically starts at 60 ft and drops off into the deep blue abyss. Lots of sharks and large rays. Vis had to be 150 ft. First class trip!

drizzt117 once bubbled...
I don't want this thread turning into a yelling match like a lot of other threads. I am simply looking for advice as to where to go June of 2003 for a live-aboard, not speculate as to why the people aboard the "Dancer" were killed. Thanks.


Oh yeah, and I thought hurricane season didn't start until August. Please correct me if I'm wrong. But so far, its looking like somewhere in the Carribean b/c I don't have an extra $1500 to go to the Pacific.

I just joined the forum and saw your question---hope I'm not too late.
I've been on all the Carib Aggressors, some more than once. My favorite by far is the Belize Aggressor--I'm going on my 5th trip this April (in just 4 weeks---YES!!) The top of the reefs are 25-40 ft. which allows some great trips down the walls. Not counting the Blue Hole, every dive has spectatular beauty and a great diversity of life. If you have any specific questions that I can help you with, don't hesitate to give me a shout.

We just got back from Coco's Island in February. It was an amazing trip. 26 dives in 7 days. Tons of sealife. In June, July, and August the schools of Hammerheads are at their best. Tehy school in the 1000's during that time. As far as the boat goes, it is the oldest of the fleet and the A/C was pretty much broken the whole trip, but if it had been working i wouldn't have anything to complain about that trip.

We saw white tips on every dive and Hammerheads on about half of the dives. The trip really is a special adventure. You get to take three trips on to the Island of course weather permitting. It's the most exciting trip I have been on for Diving. The seas were almost non-existant the whole trip. The biggest waves were only about 3 footers and was pleasant from and to the Island, since it's a day and half trip each way.

Hope this helps

Wreck Ranger
and it was rock-on diving...big animal fest. The boat was a little high-mileage shabby, but that was a minor point...FWIW, it's been refurbed since then.

Going on the new Turks/Caicos Aggressor boat (120', it looks sweet!) on May 31...I'll post a report after the trip.

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