Why get Nitrox certified?

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Unless you get bent! Then it really messes up everyone's day. Is it it really worth it to save a very small % of the cost of your trip?I actually prefer to support the nitrox provider so they can be there when I need them!

I don't need Nitrox to avoid DCS. No one needs nitrox to avoid DCS. Nitrox extends my bottom time when I want that. It also make me feel better when when doing lots of diving. I have never had any problem getting nitrox when I wanted it.
If you can safely do the same dive on a tank of air, then the added cost of EAN makes no sense,
Unless you get bent! Then it really messes up everyone's day. Is it it really worth it to save a very small % of the cost of your trip?
Clearly awap meant if you can safely conduct the dive on air then it makes no sense to spend the money on nitrox. I consider safely meaning I dont get bent.
Hi Matt -

I live in an area with no ready access to diving. We have to travel if we want to dive, so we are basically "vacation" divers. We do 3 to 4 dives per day for 6 days out of a week. The decision became simple for me when we reached the third or fourth day of our dive vacation and my computer didn't want me to dive any more! When you are making such an investment in the dive trip of a lifetime, you don't want to be limited on how many dives you can do or the quality of those dives. Nitrox provided the perfect solution to my problem.

I don't try to stretch the length of my dives to take advantage of the additional NDL, but simply use nitrox to stretch the number of repetitive dives I can complete during my vacation. The added benefit is that I am not nearly as worn out at the end of the day :D

I don't expect your limits will be challenged during your diving in Grand Cayman, but keep an eye on your computer and hopefully you will see what I mean. Have a great time!
Beaverdivers likes to 'sell' concepts on the basis of "you're gonna die". Any recreational diver who follows the most basic safe diving practices and applies their training appropriately has little to no risk of DCS. Nitrox isn't a solution for DCS avoidance - it's tool to extend bottom times, whilst still engaging those safe diving practices and the application of training to maintain safety.

It's the attitude and application that keeps you safe, not the tool you use.
Why get Nitrox Certified? Can you say "profit?" No, really ... divers can not, within an O/W class, master the four critical learning objectives of a Nitrox Course:

  1. breathe in,
  2. breath out,
  3. control your time,
  4. control your depth.
Why get Nitrox Certified? Can you say "profit?" No, really ... divers can not, within an O/W class, master the four critical learning objectives of a Nitrox Course:

  1. breathe in,
  2. breath out,
  3. control your time,
  4. control your depth.

I remember reading on SB a "10 minute Nitrox Course" taht someone put together which was quite entertaining. In reality the skills they do teach you is how to use an O2 meter, and how to use your computer (or modified tables). Thus why many intructors have special offers where they throw it in with another course for cheap.
The reality though is at least in my country, you simply cannot get a Nitrox fill without either having the card, or filling your own tanks (and I do know of one person who does his own Nitrox Stick fills without a Nitrox cert).
I remember reading on SB a "10 minute Nitrox Course" taht someone put together which was quite entertaining. In reality the skills they do teach you is how to use an O2 meter, and how to use your computer (or modified tables). Thus why many intructors have special offers where they throw it in with another course for cheap.
The reality though is at least in my country, you simply cannot get a Nitrox fill without either having the card, or filling your own tanks (and I do know of one person who does his own Nitrox Stick fills without a Nitrox cert).
My real point, which I was making, kinda sideways, is that Nitrox should be normal part of an O/W course, EAN-21 has all the same problems, (including analysis, CO, O2, etc.).
I've only dived Nitrox about 20 times now so far, but when I do use it, I'll still use my standard air tables. I ain't lookin for longer dives, just safer ones.

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