Why the big deal about doubles?

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Cave Diver once bubbled...

So does that mean that this picture is of you O-ring????

I was always kinda partial to "Nitrox Man" myself...he just screams "I am an east coast wreck diver!"


Here's the one I snapped of Cave Diver just before we entered Devil's Ear.


Where did you find a picture of my last boyfriend?????

Kidding, Just kidding:)
chickdiver once bubbled...

Where did you find a picture of my last boyfriend?????

Kidding, Just kidding:)
Actually, they put up some new ones since I was there last...if you haven't checked them out, the new ones are just as worthy of a coke alert as the old set.


BTW, on a serious note...what the heck is this?
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

I believe that is a buoyancy control device!
So is that a hand actuated pump that inflates some sort of BC? Hard to tell from the picture....
I think that it has something to do with those yellow tanks on the sides.

BTW... being a moderator really cramps my style at times... we have a few candidates for the frogkick site here in our profile pictures... but I can't out them... you'll just have to do the digging yourself.
I thought that was a visiting Aussie :egrin:

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