Wilmington Incident - 16 Oct

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As for this thread, let the speculation go and let the family be in peace at this time. This was a tragic loss of a loving person and friend to many. I ask that Scubaboard please close this thread.

The topic of every A&I thread where the diver dies fits the above description. It is always easy to say "Let's learn from this" until it is someone close to you. Few people can handle a discussion over the death of someone close to them however that is in fact what this area of the board is for. The best thing everybody can do is to steer clear of this thread if you were close to the deceased and offer condolences in the "Passings" thread.

I agree so long as the facts are not obscured by speculation/rumor.

The easiest and quickest way to remove speculation from a discussion such as this is to offer up the facts. It is, however, rare that actual facts are ever introduced to these discussions. People still do their best to try to learn from the situation.
I agree so long as the facts are not obscured by speculation/rumor.

It is my understanding that speculation and rumor are allowed in this particular forum as part of the learning process, but only as long as they are presented as such. It's also worth noting that the facts aren't obscured when they are presented by someone who has them.
As for this thread, let the speculation go and let the family be in peace at this time. This was a tragic loss of a loving person and friend to many. I ask that Scubaboard please close this thread.
I have empathy for the family, but these threads perform the function of hopefully preventing further tragedy and as much as I'd like to alleviate the grief of the friends and relatives in this case, everyone would probably agree the discussion is worth it if it saves even one additional life.

Consequently, I think the thread should stay open and if it's a concern, then advise the friends and relatives not to read this particular thread.

I've also said it before and will say it again...If I die in a diving accident I would expect everyone to discuss it. Even if I died because I did something stupid...as a matter of fact, especially if I did something stupid. And if my mom, sister, whoever shows up and comments on the thread and/or is distrubed by it, please ban them immediately from the thread so the discussion can continue...
..And if my mom, sister, whoever shows up and comments on the thread and/or is distrubed by it, please ban them immediately...

True love,,,,even from the afterlife !! But I ditto your comments.
I'm with DA on this as well. It is clearly spelled out in my last wishes that if I should die while diving I want people to speculate, guess, criticize me, chastize my ghost, and if it is a result of my own stupidity make that abundantly clear to ANYONE who reads about it. Do not cover up, minimize, or contribute some false sense of me being a better diver than I was. The Cozumel thread was a perfect example or stupid going bad and not wanting people to find out the real reason for what happened at first. As a result people canceled trips, got scared of down currents that did not exist, and actually held up the participants as someone to be admired for actually surviving the dive. That was probably the worst thing for diving.

It is one of the reasons that this forum was overhauled a while back and the Passings forum created. So that we could speculate, offer up scenarios, and LEARN from those events and even hypothetical events when the facts were not available. I know for a fact that divers have read of the events here and as a result altered or stopped practices that were not smart. They have sought out training to deal with situations they or others might put them in that risked their safety. There have been a couple posts dealing with friends, acquaintences, etc not being happy with the tone or content of threads here and that is understood. I have had a couple friends die diving. Some were members here and I only knew them via SB but I feel confident that all of them would have wanted others to learn from their accidents and in so doing perhaps preserve a life.

The truth and speculation often hurts some people. And that is why there is a back button, little "x" in the corner of the screen, and a whole slew of buttons to click that will take them somewhere else.
The topic of every A&I thread where the diver dies fits the above description. It is always easy to say "Let's learn from this" until it is someone close to you. Few people can handle a discussion over the death of someone close to them however that is in fact what this area of the board is for. The best thing everybody can do is to steer clear of this thread if you were close to the deceased and offer condolences in the "Passings" thread.

The easiest and quickest way to remove speculation from a discussion such as this is to offer up the facts. It is, however, rare that actual facts are ever introduced to these discussions. People still do their best to try to learn from the situation.

And therein lies the rub. As is often the case with the fossil ledge incidents, she was alone, and it's hard to put the pieces together even for those who where present. Further, I think most would prefer to hold certain aspects back until the investigation concludes. Personally, I'm ok with the speculation and I understand the purpose of it, and this forum. But I'd ask for some patience while it all gets sorted out.

At some point, if someone from the boat that day doesn't offer up the details of what happened, I will share as much as we are able to find out, once all leads are exhausted. For now, those close to her passing are waiting too.
At some point, if someone from the boat that day doesn't offer up the details of what happened, I will share as much as we are able to find out, once all leads are exhausted.

Grish, I appreciate what you are saying.

However, I am concerned that if we wait indefinitely, we may never really learn much. How long must one wait for all leads to be exhausted?

This incident raises a number of questions. An experienced diver appears to have died under unusual circumstances. Did the diver become separated from her gear? Was she in fact alone? If so, did the dive begin as a solo dive?

We can analyze known facts in an appropriate way. I think we can extrapolate while showing respect for injured divers.

Keep the Thread open.
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I understand the desire in the scuba diving community for learning and information, However at this time there are few facts. Please at least wait until facts are presented before you proceed with this discussion. Without the facts it is only uninformed discussion which can cause more harm than good. We are all only one dive away from potentially being in this kind of situation.
Respectfully, CapSteve

I noticed that you joined ScubaBoard this month. Welcome to ScubaBoard.

I also noticed that you are from Ocracoke, NC. It sounds as if you know people involved in the incident. I appreciate that.

ScubaBoard members have the right to engage in discussion of incidents.

No one here was proffered any inappropriate speculation.

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