You know you've been diving too much when....

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4) You equalise when you go down in an elevator
Just once or twice and it was a rapid decent....

5) You start giving people the OK hand signal when you are onland.
Very guilty of this ... become second nature

8) You make sure you are holding your trouser belt at the other end to the buckle.
Integrated weights stop me from doing this

10) You wear your dive computer to work so that when your no dive time is up, you know when to start faking an illness :)
Yes I wear it on non diving days, and I even set it to dive now from time to time ..
" start rating business meetings as a 1 or 2 tank dive"

love it .. might start doing that ... I like it ...
..You are caught spitting in your glasses before going outside.
FreeFloat once bubbled...

Maybe that's because I'm not PADI...?
In the PADI Rescue Diver course, when you have a team simulating rescuing a diver, at some point you will want to direct someone to "Call for help!". Well, so as not to panic any bystanders and to make sure that no one REALLY calls 911, the rescue divers say "Call for pizza!"

As far as I know, no large pepperoni pizzas have been delivered as a result of a Rescue class.
You know you've been diving too much when.....

You loose site of your other half while on a shopping spree so you stand on the cash register after 1 min of searching for them in the shop and wave frantically calling their name.

You come into the changing rooms where your other half is trying on new clothes and examine them thoroughly and tell them that you need to be familiar with their new outfit incase you need to take it off in an emergency!

ask the driver of the ski boat what the vis is
see old wheel weights at car shop and wonder how many...?
your boss tells you to get the lead out of your as**, and you check to see if your weight belt slipped.
You know you've been diving too much when....

You gear up to sleep on a waterbed.
Durcell sends you hand written thank you cards!

Your master card, checks, and business cards all have ocean scenes.

when your doctors draws blood during a physical you look to see if there are any bubbles

you select your next car by how much gear it holds and if it has four wheel drive.

you think you need a trailer for all the gear you want to take diving.

your save a dive kit has become a fifth wheel trailer.

if the stack of dive magazines in the bathroom is taller than the bath tub and you still sift through them

every time it rains you think of wearing your dry suit.

The LDS calls to see if you are OK if you haven't been there in a couple of days.

Uh oh.. Guilty as charged.
bermudaskink once bubbled...
You know you've been diving too much when.....

You come into the changing rooms where your other half is trying on new clothes and examine them thoroughly and tell them that you need to be familiar with their new outfit incase you need to take it off in an emergency!


I wouldn't care to ask what would constitute an emergency!

I have a few:

You know that you have been diving too much (if such a thing is possible) when.......

You go on vacation and spend more money on your breathing gas than gas for your car.(Depending on the occassion, guilty of this one).

You want to know the MOD for premium vs. regular.

The LDS knows your account number by memory (guilty of that one).

You have to reschedule your hearing test because you are in the middle of dive season and your ears haven't quite equalized from the time that you spend underwater during dive season (uh-oh, BUSTED on that one too.)

When you take off your glasses, you check your face for the "Defog".

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