You might be a dive addict

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If you keep buying dive gear and put them on credit cards, And wonder how to paid them off when you are unemployed, You might be a dive addict.

Like I am.
now you have me worried that i have an addiction! .... is there a scuba anonymous?
You know you are dive addict...

... when air travel requires advance planning due to residual nitrogen loading.
... the concept of "first dive without previous loading" is just wrong
... loading your diving equipment into your car increases it's value by a factor greater 2.
... you can't rationalise fixing some non-essential stuff on your car for €15 but see no problem with buying a third set of fins for €30.
... you can't understand the concept of not having your own O2 cylinder for mixing Nitrox
... the LDS sends people to you to try out gear before ordering, because you have a better selection.
... you can fill any gas at any pressure from the storage bank in your garage
... you understand the points people made in these posts.
... you can emphasise
... you fail to see the humour in stating the obvious :wink:

When people ask you what you do for a living, and the first thing you say is "I'm a diver" instead of what you've done for 30 years, yep, you're addicted!

TSM-multiple drysuits and can lights?-the benefits of a higher education!
You might be a dive addict if:

You think of the beach as simply a path to the ocean...

A group of incredibly beautiful and very friendly topless "German Octoberfest Heidi Girls" attempt to initiate conversation with you while you are traversing the beach on the way to a beach dive, and you just really want them to leave you alone for a while, and ask them to meet you back at the point of entry in 2 hours...
(Guilty! Turks and Caicos; Provo Ramada in 1992)

You have more than 4 scuba tanks in the garage...

You cannot get yourself to throw away old Dacor regulators for which there are no parts available...

Your children refuse to eat lobster anymore, and would really prefer Wendy's chicken nuggets for dinner...

Your wife has mastered the art of substituting lobster for shrimp in any recipe that calls for shrimp...

You really take a fine pleasure in calling your Yankee friends every Sunday morning in the winter to regale them with stories of 73 degree ocean temps and calm seas, while they are shovelling snow off of the roof...

You have a gear drying rack set up 365 days a year on the back porch of your home...

Every time you meet someone new, you want them to know that you are a diver and ask if they have any old dive gear laying around their garage that you could help them recycle...

And the list goes on and on..................

If people ask if your hung over at work because you couldn't tear yourself away from a particularily interesting post on scuba board the night before, and you don't even drink.

If scuba board and Ebay and craigslist have replaced all of your favorite tv programs.

if you live in a cold climate and own more BC's than coats

If your LDS has cards with your name printed on them to hand out to people looking for dive buddies... and you don't even work there.

you might be a scuba addict......but a very cool person
If your non diving wife mentions a vacation spot she's interested in, and you reserve comments until you can Google it to see if it has diving....
You might be a dive addict if:

...your boots feel funny when you put them on because you've been out of the water long enough for them to dry. drive around all summer with a broken a/c in your car because you'd have to interrupt your diving to get it fixed. spend all the money for diving that was once put aside for your heirs. spend less and less time with your non-diving friends. refuse to move where your family wants to because you live in a diving paradise and are not willing to give it up. won't even consider dating a non-diver. are proud of your addiction.

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