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It's the bugs, sugah. :wink:
It's the bugs, sugah. :wink:

My nether regions are completely free of bugs! Look, I might not shower in the morning on days that I dive, but I know what it means to be hygenic!

*grabs BC, drops trousies, it's fun you see...*
I'd forgotten I was even a member at this site, till I recently began receiving notices again about this thread.

If you posters are truly divers, this talk about scraping naked body parts on the sea bottom or sides, shouldn't be an issue. You should be able to maintain neutral bouyancy in almost any condition. I do however, cover my genitals when a large school of fish decides to cross my path and invade my space, tickling my "fancy". hehehehe :D

Hey Red, if a naked man bothers you, don't look.

Off Bonaire, the first dive went down to the scuttled HILMA HOOKER. That wreck has an interesting story to it. It sits on a ledge at 100' and temperatures felt ok at that depth. Being naked is the same as diving without wetsuit (swimsuit only), so after the first dive, we stopped on Klein Bonaire for lunch and some sun (naked, I might add. Our dive company, had received approval from the ABC government that we could remain nude for our lunch stop on Klein Bonaire. We did receive some smiles as other tourists passed us :D ).

After lunch and some sun/heat-absorption, our second dive went out to one of the most dense coral reefs you could imagine. After close to an hour at depth, I did become a wee chilled. I dove the third dive that day naked and did feel chilled but once back to the ship, I made it up to the co-ed sauna for half an hour to bring my core temperature back up.

The following day, I dove Curacao once again, on some of the most dense reefs in the world. By the second dive, I was again chilled, and donned a shortie for the dive.

If you're in waters warm enough to dive with a swimsuit, then it's warm enough to dive naked, but being free is what nudism is all about, not as "Red" is suggesting, 'cause she doesn't want to look at naked bodies. Or, look, keep your comments to yourself, and then get to know the person, not whether you think they're a sexy body just for you. Our dives are almost always, co-ed.

I've have always found, that divers are more open to nakedness than most people, because we travel to sites in dive boats, often without "heads". And being in the cold water, means that the water has to be eliminated from our bodies somehow. (I've travelled in co-ed groups where a bucket was placed on top of the wheelhouse for the ladies, and a bucket to the stern for the guys.)

I've had many interesting and lovely dives, and diving/travelling naked, just opens the door for a more interesting total experience.

If the Lord had meant for us to be naked, we'd have been born that way. I was born naked, and I'll hopefully die naked.

Enjoy life! It's already too short.

ACUC 1973
Hey Red, if a naked man bothers you, don't look.

If I recall, my comment was that I wouldn't want see some of the guys I've dived with naked. Some things are best left covered up. :shakehead
Some things are best left covered up. :shakehead

Like, murders. :)

Speaking of that, the sun murdered my skin yesterday *ouch* either I buy more sunscreen and marry someone who will spread it to areas I cannot reach, or I put the clothes back on! *ouch*
God, no.

Most of the guys I see diving I don't want to see diving nude.

You say most NOT all so there must be SOME of the guys you dive with that you would like to see naked! ;-)

Well, sugah, there are some guys I definitely want to see naked. :D
Why would anybody wanna dive naked? Thats just plain gross and sick!

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