Canon A570 IS vs. A720 IS - need advice

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Thanks Nemrod - Funny thing, but I think Amazon was a little cheaper than e-bay. By the way, do you remember who you bought from, and did you buy them together? Did you get a USA warranty, or are they gray market? Linda
Thanks Nemrod - Funny thing, but I think Amazon was a little cheaper than e-bay. By the way, do you remember who you bought from, and did you buy them together? Did you get a USA warranty, or are they gray market? Linda

Your confusing me. I got the camera and housing as a package combo deal on Amazon--not ebay. It was under 300 dollars. It does not appear to be gray market. I can check on that when I get home and see if there was a US warranty card.

When I said combo deal I mean they came together from Amazon: Canon WP-DC12 Waterproof Case for Canon A570IS Digital Camera: Electronics

I notice the price has gone up slightly, it is still a very good deal. I think mine was 289, I will look when I get home, the price can vary week to week on Amazon you know.

**************EDIT to finish answering questions******************************

The housing and camera were 285 dollars for me. I am seeing 276 dollars right now. This changes day to day.

The warranty is USA for both camera and housing--new.

Some additional info. It was shown on the Canon website that the A590 would use the DC-12 housing. This is apparently incorrect and the web page is wrong. The 590 cannot go into the DC-12 housing, that is kind of a bummer. Seveal sources listed this incorrect information so just in case this is important, you have been informed. A570IS users cannot upgrade to the 590IS without getting a new housing if there even will be one, as of now there is not.

Glad I read this thread - and all the way to the end. Since I have a few months before the trip, I might wait and see how reviews on the a590 are and if they release an UW housing for it. If not, it looks like I'll have to read up on how to hack the a570 for RAW.

Thanks for all the great info in this thread.
I am not seeing that RAW is available on the 590. N
Hi everyone. I'm back from my trip to Roatan. I bought the Canon 570 IS about 2 days before the trip. I also got the magic filter, but couldn 't find it when I was packing. Hopefully, it will show up when I clean up.
I had a few hours on the plane to learn how to use the camera - I didn't learn it all, but I certainly picked up a lot of useful stuff in a short amount of time. We used a 2 gig card, set the camera on fine (maximum resolution), and always had enough card memory, even with a few short videos.
My personal background - I've used the Nikonos V previously and really liked it. I do a lot of land photography and think I'm pretty good. Not an expert, but I've won several awards at our local photography club. I was looking for something easy, but with quality results.
Anyway, I want to thank everyone for recommending this camera - it was terrific! I also got the Canon DC-12 case. I got shots that I didn't think would work - we took a video of a moray eel in a dark crevice with no extra lights, and it turned out great. The flash that came with the camera was pretty good, as long as there was adequate light and we weren't too far away from the subject. Got some excellent color. I don't think it did great macro, but I didn't do too much macro - in the future, I may get a special macro lens. Also, we used it on our night dive with just a flashlight to illuminate the subject (and the flash that came with the camera) - fantastic. You just need a helpful buddy to shine the flashlight on the subject. Got a great picture of a fast-moving octopus at night. Also night pictures of lobster, crab, and shrimp without an external strobe - and with nice color.
Only problem is that I got sloppy one day and didn't put the o-ring back correctly. I didn't look at the o-ring until after we were underwater - Yes, the camera flooded. I just sent it back to Canon, and they told me it might not be worth saving. But, they will give me a free estimate and I'll decide if it's worth fixing.
The bottom line is this - having shot more than 700 pictures both above the water and underwater, I will absolutely buy another 570 IS in case this one can't be repaired. Although I felt bad about flooding it, the camera was only about $150 - and I think the pictures are at least as good as my other, much more expensive, digital camera.
It was fun to do the videos also, especially for fish that move too quickly for still photos.
We also took pictures of a sting ray that was at least 50 feet away (we were about 50 foot underwater, and the sting ray was about 100 feet down) - the pictures are not colorful, but we certainly got a good photo and video. I didn't get a chance to assemble a weight system, but I never found the camera buoyancy to be a problem. Our first dive, I did take the case down empty to make sure it wouldn't flood.
Lessons I've learned from this experience:
1.I plan to order extra 0-rings and will always carry at least 2 with me.
2. I will always look at the 0-ring to be sure it isn't pinched or misaligned after I close the case. If it does get pinched, don't use it. I will just put in my spare o-ring and be more careful when I close the case.
3.Fortunately, we brought a computer with us on vacation and downloaded our pictures each evening onto the computer. This gave us a chance to review our pictures and figure out how to take better pictures. Also, we didn't lose the pictures when the camera flooded.
I brought something called "PacSafe" - it was like a flexible metal mesh cage that you can lock to a bed. I think it was designed to protect a day pack, but I put my computer inside a black bag and kept it in the PacSafe when we were out. Someone would need a wire cutter to get at the computer. If someone is really determined, they would get the computer. It might not have been necessary, but I felt better about leaving my laptop in the room while we were out.
4.Teach your buddy how to use the camera, so they can take pictures of you!
Surprisingly, the camera card still worked (in another camera) after it was flooded. But, I won't trust it for important shots in the future.
5.I used Powerex Maha 2700 AA rechargeable batteries and charged them each evening. We had plenty of battery power to do 2 dives and more than 100 pictures without the batteries getting weak.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this decision. I would definitely recommend the Canon 570 IS and Canon case. (I considered the more expensive Ikelite case, but I thought it was overkill. With the money I saved on the case, I'll buy another camera. I don't plan to take the camera beyond 130'. And, others have stated that you can add lenses to the Canon case with good results. I haven't tried this yet, though.) Linda
PiratesM....glad you had a good trip(except for the housing flooding of course).........About your buddy using the camera, I just left the flash on, in macro, & white balance evaluated that I had just done........Here's the one & only picture my wife took....Also, if you'll put the camera on SCN in underwater setting, you truely have a P&S that will give some good pics(that's what I use on nite ives--and don't have to worry with readjusting any settings due to lack of lite)........ppost some of your pictures when you can........
Not encouraging that you flooded it. You realize that may soon be a discontinued model--maybe?

Well, mine clicked away at close to 150 feet, no floods. Mixed results due to various factors causing my attention to be needed elsewhere. I think in the end, given what I have seen, with some practice and learning the system, it should work just fine.

Well, inbetween dives I went to a few places and found that the 570IS is either sold out and replaced with the 590 or they only had one left, I grabbed it on sale for 134 dollars as a spare. Always need a spare. Amazon still has them, not sure it is discontinued or not. N

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