Ch ch ch changes...those little goals we make

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Becky - Welcome!! Anyone can join in to build a healthier life at any time :wink:

This thread is to post your mini-goals, those little changes that you make for life as you travel the path.

We also have a thread dedicated to getting at least 30 minutes of good movement every day - and it's kind of where we do a bit of chatting, too!

I, too, have a pretty big goal in a short time period, but as long as there is progress in feeling better, I'm going to be content with that. I'm not sure I can actually shed as many pounds as I'd like in the amount of time I've given myself (to first goal), so I'm trying not to fixate too much on the's tough though LOL

Again, welcome and I look forward to seeing you around here!
ok, what week number an i up to - i think its week 4

week 1: no gloria jeans hot chocolate or oak flavoured strawberry milk
week 2: no croissants from bakers delight and no banana bread from micheles
week 3: no snacking between meals
week 4: give up chocolate

so #1, 2 & 3 ive done

#4 i had been doing since week one BUT last night and i was feeling blahhh and raided the cooking chocolate - i will say within 40mins i was finding it really hard to stay away and had a total sugar slump!!

heheh - i notice my week 8 goal is to give up chocolate... again

so what does that tell you about me :D
ROFL almity!

I don't think you need to give up chocolate - have you seen some of the new research that has chocolate on one of the top five foods to help eliminate belly fat (good oils, avacados, nuts and olives)? Obviously it's not meant to be consumed in monster quantities, but having some is actually beneficial!

So, really, you just have to manage your portion control - isn't that better and easier than giving it up completely? :D It sure is for me LOL
i have no portion control Alcina - thats my BIGGEST problem!

seriously, if there is a cake in the house, i will have a slice and then it starts talking to me and i cant rest until it is all gone - im terrible!!

for me, it is better i just give it up cold turkey. i did this with coke 2yrs ago and i never think about it anymore so thats not a problem but choc.. well, chocolate is my friends :wink:

i have been avoiding the kitchen as i know the snack machine has all my favs and so far its working
I'm so happy that I hate the vast majority of candy here...the only thing I remotely like is the Old Gold bars or whatever that dark chocolate is. And one square keeps me happy for three or four nibbles - I think I just like the texture and little hit :wink:

Now chocolate chip cookie dough is another thing and I don't even think about having that in the house!
So, here are a couple of good chocolate subs -
Starbuck's Light Mocha blended frappuccino - only around 100 cals and is really yummy! They make a light java chip one also that is around the same cals and will satisfy your choc cravings! Make sure these are light and pass on the whipped cream.
Sugar Free/Fat Free Chocolate Pudding - only around 50 cals and will count as a good milk serving also. I really like to put fresh strawberries in mine and top off with some sf cool whip for a great treat.

The whole thing that I have been working on is figuring out what will work for me long term - as in the rest of my life. Some things, like FF cheese for instance, are never going to work for me. So, I eat smaller amounts of regular cheese and then cut in other areas where it doesn't matter to me as much. Maybe, going off of chocolate totally would work for a little while, but chances are, it won't work long term and I think this is probably the goal for everyone. If this is the case, figure out how to make chocolate work for you and not against you. Depriving ourselves of some things will only result in a huge binge every once in a while and this can derail you. You can do some chocolate in moderation, but you might try only buying one really excellent, high grade chocolate bar at a time instead of the whole bag of cheap grocery store chocolate to have on hand. Not only will this be more satisfying, but if you eat the whole thing, it wasn't all that much to begin with. Alot of stores have small specialty chocolates (health food stores in particular) and not only are they small, but most are the healthier dark chocolate variety. Good luck with the chocolate battle!
Thanks for your welcome Alcina! My goals for this week are..

1. To be in bed before midnight. I get up early everyday and seem to think I can get away with going to bed at 1.30 in the morning!

2. To eat 5 portions of fruit and veg each day. Does anyone else struggle with this? I don't ever feel like THAT much fruit and veg. It's pretty expensive too when you consider that it amounts to 35 portions a week. McDonalds is much cheaper ;-)

So, here are a couple of good chocolate subs -
Starbuck's Light Mocha blended frappuccino - only around 100 cals and is really yummy! They make a light java chip one also that is around the same cals and will satisfy your choc cravings! Make sure these are light and pass on the whipped cream.
Sugar Free/Fat Free Chocolate Pudding - only around 50 cals and will count as a good milk serving also. I really like to put fresh strawberries in mine and top off with some sf cool whip for a great treat.

The whole thing that I have been working on is figuring out what will work for me long term - as in the rest of my life. Some things, like FF cheese for instance, are never going to work for me. So, I eat smaller amounts of regular cheese and then cut in other areas where it doesn't matter to me as much. Maybe, going off of chocolate totally would work for a little while, but chances are, it won't work long term and I think this is probably the goal for everyone. If this is the case, figure out how to make chocolate work for you and not against you. Depriving ourselves of some things will only result in a huge binge every once in a while and this can derail you. You can do some chocolate in moderation, but you might try only buying one really excellent, high grade chocolate bar at a time instead of the whole bag of cheap grocery store chocolate to have on hand. Not only will this be more satisfying, but if you eat the whole thing, it wasn't all that much to begin with. Alot of stores have small specialty chocolates (health food stores in particular) and not only are they small, but most are the healthier dark chocolate variety. Good luck with the chocolate battle!
I've adopted a chocolate strategy very similar to your's and it seems to be working pretty well. One other thing about the more expensive chocolate. If you inhale the thing, and don't really savor it, you'll think you wasted your money. :rofl3:Thanks for the Starbuck's tip, though I hardly go there. Dunkin Donuts is offering free iced coffees on Wednesday and I plan to go and get a low calorie one.
heheheh - i havent been to maccas for ages (how good to say that) and did you know a big mac meal is 1200 cals - as im trying to stick to 1600cals per day thats alot of cals for me

we have salads with both lunch and dinner so getting our servings over the day

i break it up, carrot sticks & cucumber at lunch time for me, full salad for hubby and dinner is a greek salad for both of us so we get lettuce and olives and some fetta and anything else i can manage

i have a apple for breakfast most days (all i can stomach) and a orange at lunchtime

i also have home delivery organic food so i spend less time in the shops being tempted!

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