The Swine Flu thing...

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Man I tell you Don you are always on top of things, thanks for all your U R the man:cool3::cool3: this info will help a couple of clients of mine. Thank you.

Oh it keeps changing as I look, and it may do the same to the agent - but s/he can make it work. The divers need to get on the phones and stay on the phone until it works, not shop around online. :wink:
I've been sitting here for 10 minutes now trying to figure out how to respond to this. I know that you know better.

Lol... I actually keyed a response then took 10 minutes to erase it in fear of getting banned from SB for not playing nice. But I so badly wanted to tear that one apart. I believe the lack of response to such idiotic babel is response enough. :wink:

They've been saying this for several days!!!!!!!! It's the point SEVERAL of us have been trying to make! But I guess if you'd been posting and reading CURRENT updates you'd know that.

um, no she just said it today. Did you know all this before she did? :D

Though it was common knowledge Friday!?!?! Obama said something to the fact on Friday as well.

Sweetie, you're the Queen of cherry picking things that help your business.:wink: Read below, that is why we urged extra caution. And, yes, we
did not want YOU to get sick either.:blinking:

Aw, that's it... I've had enough already! Now that is just downright condescending and disrespectful!!! Why don't you ease up! It's been said a zillion times here how this whole thing is going to have unfathomable long lasting economic impacts to the all those that earn their livelihood on tourism in Mexico and the largely non-impacted Yucatan Peninsula. Your tone and attitude does little to put the lost income back into Christi's pocket for what has ultimately turned out to be mass media's, over-blown, exaggerated, hyped-up coverage in the wake of any political scandals or celebrity breakups nothing short or crying fire in a crowded theater. BTW... when you say "that is why we urged extra caution", do you represent WHO, CDC, US or Mexican Governments? All you did while representing "we" with all your well-intentioned ca-ca being flung about in the face of fun-loving, Coz lovers willing to throw caution to the wind and enjoy life for all it's worth in spite of all your doomsday prophecy. Get over yourself already... nobody asked you to save us all!
Haha you think that the TSA screening is safer? Say, I got an email from Nigeria and I need some venture capital. We can be rich. Interested?
Sounds like you're referring to the Homeland Security Administration when it comes to emails from Nigeria? I didn't say anything about being safer in regards to the current TSA Screening that is in effect. It's a good idea which I can get behind, but unfortunately, poorly executed.
I think maybe things are changing. I hope you're on this phone. This just showed up right into Cozumel airport and out. BTW, a key word to use often when asking for changes is "Can you accommodate me? That word seems to have a special meaning; you'll see it used on their site at times; it got me out of Cancun while hundreds were waiting for flights once. :wink:

Too little, too late for me, though. Continental just called and they have cancelled our flights to/from Coz 5/16-5/23. They *might* have flights to/from Cancun 5/17-5/25.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


I know they've rescheduled and consolidated some flights, but they aren't canceling flights in here all together. Check with them again.

Makes perfect sense... As is, Continental runs 3 flights down daily. If they can save a trip by consolidating, why not? No one should expect a boat in Coz to take you, the only paid diver, to a site. That is why it's called commercial air, not private. Keep checking and stop sniffing, David... I'm sure something will turn up. :cool2:
Your tone and attitude does little to put the lost income back into Christi's pocket for what has ultimately turned out to be mass media's, over-blown, exaggerated, hyped-up coverage in the wake of any political scandals or celebrity breakups nothing short or crying fire in a crowded theater.

uh, I didn't realize THAT was what it was all about? Sheeeeesh, all this was just hype to scare people? Thanks for clearing that up
Aw, that's it... I've had enough already! Now that is just downright condescending and disrespectful!!! Why don't you ease up! It's been said a zillion times here how this whole thing is going to have unfathomable long lasting economic impacts to the all those that earn their livelihood on tourism in Mexico and the largely non-impacted Yucatan Peninsula. Your tone and attitude does little to put the lost income back into Christi's pocket for what has ultimately turned out to be mass media's, over-blown, exaggerated, hyped-up coverage in the wake of any political scandals or celebrity breakups nothing short or crying fire in a crowded theater. BTW... when you say "that is why we urged extra caution", do you represent WHO, CDC, US or Mexican Governments? All you did while representing "we" with all your well-intentioned ca-ca being flung about in the face of fun-loving, Coz lovers willing to throw caution to the wind and enjoy life for all it's worth in spite of all your doomsday prophecy. Get over yourself already... nobody asked you to save us all!

Josh, just put PiFi on ignore like lots of us have. Trying to reason with him is like trying to teach a pig how to sing, it's just gonna frustrate the he** out of you and the pig still can't sing a note. It only took a short dialog with him for me to see why so many ignore him and why he's had so many Scubaboard vacations. It just isn't worth getting your blood pressure up trying to accomplish the impossible.
for someone that has me on ignore, you respond to a lot of my posts. :laughing:
No, they still see you quoted a lot.
It's been said a zillion times here how this whole thing is going to have unfathomable long lasting economic impacts to the all those that earn their livelihood on tourism in Mexico and the largely non-impacted Yucatan Peninsula. Your tone and attitude does little to put the lost income back into Christi's pocket for what has ultimately turned out to be mass media's, over-blown, exaggerated, hyped-up coverage

In a public health episode, economic impacts take a back seat to health risks. Nobody ever thanked public health for putting economic interests first. Public health tries to be responsible, explaining risk degrees and risk mitigation.

I don't think mass media have overblown it although the coverage has been intense. In a public health issue, officials rely heavily on media to get info out quickly. When it's been as fast breaking and evolving as this one has been there are bound to be errors and mis-interpretation. However I think the biggest problems arise when political arms of government do things other than recommended by medical officials like slaughter pigs in the country or quarantine school kids visiting China b/c they are from a country with positive cases even though asymptiomatic. The media are simply reporting which is their jobs - not to interpret.

All the public health folks have been preaching is good infection prevention/control which will be good in the long trm regarding any possible pandemic. They are our best possible defense.

I agree with the WHO regarding travel bans (no point) especially now that the virus is showing up worldwide. Infection control/prevention is the most NB! We'll see if that message sticks but I expect everyone will see much more of it as we wait to see if there is a 2nd, more serious wave later this year. If there is, it will mostassuredly be international in nature.

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