Why are so many female divers codependent?

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It doesn't matter to me who sets up my gear as long as it's done and done correctly and quickly to get me into the water :) I'm also not against anyone coming to clean my house, mow my lawn, take care of my animals and make all meals for my family. This would also make it easier for me to get away to go dive. :)

hey....we could be bfs

I like pragmatic people! nothing wrong with a little delegation
This thread is very interesting...

I am a novice scuba diver, however...

1. Absolutely no members of my family or friends have any interest in scuba diving. I took my parents snorkelling in Boracay, and they literally gave up after 5-10 mins.

2. My ex-boyfriend had no interest in scuba diving whatsoever. Actually, he didn't have any interesting hobbies besides movies...hmmm...Also, I noticed that men become surprised when I inform them of my underwater interests. What were they expecting? Crotchet and needlework?

3. I am an adrenaline junkie, and would be more so could I afford it. I have been skydiving, whitewater rafting, and I do love a good jet ski. If I had the means, I would take up shooting and formula one racing. I am also planning to undergo hypnosis so I can get rid of my fear of heights so I can go bunjee jumping and eventually go trekking to Base Camp 1 at Everest. At the moment, I make do with scuba and rollerblading. Vroom vroom.

So, when I got my OW, I just took it for granted that girls would be no different. I think this is in part due to my instructors and DM's of past not treating me any different because I'm a girl. Also, in my OW, the intructor made me assemble my own gear and clean it quite a few times unassisted, and so did the DM whom I did a refresher course with.

Also, it gives me a sense of pride that I can assemble my own gear myself. I hope in future LB's I will be allowed to assemble my own equipment from time to time, just so I know I can do it.

Also, in my first LB last year (Mermain II, Similans/Richelieu) I saw a French couple where the wife was more protective of the husband. She would let him board the dinghy first and she would go into the water after him. Also, during a time when my buoyancy skills were no up to par, I almost kicked him with my fin, and she protected him from it.

I have also met quite a few young female divers who travel solo (I am 23 and all my previous dives have been made on my own), so I just take my 'independence' as normal.

Also, I would like to add that I am a total gear junkie, (I have Princeton tech lights, a Mares MRS Plus, an Oceanic dive watch and Aqua Lung Slingshots) and often amuse myself by browsing scuba.com in a state of perpetual drool. There's so many things I want to get, had I the means, I would totally melt my credit card in gear and liveaboard trips. Further, I researched my purchases thoroughly, and read all the product specs with great interest.

Further, I absolutely ABHOR female co-dependency. I cannot stand it...it's so goddamn lame! For example, why do all my female friends who drive can't fix their own car, change a tyre or let alone wash it? Why is it always their boyfriend or husband? I don't drive, however, I have fixed my own blocked drains, windows, broken toilets and lights popping out of ceilings. I have also moved house solo (4 times, interstate and locally).

I have even killed a spider.

But that was totally disgusting and I hope never to experience that again.

So anyway, to all co-dependent female scuba divers out there, please learn to fend for yourself. What will happen, god forbid, if your husband/boyfriend was not within arm's reach?

Also, I think competence on a woman is totally sexy. Relying on your partner to assemble your gear for you is not.
First off, competence is a must in scuba. No ifs, ands, or buts....your life depends on it. That said, the two most incompetent divers I've seen were both men.

Personally, I'm more than competent to take care of my own gear. Sometimes, I ask for help as that shiz gets heavy. Sometimes, I'm just damn tired. So what? I've never heard a guy cry on a dive boat...."Boo hoo...I helped that female kit up. Wah!"
And just because my dive buddy helped me kit up doesn't mean I don't double check it to make sure all is well. When it comes down to it, I'm responsible in the end for my own life.

I just don't get this women bashing other women for trivial crap. What does anyone else care if my boyfriend/husband/father works on my car? Or if I can change my own oil/tire?
Its great to be independent. Good for you. I just think its more of a turn-off to look down your nose at others because they are not 100% like yourself.
Wow, this is from 4 years ago, but all I can say is that Texas must really be a separate country from the rest of the US. Who are you? This is the most sexist, horrible thing I've read in a while. Maybe Yankee women have another view of diving but you are stuck in the 19th century if you think that most female divers rely on their husbands for guidance.

I lived in the Caribbean and have been a diver for a decade and I taught MY husband how to dive, how to handle equipment, and how to be a responsible underwater citizen. You may be a woman, but you are also a sexist pig. Get out of the dark ages -- maybe you need a trip north to see how real women behave. It's people with your mindset that hold women back in the world. Dive with some women from the North and maybe you'll see how most of the female population behave.

Your post is offensive and ludicrous.
5continentbo.....are you directing that at the OP??
5continentbo.....are you directing that at the OP??

My guess is 'yes' seeing that the OP is from Texas. :)
My guess is 'yes' seeing that the OP is from Texas. :)

Yea, was on my cell phone and too lazy to look. Should have had a man look for me.


******on a side note.....I love this phrase....

"be a responsible underwater citizen. "
Look how happy my dive buddy was to help me change my gear out today!! I'm a lucky gal!!


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