2010 Fitness Exercise Challenge!!

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It's been a very long trip, and I've still got 30-40 more to go before I start building back up, but I did go to Dennys to celebrate.

WOW congrats... that is awesome!

I'm down 20 and 10 away from my goal before I begin to build back up!

And those last 10 are going to be rough for me... they are all in my gut :shakehead::no:
Well Jenny, it sounds like you're ready for kickin butt and takin names. You're doing much better then I could. Despite 18 years in special ops and tons of excerises in weight loss routines, I can't run worth a crap. Good luck and have fun.
You mean running is involved??? :D :D :D I can't run worth a crap either. I just do it cause my head loves it. (and now that I have "discovered" minimalist/barefoot running. my body loves it too!)

Well today was the day, I think, how did you do?
I finished the race! Whoo hoo!! Sis encouraged me the whole way. She could have gone ahead, but didn't (to which I am very grateful). We missed the start! LOL. The line to the bathroom was so long! But there was no way either one of us could run when nature is in control! However, we weren't the very last ones, so our adjusted time is about 4 minutes off the official time.
In the process, our pre-determined goal of running two minutes, walking two minutes went right out the window. The first 5 miles was 10 min. faster than my first 1/2! We were rockin'! Then my feet started to hurt about mile 7, and I was so thirsty I couldn't drink enough at the water stations. We walked almost all of mile 7, recharging for the final part.
Brother in law and Mom eventually found us about mile 10 and rode the bikes with us. It was good encouragement. It got to the point that running hurt less than walking, and that ankle twist I did a couple weeks back started to throw my already tired stride off even more.
We crossed the finish line at 3:17:30. Take the 4 minutes off, and I kicked my PR to the curb with this run, taking off almost 6 minutes!
The shoes I ran in are RocketDogs. Not considered running shoes, and I took the padding out and ran sans socks. But I didn't want to run in traditional sneakers. The end result was one good blister inside my big toe on the right foot.. the same foot that has the ankle issue. The bottoms of balls of my feet are tender too. A day later they feel much better, and I am very happy with the decision to run in those shoes. My previous 1/2s, I ended up jamming my toes so bad the toenails fell off, and had a bunch of blisters. Finishing yesterday with only one blister is a huge improvement. Oh, after the race, we gingerly walked down to the lake (Lake Erie) and stuck our feet in the water. Sweet.
Hi Everyone,

Humm did great exercising on the 5 week vacation, but post Mx Cenote blues and culture shock has stole my gym motivation. A couple too many quesadillas and the cold water UG’s are a bit restrictive.

Need a kick start to hit it again, motivate to drop a couple of lbs.

So think I'll commit to heading in to the gym tonight ;-). Great to see you all again!
Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd share what i've done over the past two months or so before getting back into diving.

I started around 215-220 (didn't have a scale at the time). I started taking the bike to work daily which equates to about 40-45 minutes of cycling total and then about a 2 hour ride saturday and sunday mornings.

I also finally convinced myself to eat correctly, which means actually eating breakfast and lunch. Typically I used to not eat breakfast or lunch and come home and basically eat three meals between 5pm and 10pm before heading to bed. bad bad bad.

So after about two months of that I am down to around 203 with a goal of about 190. Though the last couple of weeks I have cut back the cycling and have been taking sundays off as my own day of rest as I found that 7 days solid week after week was just taking a bit too much of a toll on me leaving me tired pretty much all of the time.

Anyways, that's me. :) Nice to see others out there with the same/similar goals and struggles.
Welcome Natew!

kathy, glad you made it back and posting again. Sounds like you had a good vaccy!

Where's Bob at? He hasn't posted much since moving into the house.
Hey ya'll WAKE UP!!!! Whatja all been doing to keep fit/get fit????

Me? I have taken some time off. Got an injury from the 1/2 marathon, Plantar fasciitis is acting up. so, in the transition to barefoot running, it is stated to listen to your body. So, I have not done much at all. Finally tonight I walked for a little while (barefoot) at the doggie park. My ankle started hurting and I stopped. Walked maybe a half mile, really trying to hang loose and relaxed.
Welcome Natew!

kathy, glad you made it back and posting again. Sounds like you had a good vaccy!

Where's Bob at? He hasn't posted much since moving into the house.

Hey Jenny,

Thanks ;-)! Yeah what happened to everybody?

Oh well, I still haven't been hitting the gym quite as much as I'd like but some - 2 workouts last week, a 7 mile+ walk another day and a few hour mtn bike. Time to step it up a bit... but it's so hard to leave vacation mode.

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